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Nutty Assemblage

Guest Erothyme

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Nice work, if I was to pick on anything it'd be your squelchy bass sound, that I guess is off some vst? It lacks a little low bass or width even, maybe a tiny little bit of chorus to fatten it up?

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Love the subtle programming... makes me intensely jealous at your attention to detail and patience! Really cool glitches too.


Genius. I don't know I've heard many other tracks that succeed this well at this tempo and level of intricacy besides ones by VS, AFX, Squarepusher too. You don't sound like them, though.


I think the bass sounds perfect, btw.

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This is the kind of glitchy music I like, where on the surface it seems loose & all over the place, but when you pay attention there's a nice song in it, something that could probably be played on a piano & hold up perfectly well even without all the zany.


The bit starting ~1:45ish is magical

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wow, this is some super good detailed beat programming dude !
favorite part is where the melody kicks in, keep it up, nice stuff (I'd loved some more atmospheric part, too, but thats just my personal view )

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