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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Thanks - this is our third artist-specific "theme" (the first being a homage to SAW 85-92, and the second being Autechre's Exai. That's actually a good idea, and wouldn't be hard at all to load one at random. A good way to represent WATMM's multi-artist coverage. I seem to remember back in the day when WATMM had content other than this forum (remember that !) we had different css themes depending on what artist page you were on. I'm not going crazy, that did happen right ? Yeah, each artist had their own subdomain too: e.g.: boardsofcanada.watmm.com - slowly, very slowly, working back to that day! I'm testing out a new forum theme that allows custom background images, and each artist subforum will have it's own "theme" as well.
  2. Thanks - this is our third artist-specific "theme" (the first being a homage to SAW 85-92, and the second being Autechre's Exai. That's actually a good idea, and wouldn't be hard at all to load one at random. A good way to represent WATMM's multi-artist coverage. I like that idea! Joyrex, how possible is this? such an awesome idea I'll see what I can come up with. I'd love to do an Unfabulum one with all the dots... They read right-to-left when written vertically, horizontally they read it left-to-right. Yes, that's true - but they still read from the right side of the page to the left... a good example is Japanese manga - the word balloons are left to right, but the panels are read right to left.
  3. Yeah, I probably will. Besides, I forgot to set the transparency on the type so the cardboard bleeds through more realistically... OK, updated it. Now I can sleep at night. In retrospect, I kinda like the other font better than Avant Garde, but we're going for homage/parody here...
  4. Beams Records is a Japanese record shop, and in Japan, they read right-to-left, so... and they follow the dd mm yyyy format as well.
  5. I really hope so - it seemed to have helped considerably with Exai... can you imagine the collective 'sigh of relief' from the community if they do release one month early... that would mean digital vinyls release next Friday or Saturday... Oh my giddy aunt - I would reverse-shit myself with excitement!
  6. I really hope so - it seemed to have helped considerably with Exai...
  7. Sadly, yes - WARP can counteract this by giving all those who preordered the digital files on the same day, right?
  8. No, no bonus track on this release - they're releasing it 5 days earlier though to stave off people importing it though...
  9. Yeah, I probably will. Besides, I forgot to set the transparency on the type so the cardboard bleeds through more realistically...
  10. Modey, Wow, you're right (and apologies to Jules) - I guess I got off track when I immediately dismissed Avant Garde due to the apostrophe, and then later realizing that it might just be a comma, and coming across Quicksans Accurate. Well, do I change watmm.com now, or leave it as-is?
  11. That's a nice poster - wouldn't mind having one of those either... I wonder when boardsofcanada.com will be updated (hopefully a brand new site and not just the black square replaced with Tomorrow's Harvest, although I suspect that's what it will be. You lot might also want to check out watmm.com...
  12. it is avant garde. an EXTREMELY popular typeface. No, it's not - look at the apostrophe and compare it with Avant Garde... it's actually Quicksans Accurate Fill (ICG font), and it looks like the apostrophe is actually the comma: http://www.fonts.com/font/image-club/quicksans/accurate-fill try typing in "TOMORROW,S HARVEST" note the comma in place of the apostrophe...
  13. Confirmed fake. Sounds nothing like the actual track* *I assume so, that is... hehe
  14. I've heard doing the same (heavy clamped objects) and leaving it in a heated environment (car for an hour in the summer, etc.) to get the vinyl to slowly go back to it's original shape. YMMV, though.
  15. Just means it's 41 days till the release date. I thought so after I re-read it... good to know, thanks!
  16. You revived this long-dead thread to ask for that, especially in light of the other Mouse on Mars subforum request threads there's probably out there?
  17. I think the fact that BoC did NOT release it until now indicates their dedication to the quality of the product - they could have easily released a half-hearted attempt just to appease the fans or get something out, but instead they waited until they were satisfied with the final product, despite all the roadblocks and delays in finishing the album. And who's to say the album is all they've been working on...? In other news, Bleep is acting normal (finally got my preorders placed for vinyl and CD), but I noticed now they have a "Estimate shipping in 41 days" - does that mean people who order now will get it 41 days AFTER June 10th? Has demand been so much it's going to take that long to get several repressing cycles complete to meet demand? If so, wonderful (for BoC) and not too bad to wait, considering the digital files will be delivered day one.
  18. Close... probably just due to what day of the week it fell upon.
  19. Pretty much the last half of the game is mostly this - hardly anything scary.
  20. Yeah, I could easily see TLoU being GoTY - assuming there's no PS4/NeXTBOX games that steal its thunder (which would be unprecedented if a launch window title got GoTY - I think Mario 64 or Super Mario World ever came close (and without checking, possibly did).
  21. Any of the PixelJunk series of games - Eden, Monsters, Shooter 1 and 2, SideScroller - about the only ones I wouldn't recommend of theirs are the Racers series and PixelJunk AM (unless you like to fiddle around and make interactive music). Seconded on Flower, Journey, or Echochrome 1 & 2. Started playing Bioshock Infinite - hopefully I won't lose interest like I did with Bioshock 1 & 2...
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