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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. just found this list Over 90 Free VST Effects Plugins at audio.tutsplus.com. looks like alot of cool stuff on there
  2. this youtube channel has really cool music with great videos. the latest, red, is really good, and it seems like it's the third snippet from an epic song.
  3. PALMS http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/15371-palms-patagonia/
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezg2jHWq8jE
  5. is iyff acid entirely one note? i can see the bass line being one note, but i think maybe the drums are the same note also. maybe that's what ceephax was talking about, regarding melodies? kind of a question dodge.
  6. steinenvorstadt has that awesome fishing-reel-sounding percussion that's in untitled 97 and maelstrom. it's a squarepusher technique. the linpadual videos have search tags like yamaha, gx1, and jiddomatix. i hope the linpadual videos aren't just scraps, i really want to hear longer tracks of steinenvorstadt and noah.
  7. Steinenvorstadt is growing on me, i like the sound, it's like Rules the Read II meets Tuss but slower. it starts to get awesome and sound like AFX and SP more as the clip ends. Noah sounds like some great AFX. Synth Chatter seems to be an earlier segment of the Noah track, you can barely hear the Noah beat at the end of Synth Chatter. Teu seems like a complete ambient track, I could see it being AFX, especially with the video.
  8. damn, thought i found previews for a new album. yeah i guess it's amateur, but i was thinking about untitled 97, that kind of had an amateur sound, too, even though it's awesome. room, also. the videos are great, and i think the music is not bad, i like linpadual and noah in particular. one of those videos mentions rephlex in the description (first class to braindance). googling didn't clarify where these came from, i just found a twitter account with no followers or following and 1 tweet from 2011: "soon."
  9. i found this "Steinenvorstadt" video that has "steinvord" as a search tag on youtube. its a 2 minute steinvordish track with a rather nice video. at first i was thinking fake, then i listened to it 5 more times and decided to check out the youtube uploader, dude has 8 tracks of short, mostly kinda ambient steinvordish tracks with videos. some of these sound like they could be previews. for instance some fade at the end, and at the end of synth chatter it sounds like another part is about to start. whatever it is, i like it
  10. i'll stop posting about it. i'm probably done now anyway.
  11. now maelstrom at 70.711% speed seems too slow, so i did one at 79.37%, which retains alot of what i liked about the slower speeds and improves the pace, making the second third of the song not sap the momentum from the first. i noticed some nice new musical phrases, particularly during the last loud part.
  12. most frequencies aren't notes, so when you change speed, and thereby the frequencies, you most likely remove something from standard tonality, unless you change it to very specific speed change percentages. most speed change tracks on youtube are not in tune, their frequencies stay proportional to the other frequencies in the respective tracks, but they most likely are not actual notes. i found the formula to calculate the tonal speed change percentages on an audacity wiki. it sounds better to use the tonal percentages. those tracks sound sped up.
  13. i don't think i'll be changing the speed for cyg x-1 or maelstrom anymore. regarding iyff acid e1 at 66.742% speed, i wasn't sure about the tones, then i noticed the perc samples were kinda long, so i brought it up to the next tonal speed change percentage, 70.711%. it's less dull than the 66.742% speed one, and it sounds more like steinvord. the perc samples seem fine, and i like the staticy intro more.
  14. the last maelstrom speed i posted seemed off so i brought it up to the next tonal speed change percentage. now the pace is better, some excellent musical phrases are brought to light, the new tones work great, and that purring/growling sound in the first heavy part doesn't sound off. i think it will fit better with the other 4 tracks (awesomely, my other two speed change tracks go great with backyard and ontrack v2). i almost didn't post it here, but people seem to be following this, and i delete the old ones as i upgrade, so here you go. e
  15. i had to do another, but of cyg x-1 this time. about 75% speed. there's a sound that's off on other speeds but becomes awesome on this one, it's that sound you hear for the first time at 33 or 34 seconds, it's almost like a snare, but not. actually there are hardly any traditional percussion samples discernable in this track.
  16. when i first listened to the steinvord ep i thought some tracks sounded sped up because of percussion samples being abruptly short, tempos being quick, and the sense that there was alot going on that i was not able to follow. when i heard how awesome iyff acid e1 was at 65% speed i thought maybe songs had been disguised with speed for fun.
  17. i figured out the speed change percentages that won't take a song out of tune and made new versons of the slowed steinvord tracks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsVYNhXAM1I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94yhicGP8ys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvnWvxR8PR0
  18. i could see some samples and techniques being the same, but i dont see any structural crossovers between the two. its an interesting track because it has different grooves at different speeds. with the normal speed version, the part with the most solid grove is 3:35 to 5:00. this becomes the first half of a 4 minute ambient noise segment in the 61% speed version. 3:20 to 5:45 of the 61% speed version has an awesome groove and progression, but in the normal version it is spastic and rushing past. also, the first minute of the 61% speed version sounds like the windowlicker intro, but in the normal speed version it's like a drumset falling down a hill on jupiter, which i also love.
  19. maelstrom sounds great at 60% speed. youtube apparently wont allow a 15 minute video, but you're better off doing what i did and recording godtiermusic's rip on youtube and changing the speed with audacity or something so it's better quality. same with cyg x-1, although i did upload a slightly better 70% speed version of that here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKEey1W0x4A i prefer the slower speeds for those and iyff acid right now, and the speed and quick samples of those songs make me wonder if these are intentionally made multi-speed songs.
  20. Like the soundtrack to a hacking scene in a 90s scifi movie. hah, perfect. it sounds better than that, though, even with that video's audio quality being garbage. for that video i recorded the source off another youtube vid, so that's at least one compression, then i made the wmv and uploaded it to youtube, that's two more. the audacity speed change probably reduced quality, also. if anyone has a good record player setup...
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