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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. I set it to close at midnight - I would imagine that would be CST, my time zone, so that would be +6 UK time, so 6AM UK time on the 8th of November. Huge thanks and respect to both you and Sean (AE) for not only taking the time to answer these questions, but to continously be in here answering them - far more than I think anyone here expected. Really cool.
  2. Please only post questions - I know the natural instinct is to post YES! Thank you, etc., but please only post questions so Sean and Rob don't have to dig through pages of praise to get to the good stuff. Non-question posts will be removed
  3. Sean and Rob of Autechre have graciously agreed to subject themselves to you, the Autechre fans for a "ask anything" - you'll have until 7 November, 2013 to post your questions here in this thread, and Sean and Rob will choose which posts to respond to - try to ask interesting and respectful questions, and a HUGE thanks to Sean and Rob for supporting WATMM, and keeping in touch with their fans. We're really fortunate to have great electronic musicians with a long history of making cutting-edge electronic music here among us!
  4. Weren't the bad guys in Flight 93 Arabs?
  5. The problem is, those interesting stories in comics take many volumes to play out properly, like a soap opera - for a movie, the story has to be a tight package (unless say they did it like the Harry Potter movies, being a part of a bigger whole), so almost every movie is going to be like that. They're just popcorn flicks, not high drama. Enjoy it for what it is.
  6. Because just like the first two Hulk movies, another one would expose the sad truth about the Hulk as a character - nice in small doses, but a full-length soley about him is fucking boring. He worked in the Avengers because he spent realtively little time as the Hulk. Also, Ruffalo couldn't be that expensive - look at him in that terrible "Now You See Me" magic movie. Surely they didn't pay him a premimum for that.
  7. Joyrex


    Surprised (unless I missed it) nobody's mentioned Washed Out... great stuff.
  8. L-Event is available now in iTunes for anyone wanting to buy it through there.
  9. If you watch the theatrical cut without the unicorn dream, then Gaff's unicorn is just another one of his origami 'messages' that he leaves lying around everywhere. For the cuts with the unicorn dream, Gaff has to be the replicant out of the two of them, for Deckard to still be human. Doesn't make that much sense I'll admit but at least the fact that Olmos happened to look as wooden as an android at the time (even when he was on Miami Vice a couple of years later) kind of helps to ignore the more obvious implication. I don't "hate" the idea that Deckard is a replicant but it weakens the film. It still achieves the same goal of blurring the lines between humans and androids, but it goes about it in a way I don't like. The point then becomes about the audience sympathizing with the replicants and realizing they've been identifying with one all along, but Deckard himself sympathizing with the replicants becomes completely trivial. Not bad, but I prefer the version where Deckard has a more engaging character arc, which is kind of lost with the twist ending, IMO. Final note, I don't get what Joyrex means by "the writer" intended it this way. I always thought Ridley Scott was the only person to have come out and said he meant for Deckard to be a replicant. Considering the script had the scenes with the unicorn in them, and Gaff's lines... how else could the implication be made? And don't blame Olmos' wooden acting for the reason he must be a replicant - if that's the case, then all the Star Wars prequels had replicants instead of Jedis and Sith. Gaff knew internally that Deckard was a replicant and the Blade Runner force had a replicant as one of the Runners, and it turned out he was the best - because he was a replicant. Gaff knew this, and was giving Deckard subtle hints at it - the look of realization at the end of the movie when Deckard picks up the unicorn, realizes Gaff knows what he's suspected all along, and then takes Rachel and runs off to spend however much time they have left together. To be fair, the book and the screenplay are very different, so I wouldn't use that a basis for interpreting the film. I see both as separate, but related works myself. I think the point of Deckard being a replicant (outside the story's reasons) is so the viewer feels sympathy once they realize Deckard is also a replicant, he runs to spend as much time as he and Rachel have left, fully knowing they'll be hunted down or die due to reaching their pre-set lifespan limit.
  10. Why would you hate what the writer and director intended? I mean, I suppose you could, but that's what they intended, like it or not. If you think about it, it really does make sense - who better to hunt skinjobs (replicants) than one of their own? Although, it puts into doubt the lack of Deckard's superhuman abilities - unless he was made that way in order to never realize he's hunting his own kind... Plus, it means Deckard and Rachel both die around the same time (assuming their incept dates were close to one another).
  11. Oh, did I mention it would be streaming in full and released early?
  12. The whole songs just gain in sound quality compared to the previews, or they also have amazing things that aren't represented by the previews? There is no way in 45 seconds you could get an idea of the overall flow these songs have... like night and day.
  13. The snippets length and quality do NOT do these tracks justice. Hearing it in full, with headphones or a decent LOUD sound system is the only way. This is an excellent followup to Exai IMO. Right now, the last track is my favourite (can't recall the name at the moment), but I keep going back to each and finding new stuff on every re-listen.
  14. That proves the leaks are not fake ;) No, that proves we don't tolerate leaks, fake or otherwise. what if the link is from youtube you're technically not downloading anything True, but if you respect Autechre at all, then posting links on YouTube to their music should be a no-no.
  15. That proves the leaks are not fake ;) No, that proves we don't tolerate leaks, fake or otherwise.
  16. CHVRCHES - The Bones of What You Believe - great synthpop, much better than MGMT's latest.
  17. Since ICO is free on PSN+ right now, I decided to finally play this game - interesting so far. Controls are a bit wonky for my tastes.
  18. A few pages back weren’t you bitching about how trent is still trying to sound angry & angsty but it comes over as contrived now? Soz if that wasn’t you cant be arsed to go back and check but it it was its pretty funny that you dont like this because its not angry enough!! I like the fact he goes for a different vibe on this and dont think the beats are boring, rhythmically this is prob the most interesting thing he has ever done. You're right - I guess I was expecting him with this release to a) actually be "angry" and put the emotion and emphasis in his vocals to match the lyrics, but also for the music itself to sound "angry" - there's nothing harsh or "mean" about these songs, and perhaps that's the point (I'm missing) - nothing wrong with him going in a different direction, but I think perhaps he's too well known for angry, angsty lyrics and sounds, so anything new he tries sounds contrived. I dunno. I haven't listened to it since that initial listen - perhaps I'll give it another spin and see if my original opinion still stands. I couldn't even listen to the OPN remix - it wasn't a great song to remix in the first place, and honestly, nothing I've heard of OPN (and by GOD I hate his fucking artist name) has impressed me.
  19. I bet they look like shit - why not just buy, you know, chinos that are already black?
  20. LOL, is that an actual picture of Trent with a pink beret on, or was that photoshopped?
  21. I have no idea why they thought it would be a good idea to have that kind of association, especially since that artwork is so fucking 'classic' and inexorably linked to that sound Agreed - that was one of the things that made TDS so perfect - the artwork, fonts, everything fit the music perfectly. I even remember trying to emulate that painting style at the time when I was in art school and failed horribly, LOL. you probably weren't using enough of your own feces, semen, blood, or teeth. did you use your feathers though? I did! I got some chicken feathers from my mother-in-law's yard. Made a gooey mess. I was using oils with a palette knife to try and achieve the amazing textures the album artwork had. joyrex pls post pics Oh lord, that was nearly 20 years ago - I was so disgusted with my feeble attempt I know I didn't keep the canvases... probably have been in a landfill somewhere for at least the past 15+ years if not more... I do still have my marker illustration of Trent Reznor from art school, though. can it compare with Cryptowen's awesome rendition? FUCKING LOL - mine is, let's say, "more accurate" (pre-roided Reznor), but lacks the LOL-worthiness of this version!
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