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Local talk radio host equates the LGBT lobby to Bestiality


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This is somewhat long winded, but it's something that I feel absolutely necessary to talk about and spread via social networks. As many of my friends might know, I have a strange fascination with listening to right-wing talk radio. Maybe its for laughs, maybe it's to get angry, maybe it's to learn what the agitprop talking points are for the given week. A


Anyway, there was a local radio talk show host that essentially implicitly connected the LGBT community and the organizations/lobbies that represent them with bestiality offenders.



Long story short, me and a few others are trying to start a social networking movement to put pressure on this host.




Can anyone recommend me websites, groups, fair media sponsors that I can send this information in detail to? Ive already sent an email to Media Matters, but I'd like to spread this as much as possible.


ok finally got the link to work



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just make a really low quality JPG with a picture and a quote (in an equally terrible font) and post it everywhere on facebook :P

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Guest disparaissant

it's how you advocate for those rights, dummy. go read your thread. if you don't see your own glaring misogyny, you're not paying attention.


now let's stop shitting up sr4's thread.

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well this is a fucking shitshow

This is somewhat long winded, but it’s something that I feel absolutely necessary to talk about and spread via social networks. As many of my friends might know, I have a strange fascination with listening to right-wing talk radio. Maybe it’s for laughs, maybe it’s to get angry, maybe it’s to learn what the agitprop talking points are for the given week. At any rate, I was listening to Mr. Lester Kinsolving’s talk show on the way home this evening. Mr. Kinsolving has been a news reporter for quite a few years, and over the past few years gained a reputation for asking rather controversial questions to the White House Press Secretary and putting forth very strange ideas or concepts on his talk radio show. Granted, even though the show has a very obviously right-slanted form of discussion (most of his “special report” segments consist of anti-Obama administration accusations, many of which I actually support on occasion, but that’s another story)

Today I was lucky (I say this with apprehension) to come across his May 13th “Special Report”, titled “Why there should be an extra B in LGBT”. He then proceeded to explain how the LGBT community, and the organizations that represent them are “oddly silent” in regards to various recent charges and allegations of bestiality. He then proceeded to completely speak of bestiality charges without reference to said LGBT community. What Mr. Kinsolving has done here is absolutely unforgivable. For one, it’s without basic logic:

1) The LGBT organizations are not solely, or in any part responsible for publicly issuing statements against those accused of bestiality acts. This has NOTHING to do with their platform, and they have absolutely no reason or obligation different from normal US citizens to voice their concerns as such.

This is akin to demanding that those organizations in favor of desegregation in the 1960s make public statements against victims of rape or other violent crime. It bears no logical connection to the official platforms of these groups, nor do these groups require some sort of public statement of condemnation in order to justify their standpoint.

and the second point, which is far more sinister, is that

2) Mr. Kinsolving, by merely mentioning the LGBT movement within the same breath as those accused of bestiality charges is knowingly trying to implicitly link LGBT rights with the rights of animal abusers. This connection, with the logic of an 8th grader, has already been thoroughly debunked. Regardless of an individual’s personal belief in regards to homosexuality, a homosexual relationship is between two people that can communicate and confirm the validity of their relationship. A non-human animal cannot communicate an agreement to a sexual relationship with a human. For me to actually have to write that out is, quite frankly, embarrassing and shameful.

I firmly believe in our Constitutional right to free speech and expression as US citizens. I have heard plenty of statements made on talk radio that I absolutely disagree with, but I disagree on a political point of view and do not think it right to voice my discontent for the fact that many organizations already do so on many levels. However, that does not mean that citizens should simply stand aside and not let our dissent be heard by those that need to hear it.

What Mr. Kinsolving has done by engaging in this type of rhetoric is not legally considered hate speech, but this type of rhetoric only serves to inflame existing anti-LGBT sentiment within its listeners on purely illogical and ill-advised grounds. This is far worse than criticizing Obama, or his administration, or “liberals” as a vague umbrella group of supposed ideology. What this does is illegitimately link bestiality to the LGBT community and its organizations as some supposed form of legitimate criticism.

I would like all those who are interested in combating such blatantly inflammatory statements to make your voices heard by either:

1)Re posting this statement (as anonymously as possible, the author makes no difference, it is the sentiment that is important) to as many concerned citizens as you can.

2)Making this show’s inflammatory statements known by sending emails or other information to independent groups that monitor fairness in various media channels. Here are a few:





heres the copypasta version. We are both trying to figure out how the fuck to get wordpress to work.

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I think your heart's in the right place with this action but the general idea of listening to right-wing talkback radio to keep tabs on what they're up to sounds like a complete waste of time, energy and sanity to me. maybe that's just because I'm thinking of talkback radio here in Australia which is a gigantic cesspool of nonsense and pointless angry ranting by clueless callers. trying to glean anything from that is like trying to run underwater. I find it's best just to ignore them entirely. if everyone did that, these radio hosts would effectively be stripped of their power as no one would be listening. simple. even as it is though, they have little-to-no impact on my life or the lives of those I care about, so I just don't pay attention.


maybe it's a different situation where you are, where some of these radio personalities actually shape policy through some long-term influence. in Aus, only daft cunts listen to talkback radio.


i think your criticism is fair in the most part, but you have to understand, gay marriage was recently approved here by a very, very close margin. This type of rhetoric only seeks to inflame anti-LGBT sentiment in the conservative regions.


Long story short, he could be potentially encouraging hate crimes. His connection to bestiality bears absolutely no logical basis in reality. It deserves outcry, regardless of the station it's spewing from. This man has over a million listeners.

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I think your heart's in the right place with this action but the general idea of listening to right-wing talkback radio to keep tabs on what they're up to sounds like a complete waste of time, energy and sanity to me. maybe that's just because I'm thinking of talkback radio here in Australia which is a gigantic cesspool of nonsense and pointless angry ranting by clueless callers. trying to glean anything from that is like trying to run underwater. I find it's best just to ignore them entirely. if everyone did that, these radio hosts would effectively be stripped of their power as no one would be listening. simple. even as it is though, they have little-to-no impact on my life or the lives of those I care about, so I just don't pay attention.


maybe it's a different situation where you are, where some of these radio personalities actually shape policy through some long-term influence. in Aus, only daft cunts listen to talkback radio.


i think your criticism is fair in the most part, but you have to understand, gay marriage was recently approved here by a very, very close margin. This type of rhetoric only seeks to inflame anti-LGBT sentiment in the conservative regions.


Long story short, he could be potentially encouraging hate crimes. His connection to bestiality bears absolutely no logical basis in reality. It deserves outcry, regardless of the station it's spewing from. This man has over a million listeners.



ah. so he is relatively influential.


I guess my post just highlights how much influence I perceive these people have on our actual daily lives (very little imo) here in Sydney in particular. every time I see some shock report on the news about a flamefest some talkback radio host has started, I just think to myself "this would not be a problem if it were not being reported on, no one ought to give two fucks what these old cunts rant about." Alan Jones, to give the most obvious example, has aired plenty of inflammatory sentiments and encouraged many a talkback circlejerk over the years, but none of it has affected my life one bit. talkback radio here is mostly hot air and no action.


however I do understand that sometimes you have to fight where it's warranted, and I appreciate those who fight. so I'm not really criticising your action here, just wondering if it's worth the bother. for a million listeners, perhaps it is.




I understand it doesn't affect your life, but it affects others in ways you might not be immediately privy to.


People like Kinsolving making statements like this are ONLY doing it to stir up anti-LGBT resentment. Its not healthy, its not tolerable, and it doesn't deserve to just "stay a local issue", especially when we have modern social technology to combat this. Pieces of shit like him deserve to be exposed on a larger level.


I don't expect many people here to say anything, and that's fine. It's not your fight, you don't think its worth it, whatever your reasoning, that's fine. But I'm asking support or a spread of the word for people that do give a shit and might think of better ways of distributing this information outside the area.

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You new-liberals so silly.


You have to understand that being a right-wing radio host in this country means to exaggerate your views and create an insane character, thats what sells, people like rush limbaugh are doing it for the ratings, i truly think they dont believe 80 percent of the crazy stuff they say.


Your heart is in the right place and you are a nice person for caring about other people BUT this is useless and silly to go after a low-priority target like a local radio host, there are bigger fish to fry, if you want to do something that matters and can (maybe) make a difference you have to pressure politicians, copying and pasting this shit on facebook does nothing for the cause, best case scenario the radio host will apologize and who the fuck cares about his apology.

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