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Posts posted by zkom

  1. Just write about how it makes you feel.

    Long time ago I was doing an abstract algebra exam and the last question was to prove some theorem. After spending two hours (the math exams were 4 fucking hours long) and tons of paper trying to come up with a proof and running out of time I finally gave up and quoted Lao-tzu: "Wise men don't need to prove their point; men who need to prove their point aren't wise."


    I passed the exam with almost the minimum score..

  2. I'm envious. Usually after 30 days I miss the creature comforts, whether that's my own bed, a regular fucking shower lol.... my fav pizza place, etc. I can't imagine 192 days. 


    I've noticed for myself that around that 3-6th week mark there's a kind of mental barrier where I start to get fatigued because of all the small problems: transport breaks down or is late for 12 hours or there's no hot water or water at all, electricity disappears for half a day each day, etc. But once I push through and just decide to say "fuck it, whatever", "hakuna matata" or something similar I get into a kind of traveling flow state where I don't care about the small problems anymore. They are minor issues and my mind is not bothered with such things anymore.


    Then the next mental barrier seems to come some weeks later, when my own identity starts to break down, particularly if I'm in a really alien environment. I question who or what I am, what am I doing with my life, did I choose the correct career, what is good life, etc. That gets solved finally and I start to live even more in a moment.


    Then later comes this part where I start to question the idea of going to a long trip in the first place. Is this something a sane and rational person would do with his money and time? Why am I not at work doing something constructive or with my family or friends back home?


    Anyway, timewise I'm going to push over my last record in about month, curious to see what's the next crisis. Running out of money? :emotawesomepm9:



    Been traveling/homeless for 192 days. Now starting to feel some mornings that it would be nice to wake up from my own home for a change and normal life wouldn't be so bad. Like just make breakfast and go to work. But it took longer than expected, last time it started to happen maybe after 120 days of traveling.


    The biggest problem is I get used to or addicted to this kind of constant change and it's very fucking hard to stay still when I decide to. Last time I could really only go to home to sleep for the first few weeks.. I had to be always out and about doing something and wore myself out very quickly.


    this doesnt seem like a first world problem



    Well, I'm in Hong Kong currently, I don't know which world this is?  :cool:


    But more seriously, being able to travel like this is pretty much a first world privilege at least.. And I don't mean just the money but more importantly having a passport from a first world country that allows you to basically go anywhere without much hassle. 

  3. Been traveling/homeless for 192 days. Now starting to feel some mornings that it would be nice to wake up from my own home for a change and normal life wouldn't be so bad. Like just make breakfast and go to work. But it took longer than expected, last time it started to happen maybe after 120 days of traveling.


    The biggest problem is I get used to or addicted to this kind of constant change and it's very fucking hard to stay still when I decide to. Last time I could really only go to home to sleep for the first few weeks.. I had to be always out and about doing something and wore myself out very quickly.

  4. Pls Sean and Rob, name the files first with Unix time since epoch so I can nicely sort them numerically when I'm feeding them to my shell commands to play them, k tnx.

  5. The Finnish media has been publishing some news on UK which makes it seem like some kind of a modern Dickensian dystopia where large part of the people live in poverty and die due to preventable diseases..

  6. You have more interesting Ae audiences.. I think in Helsinki it was mostly just bearded nerds standing still. The only weird things were that there was some white powder on the table near me after the lights came back on and that there was a street prostitute outside when I left the venue. First time I've ever seen one in Finland.. She looked like perfectly ordinary mid-30s woman. I first thought she wants to talk about Jesus or some shit. When she asked do I need company I was thinking did I hear correctly?

  7. People around me getting all sort of physical and mental health problems, losing jobs, etc. So feels kind of dumb to complain about minor things.. really a FWP.. not big enough personal problems to feel comfortable to complain about.


    Why do I have the deja-vu feeling I wrote this before itt years ago?


    Oh yeah, also, should be looking for work or some income but having too much fun to be bothered..


    Sigh. I just realized it may be a little rubber thing that was attached to my ear buds.



    Well, I just fished out a tiny screw from my niece’s ear.



    I can't remember if I told this story in watmm but here goes..


    Long time ago I woke up and had my ear really hurting and I was thinking is this ear infection or what? So, I reserved the time to see the workplace doctor. Before the doctor I had to see the nurse and she looks into my ear and says there's something really weird happening in my ear, like a black layer in there. And I was a little bit freaking out that what the fucks going on? Then she sends me to the doctor and he's looking into the ear and says there's really something here and picks up tweezers and tries to pull it out. And, yeah, it comes out. It's the fucking rubber thingy from the earbuds. I had fallen asleep with the earbuds on and the other bud left the rubber thing in my ear.. :facepalm:

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