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How the f*ck is Chunky not banned by now?

Lane Visitor

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"Jesus Christ was the messiah.


WWI and WWII was the Jewish holocaust done against 100 million Christian innocent victims.


Jews are all liars. No jew is a victim. Devil Jews. Lucifer's friends.


Jews will do more genocide against us soon.


Jews: genocidal murderers and slanderers of innocent Christians.


2000 years of persecution by Jews against the innocent goyim.


Jew, Jesus Christ was the messiah. Your anti christ messiah will be a genocidal devil for certain."



"By the way, Jew, what is Metatron? What will you do when people understand Metatron?"



In addition to his years-long sparadic rants popping in and out of threads demonizing Jews, he straight up said this ^ b.s. In his most recent thread about israel/malaysia.


I don't care if he's "just trolling" or simply demented and laughable, this kind of racist/anti-semetic garbage shouldn't be tolerated on watmm. I know it's humorous to some of us members because his conspiratorial non-sense is so bizarre that it's kind of hilarious to them, but enough is enough. And it turns from simply racist (which is enough by itself) to racist bullying when he addresses Jewish members as " (hey) Jew," If I said "hey fag*ot" or "ni*ger" to an African American or gay watmm member, id be kicked the hell out immediately. If Compson was banned for his diatribes, Chunky needs to be banned, and right now. It's completely hypocritical if this member is aloud to spew his racism, ignorance and bullying. Watmm needs to stop turning a blind eye.

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he is being watched. we're on it.[/quote


Appreciate the response, but "watched"? He's been watched saying this stuff for years. What would he actually need to say to get banned? Seemed like all it took Compson was a few lines about Muslim extremism, and some negative critique about Islam in itself (not Muslims)- of course Im not excusing his ignorant statements, and he was out in a heartbeat. But this other member is allowed to spew this direct vile garbage that actually singles out Jews as evil , and address members as "Jew", and he just gets watched .. Wow.

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Guest chunky

Jew, us goyim are all worldistinians now. We are starting to wake up to your murder, slander, genocide, theft, and usury. In the short term you will prosper because people are too kind and trusting. usagi and lumpyloo and those ones are just kids now, soon enough they will be adults though and the scales will fall from their eyes.


Read the history of Malaysia and Mahathir Mohamad's relationship with Israel. It proves that Jews killed the passengers of MH17 and MH370. Lane Visitor's attempt to cause a scandal distract from the fact that Jews murdered plane loads of innocent victims.

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Guest chunky

bizarre is what jews say when a goyim says something right and true.


for example: 'malaysian president mahathir mohamad's 2003 speech? that's really bizarre. don't read it. it's bizarre.'

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There is a time and a place though chunky, and you spend too much time, on it in this place. Your argument only draws contempt and holds no subtly or coherent detail. and you could at least say, banking elite or globalist mafia or something. Not all jews are rich arse fuck trolls only a tiny tiny minority are, you must realise some are just as politically withit and put upon as everyone else, and most are naive bend with the winders like the masses of every peoples. Please chill out a bit yeah. for the love of love.

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