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Michelle Bachman is an evil cunt


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Sorry, I'm using mobile, so I can't jump around and be nimble with my replies



no worries...im not angry


who would you vote for? would you vote?


I'd actually vote for Obama again.


As far as I see it, he and Ron Paul are the only valid choices, but I can't vote for a Republican who claims to be independent and at the end of the day isn't pro-choice.

Say what you will about the 2 party system (yes, I agree that it is flawed, at best) and Obama's robot drones. His economic policy is better than what he's getting credit for. Again, if he didn't have to bend over for the republican controlled congress, the recent debt ceiling/credit downgrade issue would have been a non issue.

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Sorry, I'm using mobile, so I can't jump around and be nimble with my replies



no worries...im not angry


who would you vote for? would you vote?


I'd actually vote for Obama again.


As far as I see it, he and Ron Paul are the only valid choices, but I can't vote for a Republican who claims to be independent and at the end of the day isn't pro-choice.

Say what you will about the 2 party system (yes, I agree that it is flawed, at best) and Obama's robot drones. His economic policy is better than what he's getting credit for. Again, if he didn't have to bend over for the republican controlled congress, the recent debt ceiling/credit downgrade issue would have been a non issue.


If he had a spine he would have showed how corrupt and irresponsible the republican party has been and how he has continuously failed to bring the parties together only to give the republicans more of what they want for literally no reason at all. He is no longer negotiating, well maybe he is, but he'd be an insane person to think that the results will be different this time. (by that I mean back in 2009)

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that's absolutely absurd, and it's also contradictory

you say that Ron Paul will run into the same obstacles as Obama and you list many of them. so how will this view of libertarian policies amount to a full on libertarian utopia in any way that quickly?


edit: when you level the same type of utopian standard on democrat or republican policies, those are actually very scary to me.


Are you drunk?

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i couldn't tell you what i "really think", because I honestly struggle with that myself.


I think for the first time I am willing to put "faith" in Ron Paul as a president actually doing something significantly good for the country...there have been no other candidates during my lifetime that I felt the same for.


When Obama was elected, I was in D.C. for the celebration. I saw what happened when people put their faith in change that never came. So understandably I wonder why I feel that way now...whether I should bother at all.



I think Jefferoo and everyone else that says Im crazy for thinking this has some merit. It is crazy. The very idea that I am willfully allowing a man I have never and will never meet have some control over my life in the first place seems crazy.


The downward spiral didn't happen on Bush's watch, or Obama's watch, or Clinton's or Reagan's. It happened on our watch. As a republic, we let this happen to ourselves. (de Tocqueville, etc.) so Im torn between watching it fall apart with everyone else or actively trying to change it for the better.


The two-party system is a death-knell for our bloated modern-day Rome. Decadence and abuse is everywhere, except there are no military or economic victories to back it up. As a student of the Revolutionary era, it really saddens me to see what we have done with such an experiment...hopefully it can be turned around....but it doesn't look to good right now.

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I kind of sympathize with the media here. Ron Paul is an accident, he shouldn't be president.


Kucinich is intelligent and worthy of attention. The system is too clusterfucked for anything really good to happen, but Ron Paul is not the answer. That's my opinion.

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I kind of sympathize with the media here. Ron Paul is an accident, he shouldn't be president.


Kucinich is intelligent and worthy of attention. The system is too clusterfucked for anything really good to happen, but Ron Paul is not the answer. That's my opinion.


Not attacking your opinion, but why shouldn't he be president? I like Kucinich too, but he isn't exactly running for president this time around.

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The media is literally a fascist fucking filth bomb. It's the most embarassing shithole you will experience these days. The media is the reason the system is fucked.


I mean it, stop talking about presidents and all that BULLSHIT!!! IT'S THE FUCKING TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kucinich isn't running, I suppose I'm being idealist and saying that I think Ron Paul is somehow not cut out for the job. I don't know if I'm just 'brainwashed' here [i probably am and am willing to revise], but Ron Paul strikes me as being a bit weak and possibly even unaware of how politics and the world actually works.

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seriously. the TV set is the reason the country went down the shitter.


not the people. not the government.


the TV. nobody actually knew what the fuck was going on. it's not like it was plotted, not exactly. the TV got invented and then people started watching game shows. The generations have been subverted.


the media are the fascists of this time. I'm not fucking around, when I watch Fox News I feel like I'm staring into the eyes of Satan/Hitler himself. NO hyperbole. When I watch Fox News, I am seeing Satan. And so is the nation. So are you.


MSNBC, eh. meh. don't care. Not good enough. It's still constricted to the talking points [Noam Chomsky'


Lol. But really, fuck the TV!!! LOLOL JUST KIDDING

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The media is literally a fascist fucking filth bomb. It's the most embarassing shithole you will experience these days. The media is the reason the system is fucked.


I mean it, stop talking about presidents and all that BULLSHIT!!! IT'S THE FUCKING TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kucinich isn't running, I suppose I'm being idealist and saying that I think Ron Paul is somehow not cut out for the job. I don't know if I'm just 'brainwashed' here [i probably am and am willing to revise], but Ron Paul strikes me as being a bit weak and possibly even unaware of how politics and the world actually works.



this is the part that I struggle with. how was Obama or Bush a strong president? How the hell did Obama play good politics at any point in his administration? What is this ethereal weakness of Paul's that doesn't appear in our last two presidents? He looks physically frail?

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John Stewart's segment was really good. I'm constantly surprised by that show.


The media is literally a fascist fucking filth bomb. It's the most embarassing shithole you will experience these days. The media is the reason the system is fucked.


I mean it, stop talking about presidents and all that BULLSHIT!!! IT'S THE FUCKING TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kucinich isn't running, I suppose I'm being idealist and saying that I think Ron Paul is somehow not cut out for the job. I don't know if I'm just 'brainwashed' here [i probably am and am willing to revise], but Ron Paul strikes me as being a bit weak and possibly even unaware of how politics and the world actually works.



this is the part that I struggle with. how was Obama or Bush a strong president? How the hell did Obama play good politics at any point in his administration? What is this ethereal weakness of Paul's that doesn't appear in our last two presidents? He looks physically frail?


You're right. I'm brainwashed. But at least my saying that demonstrates what the majority of the population feels like. His campaign team needs to REALLY step up their PR.

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Ron Paul represents a full blown revolution. Holy shit! I support the man. The strangest thing is that it seems even possible that he could win! And the MOST fucked up thing is that the powers DO NOT WANT HIM TO. I see dark days ahead.

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I'm not being sarcastic. I'm kind of surprised by what he said in that interview and I feel a sense of actually caring about this election and our situation suddenly because it feels actually honestly tangible that something might happen right.


See, I stopped reading the news for about 4 months. Watching the news is completely out of the question and has been for a year or two. The whole thing is a sham etc.




It's almost shocking how poorly the Republicans are handling this. How out of touch ARE they?! The Romney comment is just like, 'woahh... is this really happening?'

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