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Me trying to sound like Biosphere


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I love Biosphere so I was intrigued to hear your track. I always think that whenever an artist states that a track is an emulation attempt of an established name it unnecessarily raises the expectation level and there's a danger of selling yourself short,often to the detriment of the music presented as some people will often approach it with a "Give me your best shot" attitude. That said, I checked it out and it's not bad! It certainly presents a Biosphere vibe but only because I was looking out it from your description, I can't help but wonder how people would react if you hadn't mentioned that artist.


Overall, the texture, loops and vibe are very nice,creating a warm atmosphere but personally, it needs to be far longer to have that impact of drawing the listener into the sound and I thought that leaving the sample loop clicks in kind of took away from it. They are rather too distracting instead of complimenting the track. I'd perhaps add in a very subtle low volume additional layer of hiss or crackle in the background and get rid of the loop clicks. The twin peaks samples work well but if the track were to be expanded, if they were used sparingly it would be certainly more effective.

Potential is there with this one.

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Oh geez, I didn't even hear the crackle until you mentioned it. I guess that's what happens when you listen to a sound a hundred times. I fixed it right away, and as you suggested, I added a vinyl record hiss and crackle sound to the song. Sounds better with it. I took the sound from the Aquarius EP by BoC. :P


Thanks for your reply. Give it a listen again to see the changes I made.

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