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WATMM Fitness Thread


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Monday - Chest/Back/Bicep - 3 different exercises with 20 reps/3 sets

Wednesday - Tricep/Legs/Shoulders - 3 different exercises with 20 reps/3 sets

Friday/Saturday - Abs/Dorsal/Bicep - 3 different exercises with 20 reps/3 sets


If I have enough time, I do 1 hour of cardio before each weight lifting session, if not I'll do 30 min.

After over a year of keeping this up, I've learned that stretching is very key to a solid workout, so I do about 20-30 min of stretching before cardio and weightlifting. Stretching also keeps up your muscle retention, so if you take a week off you don't go back to looking like flabby duck.


You should do cardio after weightlifting. Also don't stretch before lifting. Stretch after though.


I was under the impression that cardio raised your heart rate and therefore you would have more endurance in the weight lifting part, therefore accomplishing more? I am no expert and open to criticism. Never had a trainer, just took some beginning weight training classes in high school and read up on some tabloids/ reading bits n pieces here and there.

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I guess it really depends on what you want to accomplish. I do cardio after weights because I want to work my muscles more when they're already tired (don't do cardio on days when you're working legs lol). It helps increase VOmax. Also because I stretch after running, but you shouldn't really stretch before workouts, according to the studies I've read.

If you want to really lose weight, then you won't be doing much weight training, but strength training, which is different.

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Guest Ranky Redlof

isnt it largely determined by your genes anyway? i remeber i had to take some test pre season in my first year in cycling and they could see by the vo2max if you would ever have a change of becomming a winner and even if you could ever win the tour de france and stuff. No amount of training could make a huge difference they said.


trained 4 times now, taking it easy but already see some difference and feel better overall again. Stuff like waking up is alot easier also. still drink 10 cans of soda/day tho. im an addict :(


anyone have recommendation on tasty protein shakes? I'm eating lots of "kwark" and eggwhites now but makes me feel sick after a while. but HORSEMEAT FTW could eat that shit all day

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Guest Ranky Redlof

Just because you can't win the tour de france doesn't mean you can't improve your own fitness levels...

largely i trained like a tourist and had the levels of a pro (72). too bad i was so lazy :emotawesomepm9:

no amount of training will make big changes so i dont see why you bring it up. unless you lived like couch patato your whole life ofcourse.

so what i mean is that your "fitness level" is not determent by a trivial vo2max data. if you start training skinny your levels will even drop down a bit just because you gain muscles. if your fat it will rise a bit because you lose fat. but both are becomming fitter...

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Genes are just an excuse that pussies use. I thought I was fat because of my genes and used that as an excuse to not exercise. But then I lost 65 pounds and I am now in the best shape of my life. what what



today: ran 5km, did a quick 25 pushups (lol)

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just did 161 pushups. :wacko:


been following this program. it's fun, although it ramps up a little too quickly. still, a good challenge.


That is bullshit. I mean, doing a push up programme is grand and all and Im sure you can get some really good progress.


But you need more than just push ups to tone your body. Id go as far as to say that only doing that programme would be more detrimental than not doing it.

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just did 161 pushups. :wacko:


been following this program. it's fun, although it ramps up a little too quickly. still, a good challenge.


That is bullshit. I mean, doing a push up programme is grand and all and Im sure you can get some really good progress.


But you need more than just push ups to tone your body. Id go as far as to say that only doing that programme would be more detrimental than not doing it.


well, i've been lifting free weights for years, but never tried pushups until a few months ago. has been great for triceps.


i also ride a bike year round, so...

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just did 161 pushups. :wacko:


been following this program. it's fun, although it ramps up a little too quickly. still, a good challenge.


That is bullshit. I mean, doing a push up programme is grand and all and Im sure you can get some really good progress.


But you need more than just push ups to tone your body. Id go as far as to say that only doing that programme would be more detrimental than not doing it.


well, i've been lifting free weights for years, but never tried pushups until a few months ago. has been great for triceps.


i also ride a bike year round, so...


Well the bike thing is irrelevant. I was talking about muscle development. Its weird that you say its good for triceps, ive never found push ups to do much for triceps.


But Id say continue lifting free weights along with that push up thing. You need to work your back as well or otherwise you'll end up with hunched shoulders, which leads to back pain. Happened to me, but I got it sorted out. Weights is about balance, especially when it comes to upper body.

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Guest Z_B_Z

Genes are just an excuse that pussies use. I thought I was fat because of my genes and used that as an excuse to not exercise. But then I lost 65 pounds and I am now in the best shape of my life. what what



today: ran 5km, did a quick 25 pushups (lol)


what gave you the initiative to lose all that weight?

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Genes are just an excuse that pussies use. I thought I was fat because of my genes and used that as an excuse to not exercise. But then I lost 65 pounds and I am now in the best shape of my life. what what



today: ran 5km, did a quick 25 pushups (lol)


what gave you the initiative to lose all that weight?


I knew that I was overweight and I just hated it. I felt like I let myself down (was a skinny kid and then gained a lot of weight during adolescence by just eating, weed, no exercise). So for a few months I tried to do cardio and weights but just gave up because I wasn't motivated time after time. Then around beginning of January I just had another go at it and I just worked my ass off. My girlfriend was really supportive which helped a lot. And about 5 months passed and I lost all the weight pretty much.

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