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Complaining about free shit


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Is it ever acceptable to complain when you get a service for free that is executed poorly?


I ask because my wife recently got a haircut for free at a place because she found a bunch of cash outside of a barbershop/salon and turned it in to them, thinking it was someone's tips.

Anyway, turns out it was someone's tips and the girl gave my wife a haircut for free as a "thank you". Only problem is, this girl gave my wife one of the shittiest haircuts she's ever had. My wife brought in a picture from a magazine to show her what she wanted and got the exact opposite. It's super short and all different lengths and shit. My wife's an actress, so this is really pretty bad.

She can't go back and have her fix it because she'd just fuck it up again, but this girl clearly has no business cutting people's hair.

So... is it okay to complain about how shitty this haircut was to the stylist and/or the management or should my wife just eat it and go somewhere else and spend $75 to get it fixed?

Maybe her boss should know that she is a threat to people's heads? Thoughts?

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Guest RadarJammer

when you are being paid money for a service, you usually feel obligated to do a great job. its like a psychological thing


since it was some sort of off the books freebie or something she probably wasn't in a professional state of mind the same way that you would want your hair stylist to be. she probably was in the "cutting my sisters hair as a favor" mode

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She won`t be complaining about the price, so I think she has all the rights. It`s like someone would give you pizza for free and it was poisonous, what to complain, right?

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if you think of hair as a kind of lazy hat, then whats the problem with buying a real hat and using said adornment in a tasteful way while the hair finds its own order again?

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I'd say drop it. The haircut can't be undone, you certainly don't want that retarded place doing the fix up job and you are not entitled to any financial compensation, so just drop the matter.

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