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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Louis Black: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZh51bDuCmE
  2. More high-quality JasondonervanGamePorn™! Rocking Wii U GC adapter with 3 Wavebirds (silver) myself...
  3. Looks nice, and I like the idea of a huge open world, but the fact they were sitting there talking while travelling is giving me Wind-Waker-esque sailing feelings... I hope the travelling will be a bit more exciting. FLOL YES! This game looks amazing! I'm super excited for this. I loved Uncharted 1-3. Can't wait! Same here. Those games raised the bar for storytelling and the PS3's visual capabilities. I don't have a PS4 yet, but I'm gonna make sure I have one just in time for this. Or THPS5/Silent Hills, whichever one comes first. Looks like Sony finally learned their early mistakes with PS3 and with major title exclusives like this and SFV, Microsoft has a tough road to travel... Although, FUCKING LOL @ Final Fantasy VII on PS4 - it's a port of the PC version!
  4. Where'd you hear that? Ridley recently said that Ford's part in the movie is in the third act...
  5. 500USD, will be available for pre-order December 6th in the US. 418.00 in Japan. Once these are gone, they will go for INSANE prices on Ebay. I really want one, but honestly, I already have a PS4. There is a 20th anniversary theme for PS4/PS3/Vita available too for free...
  6. I can't fathom how this guy makes a living, when nothing he works on ever gets released!That's what I was thinking, the commercials dried up, male prostitute maybe? He's RDJ's body double
  7. I can't fathom how this guy makes a living, when nothing he works on ever gets released!
  8. That site (which was great) hasn't been updated in over a year, as far as I can tell? Yeah, that's true - despite promised updates, they still haven't put up anything... the nerve! *ducks*
  9. ReBirth for iPad is also on sale, 3.00 USD! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id401704148?mt=8
  10. Propellerheads' Thor Polysonic Synth for iPad/iPhone is 10.00 off today: (5.00USD) https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id660195946?mt=8
  11. There's already a good site that sums up Chris' body of work: http://www.director-file.com/cunningham/
  12. That's like saying someone watches Schindler's List for the stunning vistas of Europe
  13. In the settings you can switch the game to a 'do not disturb' mode, which stops phone calls, missions kicking in, etc. so you're free to just go off and explore. I've spent far more time doing photography than playing it 'properly'. Well, for me I just don't like the whole "play as a thug" mentality GTA has fostered - and I don't think I'd pay 60USD for a photography sim. That's just me though. I should get the Gallery module for the forums so we can post stuff like this and have it preserved properly... Wow. I thought I was alone on disliking GTA. There is something weirdly depressing about the whole thing. I can only appreciate it on a technical standpoint. It is incredible in that regard obviously. But I'm pretty much over the 'play as the ultimate badass in an open world' thing. Been playing a lot of survival horror lately. Thank god for that entire genre. I would put dark souls in there too. Yeah, just can't get over the glorification of crime and the so-called "thug life". I think it sends the wrong message to kids/teens in the glorification of that lifestyle - some rap music does the same thing, along with country music that does nothing but talk about drinking and womanizing.
  14. In the settings you can switch the game to a 'do not disturb' mode, which stops phone calls, missions kicking in, etc. so you're free to just go off and explore. I've spent far more time doing photography than playing it 'properly'. Well, for me I just don't like the whole "play as a thug" mentality GTA has fostered - and I don't think I'd pay 60USD for a photography sim. That's just me though. I should get the Gallery module for the forums so we can post stuff like this and have it preserved properly...
  15. Godammit - I hate GTA with a passion, but these visuals are sooo impressive, it kinda makes me want to play. Why wouldn't you be able to save? AFAICR, WWHD allows you to save anywhere, anytime. Been playing a TON of games during the holiday break (well, a ton for me and my limited playtime): Geometry Wars 3: Fun, hard and awesome! Music and visuals are really good. Binding of Issac: Rebirth - finally "got" it, and can't stop doing runs to see what crazy shit I'll get Rayman Legends: So amazing - visuals, sound, music, characters - honestly, the modern Raymans (Origins and Legends) are waaaay better than any Mario game (!) - more challenging, more fun, and way more creative (IMO). I also finally picked up Last of Us: Remastered for 20 bucks, but won't start that until I block out a good chunk of time to play it properly...
  16. Yeah, I read about that - if it could be made so you can easily use Gamecube controllers on a PC, that would be a nice dual use for it. Honestly, Nintendo needs to get Gamecube games on their Virtual Console (and lower the VC prices; too damn high for that stuff) - well, there's a lot of things Nintendo "needs" to do, but that could take up an entire thread... All their shareholders are interested in is asking for the company to just go mobile, put the Nintendo software on anything and everything it can. Who can blame them when they look around and see both upstart and competitor companies in mobile gaming making out like bandits? Nintendo aren't short of money by a longshot, but shareholders in anything always want MOAR PROFIT... something which Nintendo just can't seem to do with the Wii U. They must thank their lucky stars for the 3DS and even more for the dead-cert bankability of Pokemon. All they would have to do is make Pokemon for the Wii U as a MMORPG, incorporate Amiibos, and sit back and watch the money roll in. There are rumours that Nintendo's already working on their next console - probably the worst thing they could do right now, unless it's a new handheld. I've always maintained they just need to come out with a powerful handheld that you can hook/screencast to the TV, and forget this home console stuff.
  17. Yeah, I read about that - if it could be made so you can easily use Gamecube controllers on a PC, that would be a nice dual use for it. Honestly, Nintendo needs to get Gamecube games on their Virtual Console (and lower the VC prices; too damn high for that stuff) - well, there's a lot of things Nintendo "needs" to do, but that could take up an entire thread...
  18. It's good - really good. Visuals are very impressive, but keep in mind, it's Smash Bros. - don't expect crazy combo antics a-la Street Fighter. Really need friends/family to play with to have a good time - I can't see myself playing this solo. In other news, picked up Geometry Wars 3 for PS4 - damn, what a trip! Music is very good on it, and the visuals are pretty impressive. Hard too! Also got Rayman Legends for 20USD (PSN sale), which I have been wanting to play since it came out, but decided to wait until it hit the 20 buck price point.
  19. *looks at Gamecube Adapter* *looks at Ebay auctions* *wonders if kids would notice*
  20. I would check the SYROBONKERS interview thread...
  21. Or, unshackled from Lucas' wooden directing, Harrison will do a decent job, despite getting on in years... I hope they give Chewbacca gray fur, or at least streaks - he's getting pretty old at this point.
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