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t yst r

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Posts posted by t yst r

  1. I've been trying to find the original songs that were used by the Caretaker. Apart from what I found on whosampled.com and a Youtube channel there isn't much more. I'm the most interested in the ones on 'Everywhere at the end of time stage 2'. I would love to know what that last track is.

    I did find the first one, which is 'Love's old sweet song' by James Molloy. Discovered it while watching the movie Awakenings.

    Anyone else know something?

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, dr lopez said:

    remember when he made that robo-motorcycle movie lol

    I've been planning to make something similar for the last ten years, but all practical effects, based on Richard Devine's Cautella. It'll be smashing when it's done. Catch me back in ten years :P

    • Haha 1
  3. Thanks for the heads up. Would've missed it for sure. Scored three albums so far from tuesday on. I'll buy some more afterwards just out of gratitude. Such a nice guy...

  4. A comment on Youtube: 

    The bassline and melody of The Devil Is In The Details are an octave and a major sixth apart. The bassline/melody repeats the first note three times, yielding three consecutive "sixths" in a row, i.e. 6-6-6. Furthermore, the bassline and melody are approximately 1.618 seconds apart - the golden ratio.
    Pretty cool :)
    • Like 2
  5. 6 hours ago, Chabraendeky said:

    Nope, they're not failing. They are digging deep into musical ground, mining, what's under the basics. There is no return to the surface, because they are exploring the basics of the basics, and have demolished what they already exploited. 

    Just kidding ?  Clearly, they don't need to repeat themselves. There's still so much to be uncovered.

    • Like 1
  6. I think the relative silence in here says something about what this last part does to people...


    Personally, I find everything flowing into a sort of logical progression of what I could have expected. Tense, frightening and claustrophobic atmospheres alternating with those blissful peace-at-last parts. It works, it really works, especially when you consider this project grew organically. Part 4 now sounds rich and almost oversaturated compared to the later parts, whereas it first sounded empty compared to the preconscious states. The last track really stands out, because it is absolute bliss, free of all that earthbound hiss and those pops and clicks... Peace at last, not minding to be there any more. But then that last part bursts through...


    I don't know what to make of that... is that heaven? Or did we just get pulled back down? Is that a requiem for ourselves, or is it one for our life-long loved one that we are forced to witness, in an absolute last moment of consciousness? And then nothing... Fuck...


    I'll have to get back to you on that...


    Thank you, mr. Kirby. I think...



    Remember the 10min version of VL AL 5?

    Aye, and the 11 minute Kalpol Introl..... lovely stuff
    They are both very awesome, as are the Bike, Liccflii, Basscadet and Flutter live versions...

    I don't know if there's more, but I'd pounce on a collection of live/extended edits of previously released album tracks that they've played live or included in their promo mixes throughout the years.


    Then again, I'd probably pounce on a collection of fart sounds if they thought to officially release them...


    I don't doubt that AE make more interesting sounds while sitting on the toilets for 10 minutes than most musicians will ever wind up releasing throughout their entire careers.

    Can hear Sean beat boxing while droppin a load in my head right now... And it's pure bliss.

    Mira Calix is one fucking lucky human being.


    Especially during holidays... Rob totally spends holidays with the Booth family, right?

    <eyes rolling into the back of my head with ecstacy>

    Rob in the downstairs bathroom while Sean is upstairs after feasting on a Christmas ham... Calix could sample the shit out of the chorus echoes reverberating throughout the flat and wind up with a masterpiece.

    Aren't they divorced? Hoping they're not, ofcourse.

  8. My 3-year-old says he likes 1st 44. But he'll get down on most music. We danced together to Elephant Song


    Children are open to anything, really. The narrow-mindedness comes later.

    I'll never forget the sight of my nephew, when he was two, dancing to 'hello meow' :D




    Also, I'm either going mad, or I'm onto something - I was listening to the EP (again) this morning on the way to work, and I *swear* I hear an Autechre-style sound (can't recall which track) at around 2:12 in 1st 44 that made me think I've heard this before.


    Perhaps you mean the live recording at Quirky?

    Sorry, not sure what you're referring to?

    I mean the droning sound throughout the second track of Quirky, Brixton. There's also some ending bit of Kalpol Introl there. Or do you mean something else?


    Also, I'm either going mad, or I'm onto something - I was listening to the EP (again) this morning on the way to work, and I *swear* I hear an Autechre-style sound (can't recall which track) at around 2:12 in 1st 44 that made me think I've heard this before.



    Perhaps you mean the live recording at Quirky?

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