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Neil Scrivin


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I think he deserves his own thread, although there are some threads about his releases.


Been listening to Tomorrow's World quite a bit lately. I'm usually not into stuff that's sorta kitschy or retro but I dig the way he does it here. This track isn't my favorite but it has that general vibe, and it's the only one on youtube:



That & some of his other stuff is up for free (get it while it lasts? this site doesn't seem to be kept up to date, e.g. its 404 is in a redirect loop) on http://www.rackandruinrecords.com/


Back when I wasted time on em411 instead of WATMM, he used to absolutely slay on the mixits. Even when on months the samples were complete garbage, he'd manage to whip up something with thick vibes. His sample flipping/chopping skills were unparalleled. He's still one of the samplists I respect most. I collected some of his submissions, and he even personally emailed me the ones I was missing. What a guy!


One of my faves of his from "Cynically For You" - way too short (sorry, can't be arsed to figure out bandcamp bbcode atm):



Anyway, I need to check out more of his stuff, I don't think I've listened to any Phono Ghosts yet and I haven't even listened to all the Neil Scrivin releases.


Meatbingo bandcamp:


Phonoghosts soundcloud:


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bump for great justice. Phono Ghosts - Chrome Position is one of my favourite releases of 2013 (wow, two years ago?!) and I'm looking forward to more.


I wasn't aware of Tomorrows World, so I'll be downloading that when I get back home from work.


Highly recommended stuff, guise and guirls

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That synth pad...can't tell if that's a Moog or a Roland Juno 106. Sounds like a late 70s or early 80s movie soundtrack.

Also has a BoC-ish vibe, but more cinematic. Pretty sure I've heard that Natural Power track before.

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