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Which presidential candidate will you vote for?


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did Rand Paul speak at the convention? Last i heard he was going to. I'm curious what his speech would be after he betrayed his following and tried to get my sister fired from Russia Today


Damn more details?

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scroll to 4:20 in



because of the above video, Rand Paul reported Abby to a senate hearing committee for 'breaking senate rules' . Her job got an ominous phone call (none of it was in writing) saying that if they don't fire abby that the entire network could get their press credentials taken away. She went into a hearing to discuss her 'violating the rules' and they agreed she violated no rules. Rand Paul tried and failed to intimidate her and the network Russia Today.




i'm not really a fan of Luke (or wearechange), but he and Abby must have hit a nerve in the Rand Paul camp




(followup confrontation)



the most interesting thing to come out of all of this, since she didn't loose her job, was that Ron Paul/Rand Paul fans are split down the middle about what happened. They did a poll on the daily paul basically asking 'is abby telling the truth?' and 65% of the people who responded to it said no.


edit: and i just watched his speech, it was so boring i had to turn it off 1 minute in. I just can't help but wonder what his dad thinks of all this. Ron was offered a speaking slot but turned it down and held his own convention.

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scroll to 4:20 in



because of the above video, Rand Paul reported Abby to a senate hearing committee for 'breaking senate rules' . Her job got an ominous phone call (none of it was in writing) saying that if they don't fire abby that the entire network could get their press credentials taken away. She went into a hearing to discuss her 'violating the rules' and they agreed she violated no rules. Rand Paul tried and failed to intimidate her and the network Russia Today.




i'm not really a fan of Luke (or wearechange), but he and Abby must have hit a nerve in the Rand Paul camp




(followup confrontation)



the most interesting thing to come out of all of this, since she didn't loose her job, was that Ron Paul/Rand Paul fans are split down the middle about what happened. They did a poll on the daily paul basically asking 'is abby telling the truth?' and 65% of the people who responded to it said no.


edit: and i just watched his speech, it was so boring i had to turn it off 1 minute in. I just can't help but wonder what his dad thinks of all this. Ron was offered a speaking slot but turned it down and held his own convention.


This was really inspirational... your sister is awesome. I should really listen to more media roots podcasts. Keep up the good work.


Does Ron Paul often show support towards Rand? I find it hard to believe Ron Paul would approve of this behavior just judging on the fact that he has been extremely consistent with his views to the point that he can't be a fan of the GOP as it exists today.

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yup, i think i similarly echo that Abby has far larger balls than most men these days.



Also, the RNC?


I never thought I would say this, but fuck you Clint Eastwood. Fuck you Clint. Fuck you.

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scroll to 4:20 in



because of the above video, Rand Paul reported Abby to a senate hearing committee for 'breaking senate rules' . Her job got an ominous phone call (none of it was in writing) saying that if they don't fire abby that the entire network could get their press credentials taken away. She went into a hearing to discuss her 'violating the rules' and they agreed she violated no rules. Rand Paul tried and failed to intimidate her and the network Russia Today.




i'm not really a fan of Luke (or wearechange), but he and Abby must have hit a nerve in the Rand Paul camp




(followup confrontation)



the most interesting thing to come out of all of this, since she didn't loose her job, was that Ron Paul/Rand Paul fans are split down the middle about what happened. They did a poll on the daily paul basically asking 'is abby telling the truth?' and 65% of the people who responded to it said no.


edit: and i just watched his speech, it was so boring i had to turn it off 1 minute in. I just can't help but wonder what his dad thinks of all this. Ron was offered a speaking slot but turned it down and held his own convention.


This was really inspirational... your sister is awesome. I should really listen to more media roots podcasts. Keep up the good work.


Does Ron Paul often show support towards Rand? I find it hard to believe Ron Paul would approve of this behavior just judging on the fact that he has been extremely consistent with his views to the point that he can't be a fan of the GOP as it exists today.


i think its pretty much agreed upon that Ron Paul staged his seperate convention partially under the pretenses that him bowing out catering to his constituents wouldn't sabotage Rand's burgeoning career as a DC playmate.

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Smells like Koch.


P.S. Afaik RT needs no introduction, I watch them every day. Kind of surprised to learn that a WATMMer has a sibling on there, very cool!

that's pretty much the most unsurprising thing ever to be honest, RT will pick absolutely anything that undermines USA, it's a russian, state owned propaganda channel with some actual journalism bits here and there to make it look less suspicious to the neo-hippies.

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you don't have to be actually influenced yourselves, your activities just happen to serve putin's regime, which doesn't really have "well being of americans" in its priorities and goals list.

great job !

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you don't have to be actually influenced yourselves, your activities just happen to serve putin's regime, which doesn't really have "well being of americans" in its priorities and goals list.

great job !


Americans watch RT, spreading truth is positive, don't be a cunt

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It's ok, if Eugene's problem with propaganda was more consistent he'd potentially have a cogent point.


and thanks for being concerned on behalf of the American public, a country in which you do not live (it's not WWII anymore, you have no reason to norman rockwell us)

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you don't have to be actually influenced yourselves, your activities just happen to serve putin's regime, which doesn't really have "well being of americans" in its priorities and goals list.

great job !


Americans watch RT, spreading truth is positive, don't be a cunt


RT is extremely selective about truths it chooses to channel. even reddit politics/news posters realize that RT is bullshit, how come watmm is always getting stuck in this idiotic college-dropout like conspiracy tinged rhetoric..

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Interesting that I had no idea who to vote for. Now I no. Jill Stein or Obama again.


Probably Jill though. I liike that name.


82% match.

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if there is any way i can ramp up your hostility even more please let me know, it's amusing to watch you flounder


edit: you've made your point about RT being whatever it is you think they are, which has been fairly taken. But what does it have to do with watmm getting stuck in conspiracy tinged rhetoric? My sister almost got fired for asking a US senator a question. If you want to use that subject as an excuse to soapbox i dont know what to tell you, i'm not going to bite

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what hostility ? do you actually believe that RT is helping americans ?


your sister is a useful idiot who happens to look good and say what fits with with russian gov agenda so she was put on RT, don't try to make any more of that. the paul thing is just noise.

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you don't have to be actually influenced yourselves, your activities just happen to serve putin's regime, which doesn't really have "well being of americans" in its priorities and goals list.

great job !


Americans watch RT, spreading truth is positive, don't be a cunt


RT is extremely selective about truths it chooses to channel. even reddit politics/news posters realize that RT is bullshit, how come watmm is always getting stuck in this idiotic college-dropout like conspiracy tinged rhetoric..


because this is the internet, not the bloody tv... people from anywhere can watch that youtube video... you are being nitpicky to the point of nano-bot wankry

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my biggest complaint on Russia Today is not that they are owned by the russian government. It's that they are a 24 hour news channel that attempts to emulate the aesthetics of fox news, cnn and msnbc when their resources could be better spent just doing hard hitting journalism.


and no, i dont think Russia today is hurting the american public, i think msnbc ,cnn, and foxnews are doing a much better job at inflicting pain upon us.

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If anything because US mainstream is just as manipulative/propaganda in favor of the US, RT is the yang, the opposite. So the truth will usually lie maybe in the middle somewhere? Regardless most developed nations have media that is biased in favor of their culture/politics/agenda etc... so you may be correct about RT, but that doesn't make the story illegitimate, especially considering the video evidence and a watmm users own testimony.

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It makes one wonder if the cold war really ever ended. My personal baseless take on it is that America is so ahead of the curve as far as modern technologically advanced propaganda in the form of 'news' that Russia felt they had to enter into the arena of what i see as a very complex information war. Those channels i listed earlier don't just have an effect on American discourse but are so far reaching that they effect the entire civilized world.


edit: apologies for derailing the thread, anyone catch Romney's speech? Seriously bad make-up job, they gave him gaunt yellow blush and darkened sunken in eye shadow.

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Guest Iain C

It's always fun to see hypocritical politicians (like, um, all of them) getting put on the spot by the media even if it's from an organisation with a biased agenda (like, um, all of them.) But I reckon you can achieve better results by shovelling dog-shit through their letterboxes.


Good on your sister though, Robbie. And I think you're absolutely right about the cold war never really ending - the Russian state still regularly target journalists and conduct assassinations abroad (look at Alexander Litvinenko for example).


But I still can't get behind Ron Paul or his principles. Unfettered, state-free capitalism is still completely antithetical to true liberty.


And with regards to Romney's appearance, I generally think he has the best hair of any US politicians, for what it's worth.

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Guest Iain C

Interestingly, Romney claims not to use any hair products: http://www.getkempt.com/current-affairs/does-mitt-romney-use-hair-product-a-critical-investigation.php


For anyone who knows gents' hair, though, that's clearly bollocks. This article suggests he uses a "grooming cream" but I don't think he's that old-fashioned. On purely a hunch, I'd say he uses American Crew products which are nice but too expensive for me.

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