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Convince me I'm not in a Simulation.

Fred McGriff

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Guest Abstract Daddy

the whole simulation reality thing is just like religion and all that shite, people coming up with these ideas because they are scared of the fact that this is all life will be and that death is the end of consciousness.


life is blunt, blunt like an oldman whose been through some shit in his life


Quite a leap you've made there. Who says the universe being a simulation automatically means there is life after death? Either way, i get bugged by people who seem to approach and then dismiss ideas in such an ass backwards way.

i'm just saying don't waste time looking for this shit because life is just going to slap you in the face eventually or worse it doesnt and I don't just mean it for this situation. I'm talking about religion,exaggerated theories, even people who get to far into athisim and turn into athiest preacher you end up missing whats there is what I guess I'm trying to say in a heavy handed way.


but I've nothing against it I just like being a dick so morally I win.

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the whole simulation reality thing is just like religion and all that shite, people coming up with these ideas because they are scared of the fact that this is all life will be and that death is the end of consciousness.


life is blunt, blunt like an oldman whose been through some shit in his life


You mean like religion because their is a deity to worship or like religion because it can be mathematically proven?

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Guest Abstract Daddy

the whole simulation reality thing is just like religion and all that shite, people coming up with these ideas because they are scared of the fact that this is all life will be and that death is the end of consciousness.


life is blunt, blunt like an oldman whose been through some shit in his life


You mean like religion because their is a deity to worship or like religion because it can be mathematically proven?

religion because you waste your life believing in it.
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the whole simulation reality thing is just like religion and all that shite, people coming up with these ideas because they are scared of the fact that this is all life will be and that death is the end of consciousness.


life is blunt, blunt like an oldman whose been through some shit in his life


You mean like religion because their is a deity to worship or like religion because it can be mathematically proven?

religion because you waste your life believing in it.


Your confused. Not wasting life believing in it but using life in proving or disproving it. There is a difference. Obviously not everyone is dedicating their life to solving such problems but we are all prone in believing something? Why not pick something that has the chance of being proved. People have different use of time anyways, you can't say looking for the truth is a waste of time or whatever someone else does is a waste of time but whatever you do isn't... you might as well conclude that living in general is a waste of time. What one does with his on life is relative to each persons own life. What right do you have to judge other peoples use of time. I'd say proving a theory is a better use of time then sitting here and bickering with someone over the internet about what is a waste of time or not.

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Guest Abstract Daddy

like I said i've nothing against it if you want to believe in these things but my opinion is that its a waste of time, that life is short to go looking for answers to these problems. If this is all a simulation or something made by a higher being so what? It just makes reality feel worthless. If you spend your whole life looking for these answers then found them would it really make you happy? I meant only these types o fphilosophical thories (if thats what they are called) as a waste which most are, I'd rather someone devote their life to trying to find a cure to a disease and failing than finding out anything like life is just a simulated reality or than god is real or that we are all just thoughts in someones head. I'm not saying everthing everyone does is a waste of time and what I do isnt. If I was I wouldn't be on a fourm thats mainly about other peoples music, its just big thinking that annoys me because in my opinion it mostly ends up getting out of hand and every mad cunt joins in. I mostly likely am a narrow minded person on this subject but i'll give in alittle and say you are right someone has to do it I guess so just tell me when you find the plug and I'll tip my bonnet to you sir.


Also as I've thought about it, its all abit egotistical, thinking that we are important enough to warrant something like simulated reality.


p.s. does anyone know if there is a religion or genral theory that believes life the universe and everything is a waste of time?

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Guest Pennywise

like I said i've nothing against it if you want to believe in these things but my opinion is that its a waste of time, that life is short to go looking for answers to these problems. If this is all a simulation or something made by a higher being so what? It just makes reality feel worthless. If you spend your whole life looking for these answers then found them would it really make you happy? I meant only these types o fphilosophical thories (if thats what they are called) as a waste which most are, I'd rather someone devote their life to trying to find a cure to a disease and failing than finding out anything like life is just a simulated reality or than god is real or that we are all just thoughts in someones head. I'm not saying everthing everyone does is a waste of time and what I do isnt. If I was I wouldn't be on a fourm thats mainly about other peoples music, its just big thinking that annoys me because in my opinion it mostly ends up getting out of hand and every mad cunt joins in. I mostly likely am a narrow minded person on this subject but i'll give in alittle and say you are right someone has to do it I guess so just tell me when you find the plug and I'll tip my bonnet to you sir.


Also as I've thought about it, its all abit egotistical, thinking that we are important enough to warrant something like simulated reality.


p.s. does anyone know if there is a religion or genral theory that believes life the universe and everything is a waste of time?


you're wasting even more time by arguing about it.

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Also as I've thought about it, its all abit egotistical, thinking that we are important enough to warrant something like simulated reality.


:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

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Guest Abstract Daddy

like I said i've nothing against it if you want to believe in these things but my opinion is that its a waste of time, that life is short to go looking for answers to these problems. If this is all a simulation or something made by a higher being so what? It just makes reality feel worthless. If you spend your whole life looking for these answers then found them would it really make you happy? I meant only these types o fphilosophical thories (if thats what they are called) as a waste which most are, I'd rather someone devote their life to trying to find a cure to a disease and failing than finding out anything like life is just a simulated reality or than god is real or that we are all just thoughts in someones head. I'm not saying everthing everyone does is a waste of time and what I do isnt. If I was I wouldn't be on a fourm thats mainly about other peoples music, its just big thinking that annoys me because in my opinion it mostly ends up getting out of hand and every mad cunt joins in. I mostly likely am a narrow minded person on this subject but i'll give in alittle and say you are right someone has to do it I guess so just tell me when you find the plug and I'll tip my bonnet to you sir.


Also as I've thought about it, its all abit egotistical, thinking that we are important enough to warrant something like simulated reality.


p.s. does anyone know if there is a religion or genral theory that believes life the universe and everything is a waste of time?


you're wasting even more time by arguing about it.

its how I feel about it.
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like I said i've nothing against it if you want to believe in these things but my opinion is that its a waste of time, that life is short to go looking for answers to these problems. If this is all a simulation or something made by a higher being so what? It just makes reality feel worthless. If you spend your whole life looking for these answers then found them would it really make you happy? I meant only these types o fphilosophical thories (if thats what they are called) as a waste which most are, I'd rather someone devote their life to trying to find a cure to a disease and failing than finding out anything like life is just a simulated reality or than god is real or that we are all just thoughts in someones head. I'm not saying everthing everyone does is a waste of time and what I do isnt. If I was I wouldn't be on a fourm thats mainly about other peoples music, its just big thinking that annoys me because in my opinion it mostly ends up getting out of hand and every mad cunt joins in. I mostly likely am a narrow minded person on this subject but i'll give in alittle and say you are right someone has to do it I guess so just tell me when you find the plug and I'll tip my bonnet to you sir.


Also as I've thought about it, its all abit egotistical, thinking that we are important enough to warrant something like simulated reality.


p.s. does anyone know if there is a religion or genral theory that believes life the universe and everything is a waste of time?


Well fist off happiness is relative. Some people find more joy in searching for the truth than doing anything else. That is how philosophy was born. Pondering about these big questions and then thinking and discussing about it. Then from philosophy came science and out of science medicine, technology, etc... Also on the contrary, learning about existence doesn't make me value it less, it makes me value it more. I agree that people should want to devote time in finding cures but finding out how reality works/came to be is just just as beneficial. Imagine being able to control and change reality for the better. Having a model about how everything works allows you to then try and make things that shape reality hopefully for the better sometimes for the worse (e=mc^2, nuke). Kind of like computer code, if you know the code then you can easily hack it and giveyourself aimbot. With physics its just that, learning the computer code that governs our reality, I'd like to think that's something anyone should be able to agree with despite whether or not you believe life is a simulation and whether or not that is true. If people didn't care about finding the truth about things then you can say good by to physics, and good by to a lot of the stuff that makes life easy today, even good by to medicine.


Like I said earlier God isn't something to be glanced at from a distance, it is a goal to reach. There are no limits to what can be done, its a question of how far will we get not how far can we go.

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Guest Abstract Daddy

like I said i've nothing against it if you want to believe in these things but my opinion is that its a waste of time, that life is short to go looking for answers to these problems. If this is all a simulation or something made by a higher being so what? It just makes reality feel worthless. If you spend your whole life looking for these answers then found them would it really make you happy? I meant only these types o fphilosophical thories (if thats what they are called) as a waste which most are, I'd rather someone devote their life to trying to find a cure to a disease and failing than finding out anything like life is just a simulated reality or than god is real or that we are all just thoughts in someones head. I'm not saying everthing everyone does is a waste of time and what I do isnt. If I was I wouldn't be on a fourm thats mainly about other peoples music, its just big thinking that annoys me because in my opinion it mostly ends up getting out of hand and every mad cunt joins in. I mostly likely am a narrow minded person on this subject but i'll give in alittle and say you are right someone has to do it I guess so just tell me when you find the plug and I'll tip my bonnet to you sir.


Also as I've thought about it, its all abit egotistical, thinking that we are important enough to warrant something like simulated reality.


p.s. does anyone know if there is a religion or genral theory that believes life the universe and everything is a waste of time?


Well fist off happiness is relative. Some people find more joy in searching for the truth than doing anything else. That is how philosophy was born. Pondering about these big questions and then thinking and discussing about it. Then from philosophy came science and out of science medicine, technology, etc... Also on the contrary, learning about existence doesn't make me value it less, it makes me value it more. I agree that people should want to devote time in finding cures but finding out how reality works/came to be is just just as beneficial. Imagine being able to control and change reality for the better. Having a model about how everything works allows you to then try and make things that shape reality hopefully for the better sometimes for the worse (e=mc^2, nuke). Kind of like computer code, if you know the code then you can easily hack it and giveyourself aimbot. With physics its just that, learning the computer code that governs our reality, I'd like to think that's something anyone should be able to agree with despite whether or not you believe life is a simulation and whether or not that is true. If people didn't care about finding the truth about things then you can say good by to physics, and good by to a lot of the stuff that makes life easy today, even good by to medicine.


Like I said earlier God isn't something to be glanced at from a distance, it is a goal to reach. There are no limits to what can be done, its a question of how far will we get not how far can we go.

I've been watching this thread like a hawk (a.k.a a loser) waiting for what you were going to reply and I must say you've shut me up, it's made me glad some people are looking into stuff like this how someone can feel so passionate about it without looking mental. I don't know how to word it so i'll just say it feels abit cultist to me the more extreme thories about reality and the universe. Guess its because it feels beyond our life time or something I don't know I just found out i'm an idiot. I'm leaving the philosophy to other people.


If anyone can find something that was kind of like what I was saying but worded well and sounds convincing i'll skim through it and see if thats what I agree with.

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they are scared of the fact that this is all life will be and that death is the end of consciousness.


Some people seem to be scared that it's not.

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Guest Abstract Daddy
they are scared of the fact that this is all life will be and that death is the end of consciousness.


Some people seem to be scared that it's not.

I'm scared of both I don't want to lose consciousness but I don't want it to go on forever either. I can't find anything to go along with.
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like I said i've nothing against it if you want to believe in these things but my opinion is that its a waste of time, that life is short to go looking for answers to these problems. If this is all a simulation or something made by a higher being so what? It just makes reality feel worthless. If you spend your whole life looking for these answers then found them would it really make you happy? I meant only these types o fphilosophical thories (if thats what they are called) as a waste which most are, I'd rather someone devote their life to trying to find a cure to a disease and failing than finding out anything like life is just a simulated reality or than god is real or that we are all just thoughts in someones head. I'm not saying everthing everyone does is a waste of time and what I do isnt. If I was I wouldn't be on a fourm thats mainly about other peoples music, its just big thinking that annoys me because in my opinion it mostly ends up getting out of hand and every mad cunt joins in. I mostly likely am a narrow minded person on this subject but i'll give in alittle and say you are right someone has to do it I guess so just tell me when you find the plug and I'll tip my bonnet to you sir.


Also as I've thought about it, its all abit egotistical, thinking that we are important enough to warrant something like simulated reality.


p.s. does anyone know if there is a religion or genral theory that believes life the universe and everything is a waste of time?


Well fist off happiness is relative. Some people find more joy in searching for the truth than doing anything else. That is how philosophy was born. Pondering about these big questions and then thinking and discussing about it. Then from philosophy came science and out of science medicine, technology, etc... Also on the contrary, learning about existence doesn't make me value it less, it makes me value it more. I agree that people should want to devote time in finding cures but finding out how reality works/came to be is just just as beneficial. Imagine being able to control and change reality for the better. Having a model about how everything works allows you to then try and make things that shape reality hopefully for the better sometimes for the worse (e=mc^2, nuke). Kind of like computer code, if you know the code then you can easily hack it and giveyourself aimbot. With physics its just that, learning the computer code that governs our reality, I'd like to think that's something anyone should be able to agree with despite whether or not you believe life is a simulation and whether or not that is true. If people didn't care about finding the truth about things then you can say good by to physics, and good by to a lot of the stuff that makes life easy today, even good by to medicine.


Like I said earlier God isn't something to be glanced at from a distance, it is a goal to reach. There are no limits to what can be done, its a question of how far will we get not how far can we go.

I've been watching this thread like a hawk (a.k.a a loser) waiting for what you were going to reply and I must say you've shut me up, it's made me glad some people are looking into stuff like this how someone can feel so passionate about it without looking mental. I don't know how to word it so i'll just say it feels abit cultist to me the more extreme thories about reality and the universe. Guess its because it feels beyond our life time or something I don't know I just found out i'm an idiot. I'm leaving the philosophy to other people.


If anyone can find something that was kind of like what I was saying but worded well and sounds convincing i'll skim through it and see if thats what I agree with.


That's cool. You aren't kidding about the beyond our life time bit. I mean even to the people doing this kind of research/discoveries they are always dumbfounded about what their results suggest but it's probably just that that keeps them going.

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If anyone can find something that was kind of like what I was saying but worded well and sounds convincing i'll skim through it and see if thats what I agree with.


how bout "I don't want to talk to a scientist, y'all mother fuckers lyin, and gettin me pissed."

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

we are all flesh machines. complex brain computers in a bags of fat. so you're a computer-nerd2

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Guest Abstract Daddy

If anyone can find something that was kind of like what I was saying but worded well and sounds convincing i'll skim through it and see if thats what I agree with.


how bout "I don't want to talk to a scientist, y'all mother fuckers lyin, and gettin me pissed."

that'll do nicely.
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Guest Rambo



Researchers have discovered a new way in which computers based on quantum physics could beat the performance of classical computers. The work, by researchers based in Singapore and the UK, implies that a Matrix-like simulation of reality would require less memory on a quantum computer than on a classical computer. It also hints at a way to investigate whether a deeper theory lies beneath quantum theory.

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