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t yst r

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Posts posted by t yst r

  1. My interpretation wazzat it was a zombie that et her & Rick was half tempted to cut it open & salvage the undigested lori-bits, but then he was like "nah that's just nasty" & chose to merely stab it a bunch


    yeah wtf, T-dawg sacrificed himself to save her and then we know nothing about her and no one in the groups seems to have noticed that she's missing, lol.


    They think she's dead. Or maybe she is, but that's not really clear to me. It's hinted in the preview that they'll find her somehow.

  2. Yes but that's exactly the thing. I like films that are further off, having evil beings of evil shapes terrorizing people. The mistique of the story adds a bit too.


    I know what you mean. I like dark, moody visuals too, but for District 9 in particular the documentary-like style suits the story better. It has aliens in it, but they seem to be a metaphor for the black South Africans during apartheid. I'd compare it more to Avatar where the Na'vi seem to represent the Native Americans during the European migration. I think it's just a very different kind of film.

  3. For me Prometheus was better than District 9, because I like dark alien stuff. In these kinda movies that's very important.


    Personally, I wouldn't compare these two just because they're movies about aliens. Prometheus is about something pretty hypothetical and unlikely to be true. An interesting take on were we come from as a species. District 9 is more a allegory for what happened in South Africa during the apartheid regime (district six in Cape Town).

  4. If i were to nitpick alien for something it would be for ripley going back for the cat, and the nostromo blowing up like 10 times.


    About the cat; Not saying it's the smartest thing to do, but people sometimes just do that...




    As for the three explosions (not 10); those come from the three fusion reactors onboard the refinery. I believe it was mentioned in the audio commentary.

  5. might be. everything gets dubbed here, but they usually screen original versions too. I guess stuff like that is entirely up to the film's local distributor, sucks.


    That's a positive evolution though. There's so much that you miss when seeing a dubbed movie or series. Most of the time the voice actors have to 'act' some character into the voice, making it sound bland or silly. Luckily we get the originals in Flanders.

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