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invisialign braces anyone?

Guest Franklin

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Guest Franklin

I'm interested in

1. how fucked your teeth were to begin with and how long it took or is taking

2. how noticeable you feel they are to others (lots of people won't say "hey you have braces" but they might tend to look at your mouth more) and how long it takes to adapt your speech with each set of inserts

3. I understand that you cant chew gum but have you done it anyways and what happened

4. how much pain they cause you


I have teeth that are pretty fucked and I think I'm at the point where I am established (married, am a professional, run a business etc) and just want to look better. but I have a clientele that would likely not take well to noticing braces as it would automatically bias them in one of a few ways that might distract them and negatively affect our therapy. I also have a condition that makes it difficult to talk and produce saliva so I need gum but have read that it's not allowed b/c it sticks to the inserts. and I cant move to other things because they coat your tongue and I dont have time to stop and brush my tongue off constantly. And finally, I'm interested in how painful they are because I am a huge wimp, especially with my teeth and gums. keep in mind that my teeth are fucked and they will have to be moved a great distance compared to the majority of the examples on the website and on youtube. In fact I look at most of the pictures and videos and I'm like what the fuck are these people getting braces for?

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I only had invisilign retainers. And they hurt for a little bit. I imagine invisilign braces would hurt more than real braces since they have to tweak them every few months and force them into place.


Chewing gum with them in would have been completely non enjoyable.

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Guest Iain C

1. how fucked your teeth were to begin with and how long it took or is taking


Not THAT fucked. One front tooth that stuck out quite a long way. Always bothered me though and I was quite self-conscious about my smile.


Been just over 18 months so far - was supposed to be done in less than a year but needed refinements. Lesson - actually WEAR your aligners.


They DID make a massive difference in a short space of time though and I'm VERY happy with the results. Don't even think about my formerly-crooked teeth any more.



2. how noticeable you feel they are to others (lots of people won't say "hey you have braces" but they might tend to look at your mouth more) and how long it takes to adapt your speech with each set of inserts


Most people I point it out to hadn't noticed. Sometimes my girlfriend asks me whether I'm wearing them or not. Honestly, they're pretty low-key. What people notice more (especially when they're off) are the little hooks that adhere to your teeth. They can also be pretty sharp. I filed mine down a little.



3. I understand that you cant chew gum but have you done it anyways and what happened


Not chewed gum. But I've tried to eat stuff like crisps and almonds. Don't bother. It feels gross and weird. Smoking can be a bit strange too.


4. how much pain they cause you


This varies from fortnight to fortnight depending on the aligner. Sometimes quite a bit, but only when you first put them in. You fail to notice it after a few hours. And after a few days/a week into each aligner, your teeth have moved and they don't hurt any more. By the time you're ready for the next aligner, they're even a little loose.



You're welcome. I'm leaving again now.

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Guest Gary C

My girlfriend (who is not Iain C) had a brace for ~6 months last year. She would tell you that, yeah, the most painful time is after retightening. She would pop painkillers, but it would subside within a few days.


She didn't eat crisps, or a lot of bread, whilst she had braces, but I didn't notice much else.


I don't know what Invisalign is, but she had clear braces that she wore constantly. At first they would scratch the inside of her mouth, but that lessened over time and with dental wax.


As far as anyone noticing; her friends didn't notice until she told them and strangers may have glanced, but who gives a fuck about strangers?

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Guest fiznuthian

I tried invisalign but can be terribly stubborn and don't really dislike my teeth so I gave up..


I will warn you.. DO NOT SKIP SIZES.. Wear them every day all day before you go back to your dentist for the next size tray.. This is where people sometimes usually pop painkillers.

I made the mistake of not telling my dentist that I hadn't been wearing mine for months and she attempted to go two sizes up.. She literally forced the tray onto my teeth, pulling both upper and lower teeth together..

This was 10/10 pain... really fucking painful.. she somehow didn't find out. I kept my mouth shut, immediately ran outside afterward, and ripped them off my teeth. They were bleeding all over the place.


Invisalign is definitely better than braces no matter how you look at it.. they work just as well and are for the most part invisible to anyone unsuspecting.

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Guest peteisfat

They work pretty well, they're just a pain to take out every time you when you want to eat something. Also do your best not to lose yours. I stupidly hadleft mine in their case in my pocket and lost them on a rollercoaster and it was painful as fuck to go up another size.

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Guest Franklin

honestly I've first got to find a dentist, and then second I'm going to try to get her/him to talk me out of it because I'm secretly/publicly afraid of the pain. lol.

I was hoping for this itt:( and instead got more of the "it goes away in a day kind of pain" which is what I got when I had my tonsils removed.


also, I'm not sure anybody wants to see how awful my teeth are. Don't dentists have like really high suicide rates? I should probably know that.

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Guest fiznuthian

Hey franklin if you have cavities this might be worth a read.. here's a series of links documenting research by an old dentist.. his discovery was that teeth under the right conditions will not only stop decaying but heal themselves.. I don't know if this is relevant to you as this doesn't help alignment issues too much, but for decaying teeth it works wonders.


1. http://wholehealthso...ooth-decay.html

2. http://wholehealthso...ooth-decay.html

3. http://wholehealthso...ersal-diet.html

4. http://wholehealthso...ing-due-to.html

5. http://wholehealthso...-anecdotes.html


I eat really similarly to this diet anyway, so for me it was easy to meet the requirements.. sure enough, the first cavity of my life ended up disappearing into thin air.

It's probably not for everyone, most people are so emotionally attached to the foods they consume.

But if teeth mean that much to you maybe consider it.


And yeah im not going to lie invisalign hurts, but its no more painful than any other braces.. and you damn well know 13 year old girls survive that every day. ;)

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