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movies that will make you cry


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Guest Mirezzi

Wow, so much crying over so many shit fucking films. I love you guys...


thank yourself, youre the one with shit taste

So mean. :shrug:

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i don't THINK so, but :shrug:


Yep. I didn't really cry, though.


Well, a little, at the end, where Ripley's like "you did ok" to Bishop and Bishop is so happeh but then HE'S CUT IN HALF.


Ok, serious business now, I'm going to write two words and everyone will cry. Ready?


Plague Dogs


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I teared up during Atonement
I was so perfectly unaware of the plot of that film that I did, too.

In fact, I had been thinking the movie's story was totally silly with the little sister all grown up, running around seeing the McAvoy/Knightley character reunited. Particularly the scene where she sees them kissing through the window. I was like, holy fuck this is cheesy and not at all plausible. When Vanessa Redgrave is being interviewed and that lovely piece of Dario Marianelli music begins to play and she says, "They died..." UGH. :fail::cry:

Joe Wright is a bit of a hack, but he really did a great job with Atonement.


Yeah, even before that it was quite melancholy, the hospital scenes, Dunkirk sequence, etc. Quite a setup really. Also, I had seen so many films casually reference the Battle of Britain era instead of reflect how dim and brutal it was, for example Hope and Glory (which is good though) has quite a happy nostalgic tone.


Little Miss Sunshine. The scene where Dwayne has a fit after he finds out that his Colour-blindness stops his from being a pilot.makes me cry like a little baby.(the bit when his sister hugs him)


I didn't cry at all but yeah that was pretty shitty. That might the greatest uttering of "FUCK" of any film ever made.


Little Miss Sunshine one of many non-crying inducing but nonetheless emotional films that are my favorite, including Empire of the Sun, Deer Hunter and The Landlord


i don't THINK so, but :shrug:
Yep. I didn't really cry, though.Well, a little, at the end, where Ripley's like "you did ok" to Bishop and Bishop is so happeh but then HE'S CUT IN HALF.Ok, serious business now, I'm going to write two words and everyone will cry. Ready?

Plague Dogs



lol. that's like the same level as when Goose dies in Top Gun - it's like "NOOOOOO YOU BITCH" but then you move on...

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or when Sam Neill gets shot in the Hunt for Red October and says "I would have liked to have seen Montana," and the crowd is all NOT SAM NEILL DAMMITFUCK.

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Seriously, though, The Plague Dogs makes me want to kill myself (whilst crying). I've never sat through it all at once.

Oh god, I want to hug my dog now but she died 15 years ago.


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Guest Z_B_Z

recently, the end of alan clarke's criminally obscure tv movie 'road' made me tear up. stumbled upon it on youtube. the end of his film 'scum' as well.


other than those:


the enigma of kasper hauser

one flew over the cuckoos nest


theres more, im sure..

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