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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. My home wireless N network didn't have sufficient bandwidth to play back my HD screener of Gravity without slight stuttering on the framerate from my MBP to my Apple TV
  2. Those look like Keanu Reeves facemasks...
  3. It's unfortunately crap - they took everything that made the series great and squeezed the life out of it - much like Killzone. Still, 20 bucks is about what it's worth.
  4. I was considering getting an OUYA for emulation goodness, but I hate the control pad (not sure if you can use other controllers with the OUYA). This Rasberry Pi thing looks interesting. I wonder if you can have your games on a NAS and access them via that versus downloading them to the hardware?
  5. In other news, finally beat Champion's Road in SMB3DW - just found out to get the last 5 stamps (for 100% game completion) you have to beat the game... every level... with all 5 characters... inlcuding the Champion's Road. FML. Started playing Devil May Cry on PS3 - Ninja Theory made this for Capcom - while I like the game/combat, the music makes me feel like I'm playing a game made by Hot Topic.
  6. Whoa, what? I didn't know the Pi was powerful enough to run those emulators - where can I find instructions how to build this? What controllers work with it - and does it have HDMI out?
  7. I forgot about Spelunky - I need to get back to that... What I always wondered about - how'd they get permission to make it, when there was always the classic game (Spelunker) out there and owned by Data East I think it was?
  8. Haven't made it there yet. Man some of the later stages are hard as shit! I think I've got 15 stars to go and they're all on the final (not final) world Ah, the marathon run - yeah, it seems daunting, but since each star you get is saved, it's just a matter of time before you get them all. Champion's Road though will bend you over and not kiss you goodnight.
  9. Goddamn Champion's Road in Super Mario Bros. 3D World... shit is INTENSE.
  10. These were the hot things when I was in elementary school:
  11. Is that from Japan where they managed to leviate an object using sound and then move it?
  12. Well, if it's not your cup of tea, sure - but if you like that stuff, why not? My only complaint is how damn expensive (and how low quality) the figurines are. For what they're charging, they should look and be constructed much better. From what I've seen the figures aren't really THAT much ($5-$12 on average)... some of the "giants" seem to be a little more but they're not terrible and they also sell bundles that seem to be a way better deal. They don't seem cheaply made from what I can tell, I imagine part of the reason they can be pricey is because of the microchips in them as well. Either way, it's her money and she enjoys it, and I really haven't minded playing it with her so I got nothing against it. I also see how this would be a truly great game for younger ones and family to play together so I think for what it is, it's pretty cool. Also picked up Need For Speed: Rivals today This was the cheapest Skylanders figure I could find on Walmart.com ($9.96): While this is not a bad paint job/overall construction, I could see at say 10 bucks + a pop, this could be an expensive hobby. I think it was the Disney Infinity characters I was more disappointed with in terms of price/quality. It's an innovative idea, for sure. Nintendo really should try something like this with Pokemon (I think they did, but it didn't take off).
  13. Well, if it's not your cup of tea, sure - but if you like that stuff, why not? My only complaint is how damn expensive (and how low quality) the figurines are. For what they're charging, they should look and be constructed much better.
  14. It's a condition called encephalitis - I didn't think it happened to anybody but newborns, though. I think you mean hydroencephalitis. Ah, yes - thanks.
  15. Yeah, it's easily the best Zelda game since Wind Waker. FUCKING LOL Anyone else playing through Super Mario 3D World? Fucking hell, the mystery world levels are hard as shit - now I have go back and get the rest of the stamps and stars before I can open up the last level (the odd sand castle thing). If you haven't found it yet, there's a ROM of the original Mario Bros (now Luigi Bros) unlockable on the disc. Yeah, I played that for about a minute (it's in the lower left corner of the start screen). Forgot how horrible the controls on that game were. I think it's criminal how much they sell those figurines for...
  16. not necessarily...for a hearty winter soup, sure that's great and it is a good flavour but all kinds of delicate flavours that you can get from soup that wouldn't work if you caramalise yr onions etc dayum im getting too serious here soz fair enough. i just wanted to use the phrase "maillard reaction", tbh I always thought that had something to do with ducks...
  17. Yeah, it's easily the best Zelda game since Wind Waker. FUCKING LOL Anyone else playing through Super Mario 3D World? Fucking hell, the mystery world levels are hard as shit - now I have go back and get the rest of the stamps and stars before I can open up the last level (the odd sand castle thing).
  18. They sell organic and kosher versions of their stuff too. Sure, making chicken stock is easy - IF you are cooking chicken and have the leftover parts to do so - plus you have to skim off the fat if you're making clarified broth, so while being easy, it takes time - something not a lot of us have.
  19. It's a condition called encephalitis - I didn't think it happened to anybody but newborns, though.
  20. LOL @ "soup water" - it's called broth(er). Here's all you need - don't bother making stock, etc. - this stuff (if it's available where you are) is all you need: http://www.superiortouch.com/retail/products/better-than-bouillon They have lots of different bases as well, for all you needs - I use this when I am making dishes as well as soups - a bit mixed into a sauce or as a marinade gives it a good flavour.
  21. Yeah, I was quite surprised by this. PSN and XBONE Live were down as well too I heard, but I am sure they've gotten their shit together by now. Nintendo needs to step up their online game. Pokemon Bank is a bag of fail - there's already reports of hacked Pokemon making it in there.
  22. Devil May Cry as well - I have been tempted to pick this up; glad my chronic procrastination finally paid off!
  23. Been playing the hell out of Super Mario 3D World... yeah, the Joyrex household broke down and got a Wii U - I really like it as a console - in retrospect I wished I had waited on the PS4 until more games come out for it and gotten the Wii U sooner. The gamepad's battery life is horrible though (about 3 hours at a stretch) - will probably break down and get the higher capacity battery. SM3DW is probably the best Mario game I have played since SMB 2 (US version) back in '88... such attention to detail, and so fun to play - Nintendo games in HD are amazing. Sad that the Wii U will probably end up like the GameCube did; great for Nintendo games but not much else. Also playing Dyad on PS3 - has some excellent music, and is hard and challenging - best check out videos online to see what it's about, because it's really hard to describe. Also played Ibb and Obb on PS3 - don't quite see what the hype around this game was; kinda simple and boring. Frustrating to control too. Bioshock Infinate will be free on PSN soon, although I already played through that.
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