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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. This is insane - my WATMM webmaster email inbox is bleeping every few seconds with backer notifications! We're getting close to being halfway there already!
  2. i wish they quoted Ivan Ooze tho Ivan 4 watmm spokesperson i have a dream, that one day, new friggin afx Don't hang your hat on new Aphex - there's plenty out there that is just as good!
  3. Aye, and a common name there ever was! 28 Flubbook likes already too! SoCal Media at it's best!
  4. I would wait if at all possible... toying with tweeting about it since word will undoubtedly get out (if not already). Ah, what the hell - go ahead - the more the merrier, eh? *goes off to tweet or twit or whatever these kids do these days*
  5. Thank you - that's an excellent idea (and I am sure the guy who I asked to do this would agree). I will look into this further.
  6. Woa, earlier then I expected! SO HYPED! Thanks boss! (Please let 'soon' be a few hours before tomorrow 10 am cst btw, so I can sort out the paying problem stuff asap, as I'm away for a day after 9am cst) No worries, you'll have 30 days to sort it out! Oh, and just because:
  7. I would also strongly advise WATMM Members to check their PM inbox... soon
  8. Kickstarter is Approved! Now to decide the lauch date! By the way, here's Google Analytics for the past 9 days:
  9. That might be an option... right now we're trying to best calculate the bandwidth costs to deliver this - Bandcamp might be a possible solution. Well, this is just how it worked out - it's giving everyone involved a chance to legitmately own this release, in the best possible quality - had I not gone forward with this (or Grant and co. said no to the idea), the seller most likely would have either never sold it, sold it and the buyer never leak it, or leak it in less-than-adequate quality and everyone still wishing for a better listen. Richard/Grant are not being lazy - they had no intention of ever releasing this album, so I think it's better than never being able to hear it and it exist as some holy grail. Someone who probably heard the tracks already and was given the test pressing as a gift...? I haven't inquired about the ABB5 or MfM. I was not aware they were "sold". Perhaps that's phase two of this? I saw that, wonder how many were simply trashed. Odd thought but surely some are absolutely lost forever. I wonder why he'd say only 4 existed to begin with then - I would think with a test pressing, a run of 5 (with two vinyl slabs) would come out to 10 total pieces, which I understand is typical for test pressings. I could be wrong, though. I highly doubt they were "trashed" - most likely Grant/Rephlex has them, similar to how they gave out a few ABB5 test pressings to people whose Analord binder order got messed up. Most likely FLAC to save on bandwidth - I was thinking WAV, but it would increase the overall size of the download. I hope you're joking - I literally was ready to ban you until I decided to give you benefit of the doubt. It would be a shame if your Kickstarter pledge was somehow "lost" and you didn't get a download voucher... - this was over the last 7 days, mind you.
  10. Don't worry, it won't happen today. In fact, I would put good money on it happening this weekend as the launch date (if all goes well), so everyone will have a shot at it (of course, WATMMers will get notified first - working the logistics of that out right now).
  11. "which appears to feature frequent collaborators Mike Paradinas and Cylob, among others" Technically not inaccurate. Lol. Geez, doesn't anyone read anymore? Fucking LOL.
  12. yeah, basically the more people that get involved, the less money per investor that will be returned from the sale of the item in the auction. At this point does it matter though, the main point was getting the release to all that wanted it. I'm thinking at this point since as it was mentioned, the return per-backer could be so small, it might not be worth the effort to try and refund the money - I'm thinking just chuck that bit towards charity (or to cover distribution costs - things are starting to look scary in terms of bandwidth costs of what it will take to deliver FLAC or WAV downloads to 1000+ people). That, and Kickstarter actually doesn't allow financial rewards like that (I've had to remove that language as well as the chartiy aspect from the Kickstarter for the approval process). But what about the aspect of, we as the collective buy it for £10,000 because we're getting over excited and carried away. Then you sell it on ebay for £5000 or less (because everyone has it on mp3 now) someone is set to grab a bargin if the resale won't take off. And rephlex/Richard get less in the process. Just a thought. (get that kickstarter up) :D No, the Ebay auction happens before anyone gets a download - I don't want that taking the wind out of the sails of the auction. Auction is like a week max, so I am sure we'll have plenty of interest, and we'd almost certainly have a reserve set - this is not going for pennies on the dollar, considering it's physical rarity.
  13. What's funny? Me offering a hand if it's needed, the expectation of a suitable ripping chain for a job like this, my standards for what a suitable chain would be, or something else? I'd like your opinion on why you think the equipment mentioned isn't adequate...
  14. yeah, basically the more people that get involved, the less money per investor that will be returned from the sale of the item in the auction. At this point does it matter though, the main point was getting the release to all that wanted it. I'm thinking at this point since as it was mentioned, the return per-backer could be so small, it might not be worth the effort to try and refund the money - I'm thinking just chuck that bit towards charity (or to cover distribution costs - things are starting to look scary in terms of bandwidth costs of what it will take to deliver FLAC or WAV downloads to 1000+ people). That, and Kickstarter actually doesn't allow financial rewards like that (I've had to remove that language as well as the chartiy aspect from the Kickstarter for the approval process).
  15. Some less than basic sleuthing will reveal his name (and please don't post it here) - I think you're being a bit pendantic over all this - don't spoil the fun! I didn't realize asking pertinent questions could 'spoil the fun' my bad Well, let me ask you a pertinent question - does it matter who is selling this? What if it was Richard? Would you, say on principle, NOT buy this if that was the case? The fact is, it doesn't matter WHO the seller is, or what their relationship to Richard/Rephlex is - bottom line is THEY are selling the record, and otherwise, Rephlex wouldn't bother doing so - I think everyone here is far more interested in hearing the music than playing Sherlock Holmes in getting all the gritty details. If I have learned anything in running this site for almost 15 years, is sometimes it just doesn't matter - what matters is if you enjoy the music or not. You know I asked... you can guess what the response was!
  16. Yep - depending on how well the Ebay auction goes, you'll even get potentially a bit of your money back!
  17. i think the intention here was the make the music available to the biggest fans and possibly they'd respect the music enough not to leak it. to be perfectly honest, i don't see why someone would want to leak it? why not instead have more people contribute to the kickstarter by spreading the word so more money goes to richard and charity (thus showing richard how much people want to hear his music while doing a good cause for charity?) i just checked a torrent site and someone has even put a request for this record (with a bounty attached) so the first person to leak it gets reimbursement for more downloads. than in itself counters encourage more people helping the kickstarter and instead, encouraging the leak- rather than the opposite which would've been more productive. btw: for peeps that don't have credit cards. you can get pre paid credit cards (one time use) which you buy in cash and use specifically for something like this That's sad (but not unexpected). The digital downloads will not be available until after the Ebay auction closes and payment is accepted (so the digital files being out there won't take the wind out of the sails of the auction), so hopefully that discourages anyone thinking to pirate it.
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