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My "new" tracks from 2001~2004

peace 7

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Hello fellow WATMM'rz!


This is not 100% new, because I compiled it in 2007- and I wrote the tracks from 2001 to 2004- but I finally uploaded it to a streaming format ting, with free DL, and all that jazz.


So in that sense, since basically nobody has heard this-- it is new.


There is a short description on the page, but basically this music comes from when I juuust started using a DAW- moving over from all-hardware- and didn't know shit about how to do anything, so there was tons of ridiculous pain in the ass things involved to get anything done.


Memory Card-- an album consisting of three EPs, 30 tracks, 1.5 hours:




Take a trip down memory lane with me~~~ (well, I suppose all music is part of memory lane- but yah)

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Guest GateFour

Love the fact that these tracks are done with that restriction, and that they don't sound "super polished" because of it. Listened to a batch of these, pretty wild stuff overall :)

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Thanks for listening. :-)


Yah-- working on first gen PowerBook G4 and no external hard drive even though using samples-- that's where I learnt efficiency. Efficiency for effects, mixing, sends, etc. I'm really grateful for my limited setup for the first few years of DAW music, because later on, it lead to having projects that were hyper efficient, allowing me to basically do anything that I wanted. Had I had a super powerful setup starting off, my projects would prolly be garbage now (like having the same effects on every track, and using more effects than necessary per track to get a certain sound).

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