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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. And you know what? TDS was the best thing he ever made, and one of the best electronic/industrial albums ever made, if not one of the more notable albums from the late 20th century. The man should have retired from music then, IMO.
  2. no no, you left out some stuff. stop pretending to be an angsty teenager, now that you're all buff and have a 'hot' wife, and lots of money. LOL, true. Maybe it's the 'roids making him act like this.
  3. Fuck Trent and his Emo shit - goddamn, the man's my age - stop pretending to be an angsty teenager, FFS.
  4. WTF is the album title supposed to mean, anyways?
  5. Perhaps the long period is due to hesitation... marks.
  6. How could anyone be talking about melodies on this album and not include Nothing Is Real?
  7. I guess how you interpret the track, your current mental state, etc. all plays a role in how we view it. For me, it's really ominous and foreboding.
  8. Here's the video (in case nobody's bothered to post it): [youtubehd]TgwrxcO48N8#![/youtubehd]
  9. I wonder if they'll stick to the release schedule and that means US customers won't get MP3 access until the 11th
  10. Listen to the last track, in the dark, with headphones on. Or, in traffic on the freeway. The depression will hit you like a fucking brick. Funnily enough, that stood out to me as the most typically BOC sound on the album. (I assume you mean the main melody?) Since I know fuck all about music, the best I can describe it is the metallic sounding synth... it's a sound I don't think I've ever heard (anywhere), and I fell in love with it instantly. That's a call-sign from a television station or movie production house - I was wondering myself if they made that, or it's a sample. Wait, wasn't it used on BOC's "invocation" Video for Trans Canada Highway? Yes, yes it is: [youtubehd]qIB6219fg_k[/youtubehd] Also, does anyone else get a Blade Runner titles vibe from Gemini? That string opening sounds almost the same as the opening titles for Blade Runner. Collapse has the same structure forwards or backwards. Kinda cool.
  11. I listened to it last night 4 times over while doing freelance work until 1AM - perfect music to work to, and in the time I've had the album, my standout tracks are: Gemini Nothing Is Real Cold Earth There's more, but those actually make me lose focus and listen intently as they play... fantastic album. More than worth the 8+ year wait. I'd be curious to know how old the tracks are respectively, since while they all work together very well, some sound "newer" than others. And that synth in Nothing Is Real... Boards created a new sound that I have fallen instantly in love with. Indescribable.
  12. I haven't purchased a CD in a LONG time. I'm gonna buy this though. Thanks for the heads up on the two versions... although I actually normally prefer a jewel case, the artcard version is clearly the way to go. Anyone know if it's limited? I'm not sure the non-artcard version comes in a jewel case... I think digipak is for all formats, just the non-artcard version doesn't come packed with them. No way is any of the formats limited - I am sure WARP pressed up a healthy number of each - this is Boards after 8 years! No, the teaser video had more of that static mixed in at the beginning.
  13. Some people hate digipacks, I guess? It's strange that they are both the same price though, you'd think the jewel case would be cheaper. Is it though? I bet it's just the digipak, sans the inserts. I could see WARP pressing up 10,000+, and only 5,000 sets of inserts.
  14. I noticed Boomkat and other outlets are selling both a "artcard" version and a regular CD version - would they really have two versions? (I mean, of course they would, but who would choose the non-artcard version?)
  15. I've probably said this like 10 times by now but this album is such a grower. I went from thinking the album was simply ok to falling in love with it over the past 2 days. So so fucking nice. Come to Dust is absolutely perfect and the ending just cements that in even more. Didn't expect it to be this good. 0:30 into Split Your Infinites is unbelievably lush. Pretty sure anyone having doubts about this LP will come around in the next week or so. Listen to it on a decent pair of headphones... so much detail missed by listening via speakers with other noises around you.
  16. "A new body is like a new house; takes a bit of time to get settled in..."
  17. I know this might be hard for some of you to accept, but I've been given the impression that Boards is WARP's biggest act by far (notwithstanding Aphex being out of the scene for so long), and their statement that they couldn't meet demand is probably true - of course, if uptime was their number one priority like most online retailers, they'd expend whatever finances to ensure they could handle the demand, but apparently they're not doing that (whether or not financially it's viable for them, or technically, is unknown). I personally couldn't care less whether there are 24-bit versions available, but I appreciate the expectation some here have for that, and it's disappointing that after 8 years of waiting for a new release, fans can't have the music they've craved in the formats they prefer. I suppose the only way to get 24-bit quality would be a superb vinyl rip, no? SInce the CD format is limited to 16-bit/44100kzh, right? For some reason I can't quite explain, the opening track, Gemini, really appeals to me and I find myself playing it over and over - really like the overall feel and mood of this track.
  18. thank god ! this pic doesnt fit at all with TH LOL, what were you expecting them to look like - dressed in druid robes or something?
  19. that's cool. just means that it will drive people to download FLAC files from other sources. doesn't matter, they still have a sale. I think the Exai debacle (crashing their servers due to demand, and probably they got hit with massive overage costs from AWS) precluded this. There might have not been enough demand for FLAC to warrant it, either. Mark my words - Bleep and boardsofcanada.com will crater like never before when Tomorrow's Harvest streams and/or the digital downloads are released. Perhaps that's why they haven't up until now...? But Bleep went down when Oversteps was released. and when Move of Ten was released. and of course, when Exai was released. if they were making the decision based on whether the site could stand up, they made the decision pretty late if you ask me. In any case, FLACs from the CD will show up on the internet on the night of 4th June UK time (which would be morning Japanese), so it's all cool. FLACs will be available to those who want them. Well, (fourth) time's a charm, right? So perhaps they finally have wised up that their big artists have a rabid fanbase and their servers cannot handle the demand.
  20. that's cool. just means that it will drive people to download FLAC files from other sources. doesn't matter, they still have a sale. I think the Exai debacle (crashing their servers due to demand, and probably they got hit with massive overage costs from AWS) precluded this. There might have not been enough demand for FLAC to warrant it, either. Mark my words - Bleep and boardsofcanada.com will crater like never before when Tomorrow's Harvest streams and/or the digital downloads are released. Perhaps that's why they haven't up until now...?
  21. I would hope the digital files will be made available right after the broadcast. RE: Rolling Stone - the fact Dubstep was mentioned several times proves the author doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground. This album is as far away from Dubstep (even influenced) as you can get.
  22. batcatrat If Luke Vibert was a cat...
  23. could be the light but i saw folk with those top versions, the blue is almost like a coral blue, green is much brighter than that bottom one. could be a new batch and those bottom ones are the old colours? My BoC shirt I recently got is the shirt colour of the first image (the blue one), but the printing is NOT white - it's like the creamy blue print on the second set. My shirt is not as dark as the one in the second set, but the printed area colour is correct, if that makes sense.
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