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do you work out?


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Guest fiznuthian

I drink a fuck ton of green tea everyday. I only get carbohydrates from vegetables (which sometimes eat more of than most vegetarians)((whom could usually be more accurately described as carbovores), I don't avoid fat. I avoid all sugar, don't eat any grains and only eat fruit like once every few days. I attempt to get about this ratio of calories from macronutrients: <> 50% fat, 25% protien, 25% carbohydrates.


With my budget most commonly I eat a lot eggs, broccoli with cheese, caramelized onions!, canned tuna, cucumbers, almonds, pork chops (always will cook with a shit ton of caramelized onions!), chicken, peanuts, pistachios, salads. I would like to buy more grass fed beef and eat big salads everyday once I get a better job.


I must say I think you're eating INCREDIBLY well, and i'm joyed that someone here on WATMM finally discovered the joys of eating real food instead of industrial/bagged/processed/junkified nutritionless bullshit . :)


These days i'm a fruit and tuber eatin' machine!

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fitz and BFC, did you "ween" yourself off grains and breads over a period of time, or did you just stop cold altogether? I would imagine that if your diet revolves around it for so long, suddenly cutting it out would have adverse effects, at least temporarily?

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Guest fiznuthian

I drink a fuck ton of green tea everyday. I only get carbohydrates from vegetables (which sometimes eat more of than most vegetarians)((whom could usually be more accurately described as carbovores), I don't avoid fat. I avoid all sugar, don't eat any grains and only eat fruit like once every few days. I attempt to get about this ratio of calories from macronutrients: <> 50% fat, 25% protien, 25% carbohydrates.


With my budget most commonly I eat a lot eggs, broccoli with cheese, caramelized onions!, canned tuna, cucumbers, almonds, pork chops (always will cook with a shit ton of caramelized onions!), chicken, peanuts, pistachios, salads. I would like to buy more grass fed beef and eat big salads everyday once I get a better job.


Im curious what drives you to live this militant. I try and eat healthy too, but you seem to take it to extreme. Do you feel you are ocd maybe? Does this manifest itself in other areas of your life?


I think you guys have the wrong impression of what it feels like to eat clean 100% of the time.

Food, like drugs, affect the human brain's hypothalamic reward pathways. I think Blanket can attest to this, that once you've cut out 100% of the junk in your diet for a short period of time, you no longer crave the foods you used to much anymore. There's no longer an emotional attachment to the foods you're so convinced ya "just can't live without". Suddenly, simple low-moderately rewarding and simple palatable foods become tasty treats. Things like brocolli and sweet potatoes disgusted me for most of my childhood, but now after eating them consistently for over a year I can honestly say that I ADORE them at every meal and simply never tire of either. I could eat things like plain boiled eggs and a slab of seasonless meat every day and never get sick of it.


The brain has a knack for recognizing and regulating nutrient intake. Don't assume Blanket is fanatical by reducing his diet to simple, nutritionally dense meals.


Funnily enough i've also applied this to the rest of my life and it's done wonders.. My daily activities involve cooking, eating, reading, exercising, and entertaining myself with my dog. Never been happier in my life and i'm about as far from being depressed than i've ever been in my life.

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Guest fiznuthian

Seeing the lower abdominals is a measurement standard for low body fat and core strength. Those are great things for your health and fitness. When I started getting back into changing my diet and working out a lot more my ex-girlfriend said she would most likely give me approximately 10 times more blow jobs if she could see my abdominals. Even if I only recieve 1.5 times more blowjobs from low body fat it will be worth it. I think it's a great goal to shoot for, a goal most people want but aren't able to achieve quickly, give up and think they could never get to that level of fitness. It's standard I would like to carry with me into my late 40s like I said. What the fuck is wrong with any of that?

you're just going to get a big gut in your 40s.. even if you're muscle. i'm absolutely disgusted by girls i know trying to lose (stomach) weight (these people aren't fat), and trying to get their bf/fiance/husband to lose it too (they're obsessed with their stomachs, wtf guys). but that ripped look isn't something for healthy everyday humans, imo.


Actually, he isn't going to by eating the way he does.

The idea that people get fatter as they age holds true in the Western world where nutritionally empty, calorically dense food is in abundance. The same thing doesn't hold true for any populous that eats traditional diets of meat, vegetables, fruits, tubers, etc..

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Guest fiznuthian

fitz and BFC, did you "ween" yourself off grains and breads over a period of time, or did you just stop cold altogether? I would imagine that if your diet revolves around it for so long, suddenly cutting it out would have adverse effects, at least temporarily?


The only adverse affect I had was dealing with cravings for bread. There's something about bread and grains that makes it highly palatable, and no matter how much you eat, a half hour later you could probably eat more.

Another problem is that grain-based food in a supermarket almost always is crafted with polyunsaturated vegetable (seed oil, tyvm) oils and sugars in combinations. This is intentional, as the combination of fat and sugars in certain ratios becomes insanely rewarding to our human brain, by way of the hypothalamus as I keep mentioning over and over again. This is how things like cake, ice cream, chips, and pretty much most processed food become "addictive". It's not that they simply taste too good, it's that our brain is not equipped to adequately regulate their intake.


I'm not bullshitting this. Food reward theory is a big deal in the field of biochemistry and has been actively researched for 40+ years now. The ways in which our brain regulates food intake and behavior are not well understood still as the complexity is out of control, but much has been discovered and at this point it's obvious to the researchers involved that the composition of our food should be a serious concern to anyone interested in human health

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Guest Ricky Downtown

can anyone recommend me a simple 2 week workout schedule or something? when i get back to the school i want to hit the gym and exercise regularly, like everyday for at least an hour. but whenever i get there i can never decide which area of my body to work out, or if i shouldn't work out more than 2 different areas in one day, or how long to wait before working the same area.


anway, this summer i have been doing about 50+ pushups a day, and im seeing definite results. especially in my triceps which was surprising to me.

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Guest fiznuthian

I'd recommend powerlifting movements..


Deadlifts, squats, bench presses, rows, pullups, pushups.. Can't go wrong with these. :)

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Guest Ricky Downtown

and i should do each of those on seperate days? thanks, i'm looking for something more like a schedule though.

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Guest fiznuthian

Well deadlifts and squats are use pretty much all of your body's muscle groups. The others use large areas of muscle. If you're going to do them with heavy weights every day it might be too much. Personally I do them all in one session, pushups and pullups too, but give my body a day or two to fully rest and recover. You're not going to lose progress by taking it easy for a couple days, as long as you lift heavy enough and make it count. Focus on eating well and doing other things on your days off. Resting is super important.

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Guest fiznuthian

Oh and if you don't want to sit still on a resting day, do high intensity cardio instead.

Sprints, stationary cycle sprints, bike sprints, hill sprints, whatever sprints. Anything that is both aerobic and anerobic. This stimulates secretion of growth hormone which, no surprise here, is beneficial for muscle growth.

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chest day was today, damn that was a decent session, I'm really learning how good form leads to better results


so true, right? i did bicep curls wrong for sooo long, and always hated how i never got the results i wanted...add that to a practically all-ramen diet, and you had a complete waste of time.


people like me get intimidated from working out because of other eyes upon you, big muscleheads flexing and grunting all the fucking time, it gets to be a little too much. \


but what got me going was realizing that everyone starts small, and its a very slow but rewarding process. its about you, not about anyone else there. you are improving yourself, everything else is just peripheral.



and yeah, chest exercises feel amazing...i think out of all the muscle groups I have made the most significant and noticeable progress there.

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can anyone recommend me a simple 2 week workout schedule or something? when i get back to the school i want to hit the gym and exercise regularly, like everyday for at least an hour. but whenever i get there i can never decide which area of my body to work out, or if i shouldn't work out more than 2 different areas in one day, or how long to wait before working the same area.


anway, this summer i have been doing about 50+ pushups a day, and im seeing definite results. especially in my triceps which was surprising to me.


triceps are one of the most underrated muscles IMHO!


Yeah, I started slow with pushups and situps. Now I do this:


3 days a week, alternating between:


1) A round of half resistance machines/half freeweights (takes about 40-60 mins because I like to really rest up and stretch in between sets)


2)about 40 mins of cardio...i only lift for upper body and core strength, because my cardio workout involves climbing/high incline slow jogs, so that helps beef up your lower body as well.


if you are like me, youll find that the farther in you go with the process, the harder it will be to convince yourself to take a day off. It really is addictive!

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people like me get intimidated from working out because of other eyes upon you, big muscleheads flexing and grunting all the fucking time, it gets to be a little too much.


No one cares what you're doing unless you're making an ass out of yourself and/or being disrespectful to others. Or possibly dying because the bench press bar is crushing your throat.

I used to think the same way - but anyone who is looking at you in the gym is either cruising you or possibly checking out your form (past high school that is).


So yes this part is super important to realize.

what got me going was realizing that everyone starts small, and its a very slow but rewarding process. its about you, not about anyone else there. you are improving yourself, everything else is just peripheral.


Speaking of the bar crushing your throat - never be afraid to ask someone else to spot you if you do not feel 100% comfortable with the weight you are about to attempt to lift.

1) Your safety and health is paramount.

2) The vast majority of other dudes in the gym - even those who are jacked muscleheads - they want others to succeed because they were at one time just like you. Only the real dicks will get pissed off - and fuck those dudes.

3) Just make sure you ask at what seems like an appropriate time. Right in the middle of some dude squatting 200kg - not a good time to ask.

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It's all good. I would not have defined by response necessarily as offended. Just annoyed and had to clarify. I try to not mislead when there is confusion.


You made the ridiculous assumption that of course I would without a doubt have a "big gut" in my 40s or at least implied so with two of your statements. You made the assumption that she was putting pressure on me to reach that level of low body fat and visible muscularity. She wasn't at all, no one ever has, but me, she just made the honest statement that she would get excited by that and probably be much more horny from it. Whenever I was overweight my girlfriends have pretty acted like they were content with my body when I wasn't. But, they all would have been more content with me if I was at my best, most confident, clear headed and most fit.


Green tea has ginseng and caffeine (good for your metabolism and energy) of course the antioxidants/flavonoids are good. "Green Tea Polyphenols May Repair DNA" etc. etc.

i guess it looked like i was, but i wasn't saying you ex was telling you what to do. just that i have experience of that happening...and it involves them switching to an ultra-bland diet, which isn't cool. this whole eating veg, steaks, butter, etc. thing is good



I drink a fuck ton of green tea everyday. I only get carbohydrates from vegetables (which sometimes eat more of than most vegetarians)((whom could usually be more accurately described as carbovores), I don't avoid fat. I avoid all sugar, don't eat any grains and only eat fruit like once every few days. I attempt to get about this ratio of calories from macronutrients: <> 50% fat, 25% protien, 25% carbohydrates.


With my budget most commonly I eat a lot eggs, broccoli with cheese, caramelized onions!, canned tuna, cucumbers, almonds, pork chops (always will cook with a shit ton of caramelized onions!), chicken, peanuts, pistachios, salads. I would like to buy more grass fed beef and eat big salads everyday once I get a better job.


Im curious what drives you to live this militant. I try and eat healthy too, but you seem to take it to extreme. Do you feel you are ocd maybe? Does this manifest itself in other areas of your life?


I think you guys have the wrong impression of what it feels like to eat clean 100% of the time.

Food, like drugs, affect the human brain's hypothalamic reward pathways. I think Blanket can attest to this, that once you've cut out 100% of the junk in your diet for a short period of time, you no longer crave the foods you used to much anymore. There's no longer an emotional attachment to the foods you're so convinced ya "just can't live without". Suddenly, simple low-moderately rewarding and simple palatable foods become tasty treats. Things like brocolli and sweet potatoes disgusted me for most of my childhood, but now after eating them consistently for over a year I can honestly say that I ADORE them at every meal and simply never tire of either. I could eat things like plain boiled eggs and a slab of seasonless meat every day and never get sick of it.


The brain has a knack for recognizing and regulating nutrient intake. Don't assume Blanket is fanatical by reducing his diet to simple, nutritionally dense meals.


Funnily enough i've also applied this to the rest of my life and it's done wonders.. My daily activities involve cooking, eating, reading, exercising, and entertaining myself with my dog. Never been happier in my life and i'm about as far from being depressed than i've ever been in my life.

i don't really want to carry on being a dick in this thread but... like, i liked brocolli and sweet potato when i was a kid. it seems like my diet is pretty similar to yours but i don't eat that much fruit (more into veg) and i do eat grains. the only processed food i eat is cheese, butter (from grass-fed cows yo!) and sometimes cured meats/smoked fish. i mean, on the topic of assumptions.. you seem to assume everyone eats badly. anyways.. i've been meaning to ask you something. when you talk about vegetable oils being bad for you.. does that include olive oil?



Seeing the lower abdominals is a measurement standard for low body fat and core strength. Those are great things for your health and fitness. When I started getting back into changing my diet and working out a lot more my ex-girlfriend said she would most likely give me approximately 10 times more blow jobs if she could see my abdominals. Even if I only recieve 1.5 times more blowjobs from low body fat it will be worth it. I think it's a great goal to shoot for, a goal most people want but aren't able to achieve quickly, give up and think they could never get to that level of fitness. It's standard I would like to carry with me into my late 40s like I said. What the fuck is wrong with any of that?


you're just going to get a big gut in your 40s.. even if you're muscle. i'm absolutely disgusted by girls i know trying to lose (stomach) weight (these people aren't fat), and trying to get their bf/fiance/husband to lose it too (they're obsessed with their stomachs, wtf guys). but that ripped look isn't something for healthy everyday humans, imo.


Actually, he isn't going to by eating the way he does.

The idea that people get fatter as they age holds true in the Western world where nutritionally empty, calorically dense food is in abundance. The same thing doesn't hold true for any populous that eats traditional diets of meat, vegetables, fruits, tubers, etc..

good point.

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Guest fiznuthian
i don't really want to carry on being a dick in this thread but... like, i liked brocolli and sweet potato when i was a kid. it seems like my diet is pretty similar to yours but i don't eat that much fruit (more into veg) and i do eat grains. the only processed food i eat is cheese, butter (from grass-fed cows yo!) and sometimes cured meats/smoked fish. i mean, on the topic of assumptions.. you seem to assume everyone eats badly. anyways.. i've been meaning to ask you something. when you talk about vegetable oils being bad for you.. does that include olive oil?


Ah, it's probably just the way I talk about things, especially when it comes to the topic of obesity. I work in an American hotel and 9/10 people who come through our doors are carrying excessive levels of body fat, either the standard obese person or the lucky (actually, not so lucky either) skinny fat person where body fat is distributed evenly. I consider both characteristics of a metabolic disorder and not typical of anyone eating traditional or ancestral diets. How does one become either skinny fat or obese? It's certainly not by being sedentary alone, it requires food choice. But personally I don't blame the unaware for choosing to eat terribly, I feel there's a much larger problem at stake: that our food environment at the turn of the last century changed significantly from the one we ate before.


Walking through our supermarkets I see 90%+ of the food like this:




repeating, repeating, repeating.. various combinations thereof.


Pretty much everything on the shelf is some combination of these three ingredients.. and bagged meat products ("100% all natural" right?) get packed with wheat flour and hydrogenated oils. Just take a look at how much junk food there is! Our kid's cereals are shit, their snack food is shit and it's all over the place.. There's an entire isle just for potato chips fried in hydrogenated oils. Pretty much everything in the store has been bagged to increase consumer appeal and processed to increase shelf life with little regard for human safety or health.

But hey fuck it right, it tastes good so why not enjoy it!


As i've explained above our human brain responds to nutritionally empty food with neuroadaptive responses.. but the consequences for our health go beyond the brain as well. Inflammation is a huge one, but that's another story.


So why wouldn't I assume most people eat poorly? First of all what people are told by the media is "healthy" actually isn't, and lets face it.. how often do you see someone in the supermarket with a basket full of vegetables, fruits, or meat, or plain old potatoes? It almost makes me feel like a weirdo sometimes.


At this point i've reduced my shopping areas to the produce and meat sections alone. I shop nowhere else in the store because I can't find a single thing worth buying that hasn't been modified to increase palatability.


So am I wrong to assume most people eat without regard to their own health? I don't think so. But man, I do apologize if I sound arrogant about it.

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Guest fiznuthian

Ah, and to answer your question. When I say vegetable oil I only use the term because it's widespread and recognized.

Vegetable oil is actually seed oil in most processed food but can refer to a number of oils derrived from tropical plants, legumes like peanuts, or seeds. I don't have qualms with palm oil, palm kernel oil, or even olive oil in moderation as they are primarily comprised of saturated or monounsaturated fats. Both useful and healthy in their own ways.

My beef is with polyunsaturated fat, and especially PUFAs that have been hydrogenated to increase shelf life. Otherwise they are unstable oils that oxidize rapidly. Fats that oxidize so easily are not fit for human consumption in my opinion. Eating the typical American diet it is possible to reach ungodly intakes of polyunsaturated fatty acids, far more than any human ever ate before in non-Western populations.


Tauboo, also.. it seems you eat fairly well! Even for a person who eats grains it sounds like you eat a nutritionally sound diet. Grass-fed butter? I never would have guessed. :wub:

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fitz, you seem to be very passionate and knowledgeable about this subject, i can understand getting a little fed up with less informed viewpoints.


could you give me an example of your daily diet?


i ask this because I might come this fall be able to make enough money that I can start making homemade meals of good quality once in a while. Problem is that I am a horrible cook, so if you have any basic recipes, shopping tips, etc. etc. Id love to hear them.


also, what is your take on seafood? i dunno if I could give that up, even if its chock full of mercury and other poisons.



man, had a great cardio improvement over last week. Increased the incline and speed by about 30% on intervals, and my average heart rate was still lower than usual. Looks like Im starting to get a six-pack too! (or at least a 4-pack)

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chest day was today, damn that was a decent session, I'm really learning how good form leads to better results


so true, right? i did bicep curls wrong for sooo long, and always hated how i never got the results i wanted...add that to a practically all-ramen diet, and you had a complete waste of time.


people like me get intimidated from working out because of other eyes upon you, big muscleheads flexing and grunting all the fucking time, it gets to be a little too much. \


but what got me going was realizing that everyone starts small, and its a very slow but rewarding process. its about you, not about anyone else there. you are improving yourself, everything else is just peripheral.



and yeah, chest exercises feel amazing...i think out of all the muscle groups I have made the most significant and noticeable progress there.


I felt intimidated for a while, but, at least where I go to work out, I've noticed that the stronger people are willing to help you. I've learned so much about bodybuilders who help out and they'll even offer to spot me if I need it.


Chest exercises are great... I don't see huge gains but my chest is definitely getting bigger. Do you do any auxillary exercises? Besides bench press, doing dumbell presses, floor presses, and dips can be a HUGE benefactor.

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Guest fiznuthian

Don't give up seafood. Also don't buy into the EPA's crap about mercury. It has an extremely high binding affinity for selenium, which is also present almost all fish. The two bond and are excreted as waste harmlessly.


My daily diet right now is 8 eggs per day cooked with grass-fed butter various ways, various cultivars of tubers with grass-fed butter and seasonings, and a wide variety of fruit. Whatever fruit is the cheapest usually.. I prefer watermelons, grapes, kiwifruit, bananas, apples, but i'll eat any fruit I can get ripe and cheap. Whenever I find a slab of quality meat for cheap i'll buy but, but I don't consider supermarket meat quality so i'll buy lean cuts and replace the fat with my own (grass-fed butter, kerrygold baby!) and season to taste. Every single day I eat a large chunk of Kerrygold or any other aged 100% grass fed cheese, for the fat-soluble vitamins they contain.


I eat to hormonal satiety then move on with my day staying active and productive. I eat when i'm hungry. That's my only guide really. And the food I eat is pretty much all I crave, like Blanket i eat nothing else and have no desire to . In the past i've experimented with ketogenic meat+veggie+sat fat diets and that's a great way to feel good too. I prefer high-carb though, for reasons related to thyroid function. It's possible to feel incredible eating either diet model though, just different types of feelings. A fat adapted ketogenic endurance runner will kick your ass in a race. Sometimes I do intermittent fasting but there's an adjustment period where the body gets accustomed to converting free fatty acids into energy. If i'm not doing it every day the adjustment can be just a little difficult, but past the 10+ hour mark of not eating things the sensation of hunger ceases and i'm fueling cells with fatty acid again.


I eat real food, and real food only. As far as recipes are concerned the sky is the limit! If it came from a farm and isn't a grass, go for it.. I enjoy making roasts with carrots, beef, potatoes.. Or i'll stir fry veggies sometimes. I make omelets and egg salads a lot. ;) Oh and soup, especially tomato soup with garlic, onions, celery, herbs, etc.. Yum!

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Guest fiznuthian

Hm, bulking huh?

Protein and carbs, and LOTS of calories is all there is to it. If you're not consuming enough energy no matter how much you lift you ya probably won't make a gain. The idea that you have 30 minutes post-workout to cram a giant whey drink into your stomach is a myth. If anything, waiting an hour then eating a humongous meal will take better advantage of elevated growth hormone peak. Either way, it doesn't matter too much from what i've read. What's most important is that your protein and carbohydrate intake is sufficient enough during hypertrophic state.


Also.. lift heavy :smile:

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8 eggs a day!


maybe i should eat more eggs


im too poor for protein shakes. that shit is mad expensive. I am certain that a good intake of peanuts and meat will suffice though I am concerned about eating too much red meat

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