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Posts posted by zkom

  1. 10 hours ago, Ginerpri said:

    Here in Milan there's plenty of people wearing face masks. Also the subway is way way less crowded, like 1 fifth of the people normally using it, as a lot of people work from home this week. Also saw some videos of supermarkets with empty shelves on the food section

    I was planning to go to Milan in a few weeks to meet my friend there.:facepalm:

    The speculation has started if the Tokyo Olympics will be cancelled.

    It would be interesting to see some estimates how much this has cut down the global CO2 emissions already.

  2. 10 minutes ago, caze said:

    that's not true though, if that was the case there wouldn't have been multiple examples in human history of lethal viruses/bacteria which have wiped out large numbers of people. a pathogen can have a long incubation time and still be highly contagious and have a high mortality rate. we know for a fact now that this one has a long incubation time (between 2 weeks to a month nearly), it's unsure exactly how lethal/contagious it is though, due to the unreliability of the Chinese reporting. we'll only know for sure when/if democratic countries start showing similar numbers to China.

    Obviously lethal viruses can spread but the more lethal the virus is the easier it is to diagnose and contain plus it kills the carriers. So, actually the less lethal mutations and the mutations with less symptom are likelier to survive than the super deadly ones making the less dangerous "fitter" in the evolutionary sense, which sort of makes the virus population less dangerous over time because the people get the immunity by getting sick from the more common and less dangerous version.

    The big old plagues were more or less caused by people not understanding how the disease is spreading and actually acting counter-productively, f.e. in medieval Europe killing the cats, who actually were killing the rats that carried the disease.

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  3. 9 minutes ago, Candiru said:

    Bernie is much more likely to win if the coronavirus kicks up a few notches and starts fucking with the global economy. 

    I’m not a fan of viruses n shit. Just saying 

    Gonna love the conspiracy theories if this happens

  4. I don't know if it's just that I used to live a more sheltered and less connected life or if the world has become more connected in the past 20 years, because the international emergencies and events have now somehow more impact on my personal life.

    F.e. back when SARS hit the scene in 2003 it was barely a blip in my radar, around the time of bird and pig flu they were minor inconveniences as me and my then girlfriend were almost denied an entry to Hong Kong due to her running a fever, but now this Corona virus shit is fucking with my daily life and plans for the next several months.

    Also quite often when there's some bigger incident, natural disaster, demonstration or military operation somewhere I'm thinking that shit I know people who live there.

    I'm starting to miss the time when watching the international news was like watching any other TV show.

  5. The politics has become completely about identity, who you or your peer group identifies with, instead of actual political issues themselves. And in US you have two options, so it's a complete fucking mess now with the political discourse between the two different groups disappearing and never questioning your chosen representative because then you would be questioning or compromising your own identity.

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