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Here is something i played on the piano last night.


I cant play, i dont mix, but i plan in the future to get better, technically.


Right now it's soup country, but inbetween the mud, maybe some alright peaces.


I try to experiment with sonative and dissonatives, somehow.


I now very little about music technically and intellectually.


It gets a bit boring in the start, I do it all in one take, so i try to find and end up with something coherent,

however halting. The ending is bullshit too.


I just enjoy expressing myself, however retarded and incomplete.





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I agree. I will set it up.


I could cut it down in Cubase,

but you see, I am very sick at the moment, like at home kind of support for ill people, only im not,

im on student loans in germany, on the border of luxembourg, taking CBD acids, as in Cannabidiolic acid.

I combine this with my newly precripted Bedrocan, medicinal Cannabis.


Together, these to make it possible for me to advance further towards equilibrium, but I am still very ill.


Abnormal, and subtle, like cushing syndrome on the outside, inside can be too abnormal and subtle,

but no one can see thoughts.



Anyways, I just wanna sling some sounds out there to see what people find interesting.

I'll get better technical wise, as soon as my situation stabilizes.



This song was recorded as a jam, three piano synths on top of each other, a bit akward start,

I kind of need to warm up, and then from about maybe 2-3 minutes in, there can be a bit of interest.


This is what I want people to check out.


I will get soundcloud as soon as possible, also.



This whole mess was created after a long fucking drive on the motorway, on 5 hours of sleep, jacked up on diazepam to handle the high speed.

This was also the day I received my medical cannabis prescription, and it lasts forever, and i I can buy as much as I want, all the time.








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