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Modifying Album Track Lists


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I've never understood why people find Drukqs jarring, but I think I have a short attention span, because usually when people call an album good or consistent or cohesive, I find them to be MIND-NUMBINGLY BORING. Animal Collective is a perfect example: I love Feels and Strawberry Jam because every track sounds different, and the flow of the album takes you to a lot of different places. But I rarely listen to Merriweather because every song sounds the same!


Drukqs works perfectly, the piano tracks provide breathing space for the more insane dnb based tracks. It's all about tension and release. It feels like a soundtrack to me, and it works nicely as the soundtrack to someones life.


That's the problem with a lot of albums out there, there's no breathing space, it's all crammed full of ideas and it just gives me a headache. Good albums have quiet, simple bits either as separate songs or as smaller sections of longer songs.


This is one reason why I don't rearrange albums, especially if it's one I like. I find it disrespectful actually, if the artist wants it there, I leave it. Even if I don't like it, it usually adds to the whole. There are rare instances where I skip certain tracks, but usually that's only when I'm listening to albums that I don't particularly like as a whole.




most of you guys have no imagination. how boring would drukqs be if it was all piano tracks on one disc? it would just blend together and suck. i really hope you guys who make music have some concept of tension, otherwise your albums must be boring as fuck.




Omg yes.



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You guys only edit out whole tracks? I edit out minuscule portions of tracks that I don't like.


That little snare sound 35 seconds into 4 from the RDJ album? Yup, I cut it out. That shit won't be ruining my listening experience anymore.


Actually reminds me of the time, I did a noise profile of that HIGH pitched tone in Ventolin - and removed it from the track. I didn't keep it like that but it was much more listenable.

You know, I've become so desensitised to it that I don't even find it annoying anymore, it used to give me a headache. IDM 4 LYF

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I was thinking about the alternative tracklisting of Tool's Lateralus, which just switches places of the tracks and not removing any tracks, when reading the topic title.


I don't remove tracks. If I don't like a track I just skip it.

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