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Drive your car with your mind

Guest Fishtank

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I think it's possible this could be used by people who are incapacitated and cant physically drive themselves but if it does happen it will probably only be in the brief window of time before fully automated (self driving) cars are in use. When self driving cars are available, incapacitated people will be driven by them. This is obviously all on the assumption that self driving cars come after these cars which are driven by thought. Fully automated cars are coming along pretty amazingly but these thought driven cars still have the massive advantage of a having human being in charge and will likely be accepted much more quickly by society/politicians.

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having a human in charge is not an advantage :D


I'm the last person you'd need to convince! In the long term, with automated cars, traffic accidents are going to come down to almost nil.


It's the short term race to public use that these brain controlled cars will have the edge unless it really is stupidly hard to get to work.

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Guest Fishtank

Mercedes has already done a self driving car, there's a whole PBS special about it but due to liability issues they wont produce one, however the technology used has been put into their new cars, things like watching how sleepy you are, recognizing signs and checking your blind spot and warning you before you get over

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Yes self driving cars have been around for at least 5 years but none are good enough for all situations that you might encounter while driving. that's the key bit. Also the equipment needed is still too bulky.

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