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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. The biggest issue with other software (like Discord) is the integration with the forum software just isn't there, and as the Discord has proven, that disconnect is detrimental to users. Plus, I don't think there are any IRC clients for iOS/Android, and mobile is becoming increasingly important as that's how a lot of WATMM users access the site:
  2. Lapis X Labrinth looks very, very interesting (PS4/Switch):
  3. Does for me - first backspace highlights the quote box, second nukes it
  4. No worries - you have enough DankRep™ points to make up for it
  5. So if you put the cursor after the spoiler tag and hit backspace, what happens?
  6. Ever play the original Phantasy Star? Absolute all-time classic.
  7. Damn, Orbital still has it! Awesome remix!
  8. What if you phrase it as "But, it wasn't really that bad"?
  9. Okay - so far, it looks like there is some appetite for bringing CHATMM back in a new form, so let me do the numbers and make sure we have the budget to purchase the addon and we'll implement it! Any other comments/ideas are welcome.
  10. Some of you may or may not know, but I have 15 cats. Most live outdoors. This is Mitsy, and yesterday before going for a jog I caught her napping on my recently-built garden boxes for Mrs. Joyrex's rose garden:
  11. Didn't they just come out with the final DLC pack for it?
  12. Hmm. On the old forum, the addon had a user-selectable number of topics to display... this one is only adjustable via the Admin Control Panel (the default is 5). Good catch about the sidebar topics - let me see if I can change that to something more useful. The difference though is the Recent Topics box at the top changes every 60 seconds, whereas the sidebar only changes upon page reload.
  13. Indeed - the scary part is how freakin' large that boulder actually is!
  14. But do the lyrics say "come out in the heat" or "come out in the night" to your ears? A future WATMM internship is at stake here
  15. It looks like the search doesn't pick up on the contents of URLs (e.g., the ID of the YouTube video you mention - now that you mentioned it in text, I can search and this thread is the only reference to it. I can see your point about how useful that might be in some circumstances, but I'm not quite sure that constitutes an issue per se...
  16. Okay *deep breath* - I'm going to assume you're not the biggest Aphex Twin fan (and that's okay... I think). Assuming you have no idea what I'm on about, I would kindly like you to listen to the following and tell us what he's saying in the song: Don't ANYONE tell him - let's see what he thinks the lyrics say...
  17. Yeah, we knew something was off with him when during the interview he said 'night' instead of 'heat'
  18. Yeah, that was Rupert, the intern - he's fired now. Seriously though - I saw the post and retweeted it; I didn't actually know something was wrong with the site (again; we had set up a cron job to ensure the SSL cert auto-renews every 90 days) as I wasn't on the site the whole weekend. Oh, dang - yeah, that was ages ago when the host we were on suddenly went tits up and we had no backups, etc. (that is all handled now and we've been on this stable host since then).
  19. No, unfortunately I do not - I am assuming that was with a previous account? Yeah - our certs expired over the weekend, and we did have a cron job set up to auto-renew, but according to @chaosmachine, they may have gotten wiped when Apache was upgraded as part of the forum upgrade. Are you choosing specifically to search the thread, or the site? For example, if you click into the search box before typing anything: I'll see if there is an addon to restore the collapse feature - I don't know if the sidebar has a collapse feature anymore since it auto-collapses based on your screen/device size.
  20. I figured it out - because you had subscribed to EKT Plus and downloaded our compilation, WATMM Volume 1, it put you into a secondary group (so you could digitally download the compilation). That group was excluded from receiving reputation/reactions, and I guess that secondary group permission bubbled up to your primary group permission and took the route of least privilege.
  21. Yeah, that's unfortunately something I noticed too (it's a default feature). No way that I know of to "turn off" the notification icon if you've already responded to a notification. I'm looking into why you cannot be repped, as I suspect this affects others as well.
  22. Weirdly enough, I can't rep you either!
  23. So you don't see the button at all on some users, but yet others? Can you screenshot some examples?
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