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the great pyramid

Guest skibby

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wow, some chodes in this thread. even if we could today, i just think there was a higher reason to build such hugely precise structures (way more precise than should have been possible at the time, as far as alignment on the earth, stars, etc) considering they took such meticulous time to make shafts lining up to certain constellations. i can't understand why they'd take that amount of time and effort just to dedicate something to the stars if there wasn't a much bigger thing going on. take the size of the great pyramid, fucking enormous, and consider they had to design a couple of tiny, perfectly straight shafts leading to the outside.. it's a ridiculous feat of engineering and seems a ridiculous waste of time to do if it weren't for some bigger reason , like visitors from those star systems.

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here we go:


The cornerstone foundations of the pyramid have ball and socket construction capable of dealing with heat expansion and earthquakes


i'm sure living in Egypt, you learn all there is to know about thermodynamics and fucking earthquakes. 4,000 years ago, and they're making buildings earthquake proof? that seems a bit too advanced for the time.


The mortar used is of an unknown origin. It has been analyzed and its chemical composition is known but it can't be reproduced.


I don't even know what to say about that.


Aligned True North: The Great Pyramid is the most accurately aligned structure in existence and faces true north with only 3/60th of a degree of error.


144,000 , 15 ton stones, all aligned to Polaris more accurately than any building on Earth, now. this is ok to you? do you realize how ridiculous that is?


Centre of Land Mass: The Great Pyramid is located at the centre of the land mass of the earth. The east/west parallel that crosses the most land and the north/south meridian that crosses the most land intersect in two places on the earth, one in the ocean and the other at the Great Pyramid.


how the fuck did they know where the center of the planet's land mass was? 4-5,000 years ago ??! this simply wasn't possible with our knowledge then.


Radius of the Earth: The curvature designed into the faces of the pyramid exactly matches the radius of the earth.


how the fuck did they know the radius of the planet, if they hadn't even crossed the oceans yet?


i just think you guys need to realize there are a lot of uncanny facts about not just the Great Pyramids but many sites around the world. none of them had communication with each other but you see very similar designs on each continent. most of the ancient arch. sites aligned perfectly with certain star systems. to me, it seems like a big waste of time to dedicate hundreds or thousands of years to build a structure for a few dots in the sky with no other purpose to them.

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a few of the early civilizations, like the Mayans for example, knew Earth's position in the galaxy. there is no logical explanation for them having that type of knowledge other than it coming from somewhere else.


i'd say it might even be a bit ignorant or.. irresponsible? to say we've never been visited considering ancient texts and carvings from around the world. more than a few instances were about flying vehicles and beings coming from the sky. according to evolution, humans should have had the same basic intelligence that we have today so it's not something to look past and say 'they were just tripping on the local muscaria'. a lot of societies and religions from all over the planet are based on an initial contact or siting with beings from the sky. and i don't mean to sound like crazy hair guy but a lot of it is irrefutable.

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irrefutable. uh-huh.



you do sound like crazy hair guy. And that's "irrefutable".



For the record I think many of the so-called facts you quoted, that are on that webpage linked to in this thread, are false. Of course phony facts sound impressive, they were created precisely to convince you of the alien intervention argument.

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i'd say it might even be a bit ignorant or.. irresponsible? to say we've never been visited considering ancient texts and carvings from around the world. more than a few instances were about flying vehicles and beings coming from the sky. according to evolution, humans should have had the same basic intelligence that we have today so it's not something to look past and say 'they were just tripping on the local muscaria'. a lot of societies and religions from all over the planet are based on an initial contact or siting with beings from the sky. and i don't mean to sound like crazy hair guy but a lot of it is irrefutable.





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you people are lame debaters. you just spout your little opinion everywhere and say 'mehh mehh you're wrong i'm right'


that article cites plenty of sources.. and i've heard a lot of that elsewhere. i've studied and read about the pyramids for many years.. took archaeology in college.


but, i'm sure any fact you can't refute must be wrong huh?


like i said.. lame ass debaters.

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i'd say it might even be a bit ignorant or.. irresponsible? to say we've never been visited considering ancient texts and carvings from around the world. more than a few instances were about flying vehicles and beings coming from the sky. according to evolution, humans should have had the same basic intelligence that we have today so it's not something to look past and say 'they were just tripping on the local muscaria'. a lot of societies and religions from all over the planet are based on an initial contact or siting with beings from the sky. and i don't mean to sound like crazy hair guy but a lot of it is irrefutable.









so why don't you show why you facepalmed? prove me wrong about any of those facts. lame ass

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i'd say it might even be a bit ignorant or.. irresponsible? to say we've never been visited considering ancient texts and carvings from around the world. more than a few instances were about flying vehicles and beings coming from the sky. according to evolution, humans should have had the same basic intelligence that we have today so it's not something to look past and say 'they were just tripping on the local muscaria'. a lot of societies and religions from all over the planet are based on an initial contact or siting with beings from the sky. and i don't mean to sound like crazy hair guy but a lot of it is irrefutable.









so why don't you show why you facepalmed? prove me wrong about any of those facts. lame ass




I don't see any proof Jesus would say a thing like that to me about my mother. I could know, I've once hold an actual bible.



And how would you know I have facepalmed? You are jumping to biased ad hominem conclusions. All I did was post a watermarked stock photography image of a woman (who does not even facepalm but more foreheadpalms) behind a laptop with what we would persume a headache and holds what we would assume to be a pill against headaches because of either stress from a lot of work, something she read on an internet forum website, a lot of physical or either mental stress, or maybe even acute migrane attacks. There is no indication, suggestion, evidence or either proof that I actually did facepalm at all.



Therefore, aliens.



/unlame badass deb8t0r

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you people are lame debaters. you just spout your little opinion everywhere and say 'mehh mehh you're wrong i'm right'


that article cites plenty of sources.. and i've heard a lot of that elsewhere. i've studied and read about the pyramids for many years.. took archaeology in college.


but, i'm sure any fact you can't refute must be wrong huh?


like i said.. lame ass debaters.



Ill pull an argument from authority and ask the simple question: if all of your proof is so irrefutable, why aren't these researchers receiving buttloads of scientific awards? Do you know how much money universities and businesses would be willing to throw at someone that has irrefutable facts that the pyramids were built by aliens? Why hasn't this received more attention? Could it perhaps be due to exaggerations of inconclusive results and denying the antecedent as fact? Im interested in this; educate me.

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i'm not saying i can prove anything.. i haven't taken measurements of the Great Pyramind myself.. but to just say 'that's not true' to anything that doesn't sit well with you (after reading an article with plenty of sources at the end) is lame.


look at the site called Puma Punku.. which has the most precisely carved rocks ever discovered or created. many of the edges and lines created are finer than the diamond and carbide drill bits could do today. they are designed like really intricate lego pieces that fit together. it's really quite amazing.


i just don't think we should look past stuff which can't be explained, like that.

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dude, maften, pipe down. im on your side but you sound like you're about to use the word sheeple any minute.


wear the tin foil hat with some dignity m8.


but for real, the great pyramid is a message in a bottle. and its likely that the other pyramids that are supposedly "older" are actually newer, but just shittier made. this happens to music too. shitty music gets old faster.


great pyramid contains math messages, designed to last. no writing on it, which means that whoever made it knew that writing wouldn't make it over a span of 10,000 years, based on the human tendency to not give a fuck.

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i'm not saying i can prove anything.. i haven't taken measurements of the Great Pyramind myself.. but to just say 'that's not true' to anything that doesn't sit well with you (after reading an article with plenty of sources at the end) is lame.


look at the site called Puma Punku.. which has the most precisely carved rocks ever discovered or created. many of the edges and lines created are finer than the diamond and carbide drill bits could do today. they are designed like really intricate lego pieces that fit together. it's really quite amazing.


i just don't think we should look past stuff which can't be explained, like that.


but you are "explaining" it yourself by "cant explain it, thus aliens", while denigrating skeptical inquiry, which is usually how we actually figure out the happenings behind these constructions. Lack of evidence to support engineering theories doesn't by default make any out-there knowledge claim valid. I could claim that the Greek Titans constructed these pyramids, and I have no more or less evidence than you do with aliens.


Im not seeing where you found the "finer than the diamond and carbide drills bits" source. Apparently there are already numerous theories regarding how the civilization put these intricate stone formations together using tools and masonry methods available at the times. I don't disagree that the specs of such a construction are pretty damn fascinating, but it's not out of the question that incredibly technologically superior civilizations collapsed in place of far less tech-savvy. Post-Roman Europe or Fourth Dynastic Egypt is a great example of that. Due to lack of evidence I can't rule out the possibility that people from another world gave humans this super-tech, but it certainly doesn't give me the right to claim "not x, therefore y" because that flies in the face of how we have acquired real knowledge of things in our entire human history.

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You mean "true" north?


The egyptians didn't even have a north like we know. One of the great wonders of the world is why people believe in crap like this.


edit: and it's not a wonder really. it's pretty trivial.... *sighs*

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Before we start considering a possible method they might have used to orient their pyramids so precisely to the compass directions, let's try to gain some inspiration from the discovery of how they made the foundation surfaces for the pyramids so precisely flat and level. Remember we are not talking about a small area as the base of the largest pyramid covered nearly 13 acres (about 750 feet on a side). Go outside and see just how much that is - several city blocks, if you live in a city. No, this was not a small "building" even by today's standards!

What the Egyptians did was clear away the sand down to the bedrock, and then they hacked away at the rock to make a level, flat surface. But how did they know that they had made a "level" surface? Simple and low-tech, of course! It was discovered that there is a shallow groove completely around the bases of all the pyramids. When these grooves were cleaned out of all the wind-blown sand, and water was dumped in, the water level was "level" all the way around the pyramid. Thus the flat surface of the foundation was carved away until every portion of it was exactly the same distance above the water level. Simple! Low-tech! Neat, hey? (Soon, as the pyrammid blocks were stacked higheer and hiiiiiiigher, they needed to make upper layers level also. How they may have done that is discussed later.)

PyrOrientation.GIFSo now let's think about how they so precisely oriented each of their pyramids so that one side faced exactly east, another exactly south, and so on. And remember that the magnetic compass wasn't invented yet for another several thousand years (it wouldn't have helped them much since magnetic compasses usually don't point exactly north-south), and they didn't have any global positioning satellites (they'd have to wait for an additional thousand years!). You might want to suggest that they used Polaris, the North Star. But the precession of earth's axis would have meant that Polaris was not close to north at that time. Besides, even if it were, Egypt is so close to the equator that Polaris would have been lost in the haze at the horizon.

AnkhShaddows.GIFWhat these ancient peoples did have was a rather thorough understanding of the sun. Afterall, the sun was their chief god, and ancient priests and other scholars studied with great care the sun and its daily voyages across the sky. But how can the sun tell us the compass directions? (Do I hear you saying: "It's gotta be simple and low-tech"?)

In the following, you will not have to wear ancient Egyptian clothing as in the picture, nor will you have to use an ankh staff or use rocks on the desert floor.

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And with that we call this class closed for today, kids.


edit: before I forget, this weeks homework is answering the following questions:


(These should be incorporated into your report's introduction or discussion at the end.)

  1. What is so special about March 20 and September 22?
  2. What are the geological names given to those two dates? (The vernal ["spring"] equinox and the autumnal equinox.)
  3. What is special about June 21 and December 21? What are their geological names?
  4. If March 21 is when the sun passes directly overhead IF you are standing on the equator, how could the Egyptians or the Druids in England determine that March 21 was "the" special date?
  5. Since the Druids and the Egyptians lived north of the equator, do you think this method would work for Australians? What would their driveway markings look like?
  6. Could the space travellers to Mars use this method to determine directions on Mars. Remember that some planets don't have magnetic fields and, hence, compasses won't work there.
  7. What does your experiment say as whether the earth is flat or "round"?
  8. Did the ancient people determine that the earth was round? (Yes! But how? And how big was the earth? Remember to think "simple and low-tech"!)
  9. Can you make a demonstration of your experiment using a globe of the world, a small stick and a flashlight "sun" in a darkened room?
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goDel, why did they accidentally the finest and oldest intact building ever made by humans?


thanks for your authoritative skepticism. i almost believe it doesnt even exist at all after reading your comments!

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Wait, what? Why did they accidentally the finest? Because they've got taste? Because the shape of a pyramid is the most logical if you want to build big and you have no architectural knowledge. The triangle thing is a given. It's not that they were able to do what the romans did later on. You know, those round arches being able to carry lots of weight.

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if aliens wanted us to be convinced of their existence centuries ago they wouldn't have had to do something as epic as the pyramids. Some alien bones or a titanium prosthetic limb would have sufficed.




maybe the aliens were awesome at making lightspeed drives and architectural tools, but didn't have human ingenuity?


"We've invented something really cool looking, but have no idea what it would be used for....Quick Zxylbxk, to Cairo!"

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