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IO (mons)


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Holy fuck, that is all I have to say


Never really given it a proper listen but the depth and absolute pure lushness is just incredible


It manages to sound very aleatoric in nature but when you really get down to it there's still a lot of rigid structure which is strange. Can't tell if there are completely random elements or if its just so syncopated that I'm having trouble keeping track of layers


The vocal samples in the original is awesome but this version with additional percussive elements is so much better


The way the distorted sort of high pitched bassy squeals jump out of the speakers at unexpected points at the ending is what makes it for me overall. Almost reminiscent of vekoS


The imperfection and depth is just perfect. Truly a masterpiece

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Guest Seginustemple

No doubt. One of the better things to come out of the Quaristice era. The whole Altichyre - PlclCpC - IO (Mons) sequence is perfect.


Is the title meant to be a reference to midi in/out ports or jupiters moon?

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Can you elaborate on the differences between this and Io besides it being longer? I have a vague understanding of it myself but not enough to elaborate on off the top of my head.

Ending loses the repetition of the voice sample and becomes a lush combination of the originally only faintly heard melody with distorted bass squeals

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I can remember the crowd going bonkers when they dropped an IO variant in the 2008 gigs; people could remember it from 2005. Obviously, the 2005 leaked live sets helped maintain everyone's memory. Still, what other band does that sort of thing? Introducing an idea only during a live set, keeping it unreleased and reintroducing it during another live set after 3 years?



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