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Canadian election 2015

Tricone RC

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campaigns are hotting up, Libs seem to be coming out in the lead, at least in part because all the grannies think Trudeau is cute and want to affectionately pinch his cheeks


I'm voting ABH and I emplore the rest of you to do so too, unless you like Harper, of course. He was in an episode of Murdoch Mysteries after all

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For the first time ever I'm voting not on who I most want in, but on who I think has the best chance to win against Harper. Looks like I'm voting Liberal this year. But man... I can't stand Trudeau. The NDP guy isn't much better. Ah well, gotta work with what you got.

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You guys are serious?


You would vote in the kid that just said he would "tell off Putin to his face", that's his approach to foreign policy to a nuclear superpower during very tense times.


I don't even want to get into the budget aspect of things.

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Disclaimer: I'm completely 100% uneducated in politics (let's say).


Convince me to vote liberal or NDP or tell me some ways the conservatives have failed. I'm genuinely interested!

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Well i don't like it! But i was in total disbelief last time Harper got reelected, so if Turdeau's the most likely plan b, I'm tempted... it just has to be better than what we currently have. I'd vote NDP or Green, but I just don't think either have a chance.

Also... apologies for linking to vice.com, but these are pretty great:


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But what exactly is wrong with stevie harpoon to begin with?


Everyone I see keeps saying anyone but harper, but they don't substantiate why.


I'd say given the state of the global economy Canada has had it pretty damn good over the last decade.

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Disclaimer: I'm completely 100% uneducated in politics (let's say).


Convince me to vote liberal or NDP or tell me some ways the conservatives have failed. I'm genuinely interested!


I'm not the best person to be filling you in on this as I really hate political discussions... but this article might be illuminating for you, if for some reason you have your heart set on Harper right now:



But my main reason for detesting Harper is that he seems to just not give one fuck about the environment. At all. Which is the thing I'm more concerned about than any other political issue in Canada.

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But what exactly is wrong with stevie harpoon to begin with?


Everyone I see keeps saying anyone but harper, but they don't substantiate why.


I'd say given the state of the global economy Canada has had it pretty damn good over the last decade.

The tories probably are the best for the economy overall, inasmuch as 'The Economy' is some magical machine that the government should try to control (which IMO it's not, but I'm not a Keynesian and that's another story) But there's more issues than just economics.
Personally, I want him gone 'cos of somewhat shady measures applied to govt scientists, his specific championing of oil and gas (which has left the country shackled to commodities cycles as well as to an industry that effectively has to decline in the medium-term because of emissions). oh and the wannabe world power stuff, totally uncritical Israel-backing (doesn't go down well with my palestinian in-laws, that one), and how he wanted to invade Iraq. Oh and this recent niqab citizenship crap, blatant wooing of racists (Citizenship is just a legal thingemyjig, can we ditch all this bullshit pomp, I don't have to sing a song and salute a beaver when I get a health card do I? etc)
I don't think very highly of the Liberals or NDP either, but thanks to our shitty FPTP system which lacks even a whiff of direct democracy, I have to vote for one of them, as opposed to someone I actually want to vote for (whoever that would be lol)
p.s. IDM
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Ugh, I just watched a Q&A with Trudeau last night. He really is awful. The idea of that guy being the "leader" of a country is so ridiculous. How is his party so far ahead of Green and NDP?


Damn, just looked at some of those polls... had no idea Green was such a speck of dust on the radar. That's too bad. Everything is backwards.

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Ugh, I just watched a Q&A with Trudeau last night. He really is awful. The idea of that guy being the "leader" of a country is so ridiculous. How is his party so far ahead of Green and NDP?


Damn, just looked at some of those polls... had no idea Green was such a speck of dust on the radar. That's too bad. Everything is backwards.

i don't know what to do either..

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Whether or not you like Harper I don't think Canada is doing too poorly under him.


wow...just fucking wow


Checks bank account*





Seriously though, what are the problems? I'm not exposed to any of this shit because all I do is work and go to school so feel free to tell me what's so bad. No-one on my facebook or anything will step up and tell me what is so bad.



Where's chengod

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Our main choices are:


NDP: most assuredly will ruin our economy with their ridiculous spending and taxation plans (feel free to check their track record in BC for a good example)

Liberal: leader who I would honestly be surprised if he dresses himself as he's just that level of stupid

Conservatives: shitty but at least it's the status quo and hopefully the country doesn't get worse






Maybe I should clarify my position. Again my education in this area is limited, so I await Chengod or someone to jump in with some figures to the contrary of what I'm saying. Personally I side strongly with a lot of the ideals of both the conservative and liberal parties. As a simple example it's ludicrous that the conservative government won't consider legalization and taxation of weed, absolutely ridiculous.


My main problem with the liberals is their leadership, not necessarily their ideals. I can't see Trudeau effectively leading this country.


My problems with the NDP are their approach to the economy and track record when it comes to managing money. Yes, they historically do alright with budgets, but this is because they increase personal and corporate tax rates to the effect of slowing economic growth. I personally believe in lowering public spending and fighting the provincial labour unions who already make 10.3% more than their private sector counterparts. Raising taxes to pay for unions you are ineffective at bargaining with is just ridiculous. Granted, the conservatives did a shit job of that here in Alberta too. The NDP also have a history of cost overruns and some major spending scandals such as the BC ferries fiasco (yeah yeah, someone jump in and tell me all the parties have a history of spending scandals).

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Seriously though, what are the problems? I'm not exposed to any of this shit because all I do is work and go to school so feel free to tell me what's so bad. No-one on my facebook or anything will step up and tell me what is so bad.



What do you think of the points I raised? I certainly get yer points on the economics (and largely agree: tories are probably best on that issue, given the choices) but like I say, there's more to it than that. FWIW I am exposed to a lot of that other shit- some of my colleagues are/were scientists in the employ of federal agencies, one of them quite high up, so I've heard plenty of, um, stories. A quote from one of them summarises it best: "This government doesn't like to take advice"... Plus I have relatives who wear veils and headscarves, who are legit frightened of the niqab 'debate' which the Tories (and BQ, but who cares) have been pushing


PS i love debating politics, no hard feelings whatsoever, have at it!

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Seriously though, what are the problems? I'm not exposed to any of this shit because all I do is work and go to school so feel free to tell me what's so bad. No-one on my facebook or anything will step up and tell me what is so bad.



What do you think of the points I raised? I certainly get yer points on the economics (and largely agree: tories are probably best on that issue, given the choices) but like I say, there's more to it than that. FWIW I am exposed to a lot of that other shit- some of my colleagues are/were scientists in the employ of federal agencies, one of them quite high up, so I've heard plenty of, um, stories. A quote from one of them summarises it best: "This government doesn't like to take advice"... Plus I have relatives who wear veils and headscarves, who are legit frightened of the niqab 'debate' which the Tories (and BQ, but who cares) have been pushing


PS i love debating politics, no hard feelings whatsoever, have at it!


Actually, I read the issues you posted and I don't know much about all of them, specifically the wooing of racists bit. As for wannabe world superpower... We are a world superpower (insofar as our GDP is concerned, not so much militarily but then again we don't necessarily need to be) so I don't understand that comment.


Can you elaborate on the Niqab issue? My take on the niqab is probably ignorant, please fill in the blanks. I personally don't believe wearing the niqab is in line with Canadian values, though I realize I'm conflating societal values and religion in a way... The niqab is worn because exposing intimate body parts is considered awrah... So women are often blamed for awrah because men seeing their face or any other body part creates lust. Instead of men just controlling their ridiculous tendency to rape in these countries (there are statistics to back this up) the women are forced to cover themselves. They are placing the blame on the women for creating lust when really the men just need to control themselves. I don't think that's a value or behavior we should condone.


Is my understanding of the niqab completely wrong?

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Not everyone is doing so well over here where I'm from in Northwestern Ontario. I feel the very opposite about unions as I am a Steelworker Union member and advocate.


Sorry, I'm not referring to all unions. Private sector unions are absolutely a great thing and necessary in Canada at the moment.


I'm referring to public sector unions, the unions that protect the people that work for our tax dollars. Why do they make 10.3% more than private sector counterparts? You of all people given your trade should be concerned with that! They're making a shit ton of money while you're struggling, not fair. If public sector employees were ran like for profit companies I bet their work force would be reduced by at least 20%.


Or is your union somehow public sector, maybe I don't understand sorry.

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Let me know what you find out. Canada is a huge country so what works in one province obviously might not in another. I know in Alberta the public sector is massively overstaffed and their unions have too much bargaining power.



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