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dude! you naughty mofo!


fucking unleashing the fury onto us with these....


I love how you encompassed the sound you like so much and put your own idmness in them....


great work, my friend and I were thoroughly blown away by these....


Keep it up man....

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These tunes aren't too bad at all but I do have a couple of criticisms. To me it sounds like that you have over compressed everything and the eq settings are a little harsh. Also, the piano sound doesn't work in black cat dance IMO. Anyway, I hope this dosen't sound in any way offensive.

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i like when everything gets going in the second one, i like the drums but maybe put some big gated reverb on the snare thing every now and then, and drop the other drums when it hits

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Guest melotronic

i'm really liking these, more original than a lot of dubstep atm (although i do like my dubstep), and with a little idm extra. think the last one is my favourite, and black cat dance was great too. but seriously, good work dude. :shade:

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