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Posts posted by zkom

  1. Been working this week at a lab near a university that just had 17 confirmed cases where some of the lab employees visit daily. So decided to cancel a visit this weekend to see family members that are high risk. Not concerned for my own health though, just want to play it safe with people who are vulnerable.

    All 500+ people gatherings cancelled in Finland now. Meetings held remotely at work. People stocking up on food. Not scared but there is a kind of weird and vague DeLillo-like apocalyptic vibe.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I've been reading quite a lot lately. On my 11th book already this year and now reading John Higg's The KLF: Chaos, Magic and the Band who Burned a Million Pounds.

    Lots of interesting info and speculation in this book. Crosses over from the KLF, to Robert Anton Wilson, JFK assassination, Dr. Who, Alan Moore, etc. And it's weirdly affecting my dreams and makes me remember the odd coincidences regarding The KLF back from my teenage years and childhood. 

    More or less independently the following things happened (you need to remember this was all pretty much pre-internet so I had no way of knowing the connection between these things and I wasn't part of any "scene"):

    • I became a KLF fan around the time when the White Room was released but I had no idea what the lyrics were about
    • I got a Lord of the Rings poster as a birthday gift from a friend
    • I bought the Illuminati board game, again I had no idea how these might be connected, just liked the idea of a conspiracy boardgame
    • I became an Orb fan (mainly by Little Fluffy Clouds) without knowing Cauty's involvement in the early years
    • Read Katie Hafner's and John Markoff's Cyberpunk book about the Chaos Computer Club

    So, being maybe a bit slow, at some point I started to figure out that the Illuminati boardgame was inspired by the Illuminatus! novel, which I found about from the Cyberpunk book, and that also inspired the KLF's lyrics, which started to suddenly make sense, and learned that Cauty was involved with the early Orb and then I discovered that Cauty had designed a LoTR poster.. so I went to check the signature on the poster on my wall and it said J. Cauty! I was fucking mindblown that all these things I like have such a weird common connection. It felt like there was some kind of outside force in play.

    Anyway, reading this book and remembering the weird "synchronicities" from my past is kind of fucking with my head again, in a good way, I hope. Or then I've just spent too much time coding alone and I'm slowly going insane. 

  3. lol, this thread keeps on giving

    re Behringer: Shitty litigious practices and bullying

    re Antisemitism, the video, etc: I have no idea, haven't bothered to watch the video

    Personal experience: I have a Behringer mixer I've been planning to sell for a while because I don't need it and it's also quite crap


    • Like 1
  4. On 12/31/2019 at 8:08 PM, zkom said:

    I feel like this is going to be simultaneously the best and the worst year of my life so better buckle the fuck up.

    Just skated back in to say that this year is surprise after a fucking surprise. Besides the covid-19 fucking up my romantic and social life there are so many unexpected things happening in my personal life that I never saw coming.. And it's only early March..

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Gocab said:

     I'm pretty sure he will be unable to post in here then.

    I'll set up an automated message that if I don't log in here for two weeks it says "Sorry guys, I died in corona virus (or much more probably for some other reason)"

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 1
  6. Personally this whole thing is a bit of a meh for me because having been to areas with high malaria risk, dengue, chikv, yellow fever, cholera and fucking bubonic plague epidemics, traveled in China during the H1N1 epidemic (and possibly had it) and swimming in a lake in Africa infested with parasites and treated twice for a possible parasite infection aaand having had some mysterious tropical disease from Indonesia that took weeks of antibiotics to cure and having had both pneumonia and influenza.. I'm not too scared of a little bit of heavier than usual flu virus. If I get sick just gimme some ibuprofen and codeine.

    But, some people I know are high-risk, so I'm not going to act like a total dickwad and I'll try not to become a supercarrier or something like that.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

    My great grandmother died in that pandemic when my grandpa was only 10 years old.

    My grandfather's brother died in the Spanish flu epidemic. But it was very lethal in northern Finland.

    • Sad 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Entorwellian said:

    Twice as high for men (almost 5%) as women (little over 2%), and targets *former* smokers twice the amount than both non-smokers and currently smokers..

    *starts smoking again*

    • Haha 3
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