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t yst r

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Posts posted by t yst r

  1. Have been wondering about this for a while, but I thought I heard Jamie Lidell's voice in 'Shin triad' on Squarepusher's third album. He's not credited anywhere for it as far as I can tell. Seeing now that they did a live collab afterwards and that Lidell released music on Spymania, it doesn't seem implausible.




    Perhaps this is common knowledge and I'll  :facepalm: for a bit...



    Doesn't sound quite like Jamie to me, but I guess we'll never know! I suppose one could always ask him - he usually likes to hang and talk to fans after his shows. I keep meaning to ask him what the lyrics are to Daddy's Car...I can never make them out entirely, but I love that song! I end up making up the words to sing it to myself.


    Alright, I went to see Jamie's show in Brussels yesterday and it was really good. Spoke to him afterwards and asked him about this. He said it was him on that track and I was the first to ever ask him about it. Said I was a pretty smart guy :D lol


    Really nice person, very pleasant to talk to.

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