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Can anyone help me recall the name of this novel?


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I remember a while back a bookstore clerk recommended me a certain Sci-Fi novel that came out in the early 2000's that was supposed to be very good and I remember seeing it get praised in reviews and such, all I remember was the title cover being very green and the obscure year in red vertically down the front. I wanna say it was 2562 but I know thats an artist, but I'm pretty sure it was like 23-something, it's not 2312... Any of you guys big enough sci-fi readers to recall which one I'm talking about?

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uh...not sci fi but:




that's the only thing coming to mind if it isn't 2312 by kim stanley robinson

Yes, that's the one, thank you!!! :biggrin: For some reason I remembered it being a more obscure year than that and the painted imagery came together as mostly green in my mind. Been wanting to read this one for a while and couldn't remember the right year for the life of me. Not a sci-fi though you say? It was introduced to me as being kinda sci-fi ish, either way it sounds really interesting and it's said to be quite good.

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Actually, come to think of it I think it was recommended to me more-so because I enjoyed House of Leaves, which isn't really a sci-fi either but is one of my favorite books ever.

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uh...not sci fi but:




that's the only thing coming to mind if it isn't 2312 by kim stanley robinson

Yes, that's the one, thank you!!! :biggrin: For some reason I remembered it being a more obscure year than that and the painted imagery came together as mostly green in my mind. Been wanting to read this one for a while and couldn't remember the right year for the life of me. Not a sci-fi though you say? It was introduced to me as being kinda sci-fi ish, either way it sounds really interesting and it's said to be quite good.


definitely not sci-fi. cryptic and gruesome at times though. a pretty good book all in all

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