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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. I think the fact that the records were physically distributed to locations around the world, in addition to the online content, made it loosely fit into the "ARG" mould. but there's no alternate reality going on here with this. A high profile example of an ARG was the Year Zero ARG that NIN did with that company...that was supposing that there was some underground resistance force or something. As far as I can see, there's no alternate reality element to this at all, it's just a protracted marketing gimmick. "loosely"
  2. I think the fact that the records were physically distributed to locations around the world, in addition to the online content, made it loosely fit into the "ARG" mould.
  3. they've only got 7 days before the Japanese release on 5th June, and as soon as it's released there it will leak. Agreed. They'd better do something on 4 June or sooner if they want to avoid pirated leaks. Who knows, though - perhaps they're not worried about it, since most likely anyone who hasn't preordered by now isn't planning on buying the album anyways, and actually releasing the digital versions to those who did preorder would actually hurt day one sales by people pirating the early release. It's a chess game, this is. i don't see the sense in pre-ordering an album that will be available at a local record store on the day of release. i'm keen enough on boards to download an early leak, and purchase the album regardless.. there have to be others like myself Well, these days, a preorder means you'll get the digital downloads immediately, and the physical copy after the fact - add to the reality that record stores are becoming rarer and rarer these days (at least in the States) where you actually could go and buy the physical product (thanks, iTunes). The other sad reality is those who can get it early, for free, from an illegal leak may not bother actually buying it (digitally or physically) once they have it.
  4. as the URL points out, they are using a hash, which is a string of characters encoded using an algorithm. Like most digital downloads, this probably expires after it's used or after a set period of time, and is tied to the purchaser's account. The full digital files are most likely NOT there, and won't be until they prepare to release them early, or on launch day.
  5. they've only got 7 days before the Japanese release on 5th June, and as soon as it's released there it will leak. Agreed. They'd better do something on 4 June or sooner if they want to avoid pirated leaks. Who knows, though - perhaps they're not worried about it, since most likely anyone who hasn't preordered by now isn't planning on buying the album anyways, and actually releasing the digital versions to those who did preorder would actually hurt day one sales by people pirating the early release. It's a chess game, this is.
  6. a month early, just like Move of Ten and Oversteps The difference here is Exai promos were in the hands of journos and press pretty early - WARP have held back on promos for Tomorrow's Harvest until just recently.
  7. Hopefully the best thing that will come of all this is WARP will realize that electronic music is still their cash cow and swing back to their roots and abandon that indie direction they've been on about for the past few years. Agree though - now that it's pretty much in the hands of enough people, they really should provide the digital downloads before 5 June, because after that for sure (if not any day now), there will be leaks of it everywhere.
  8. LOL, that's the first thing that popped into my head too - that was short-lived, wasn't it?
  9. The one I got with my Exai shirt is exactly like the bottom one (blue).
  10. Hell, even MHTRTC was "dark". Go listen to "The Color of the Fire" in the dark and then tell me it doesn't have it's dark moments.
  11. Geogaddi is more of a journey, similar to NIN's The Downward Spiral. It tells a story through the progression of songs.
  12. boc and ae delivering on all cylinders? good god. Yeah, but BoC won't fade as much as Exai has (for me) - While I love me some Exai, BoC, in any flavour, is like sex/best meal ever/puppy kisses and unicorn vomit all rolled into one!
  13. Warp should handle all releases like that. I think the hype surrounding it, in addition to the long hiatus since Boards' last release was the impetus for the extra measures. All speculation on my part, though.
  14. No, it hasn't. Absolutely no promos have gone out - WARP was smart this time and have only previewed the album from their offices, or in the upcoming listening party in Paris. I wouldn't be surprised if even close associates of BoC don't have the album yet.
  15. chaosmachine's original fake wasn't bad. the old Dave from 2001 tracks too. Chaosmachine's song had beats, too.
  16. Gosh, what if the single preview was scuttled because they're planning on releasing the digital files on Monday? The mind reels...
  17. Back to a rumour, I'm afraid... hopefully it's just a case of Galloway talking prematurely...
  18. I never really saw it as bitching, it seemed more like a sigh of relief that boards of canada are still active and making music. Or perhaps there's the reality that Boards didn't let anyone know what was going on regarding the album and finally said something when they knew themselves it was time to release it. Great news about the single (I wonder which track) being played on Monday - I have a feeling after the single, we may hear more about any digital pre-release (fingers, toes and whatever else can be crossed crossed)
  19. I would hope that any unreleased material would garner it's own special release... like a compilation of their old songs... but, what to call it?
  20. Since there's been such a gap of time between releases, it would make sense for WARP to offer represses (CD and vinyl) of the back catalogue. Imagine: BOC SET (300.00USD) For the serious Boards of Canada collector - all their WARP releases in one deluxe package, both CD and vinyl. Contains: 1X Music Has the Right to Children CD 1X Music Has the Right to Children vinyl LP 1X A Beautiful Place Out in the Country CD EP 1X A Beautiful Place Out in the Country vinyl EP 1X Geogaddi CD 1X Geogaddi vinyl LP 1X The Campfire Headphase CD 1X The Campfire Headphase vinyl LP 1X Trans Canada Highway CD EP 1X Trans Canada Highway vinyl EP 1X Tomorrow's Harvest CD 1X Tomorrow's Harvest vinyl LP Includes large format posters of all LP releases, postcards, stickers, and more, packaged in a turquoise slipcase with hexagon clasp closure.
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