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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. So can you clarify on how you "accidently" show someone that?
  2. Drink lots of fluids including orange juice I read that neither vitamin C nor excessive drinking of fluids actually helps with colds, but who knows how accurate the article was. I'm drinking hot drinks anyway since it brings my throat temporary relief. That, lying around, and halls lozenges. Well, it can't hurt thats for sure. I'm sure its good for you because fluids are a way for your body to flush out stuff it doesnt want
  3. Sorry to burst your guy's bubble about NeverWet: http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2013/07/neverwet_review_the_water_repelling_spray_is_no_miracle_product.html
  4. just watched this. blown away. loved it. i'll likely watch this for my second time soon. very special film to me, on multiple levels. ben mendelsohn is a favourite of mine and eva mendes may have given her best performance. also, i would like to do very naughty things to eva; as any man in his right mind would. her smile lights up dark places. Mendelsohn was incredible. I feel like Bradley Cooper really stole the show and really embraced his character
  5. Nostalgia trip right there. Refreshes memories of popping in game discs like Alien Trilogy and the first Resident Evil back in 1996. You know it, i was getting ready to beat first few levels of Crash Bandicoot over again because we didnt have a memory card. Feels like centuries ago
  6. MY GOD. I want to listen to this just based on the album art
  7. Got a job at my college's bookstore and my coworkers are pretty cool and the higher ups seem to like me. Still working minimum wage so i guess its kind of a FWP
  8. How is it depressing? Im actually taking two psych classes this coming fall, general psych and abnormal. Never taken a psych class before Music "contests" are bullshit
  9. okay i love you salv. thanks, you made my day a little brighter! That girl's a straight cutie pie
  10. I have that exact model of headphones. SOOOOO COMFORTABLE (although they look way too big on my small head so i look like a complete dork)
  11. I feel like you can get away with anything in russia... Edit: even though this video was fairly disturbing, i couldn't help but chuckle at the russian music the driver was listening to
  12. Another musing about Mulholland Dr. It started as a TV pilot for NBC... Why the FUCK would NBC be interested in airing something made by David Lynch?
  13. haha don't encourage me! i've enough money problems going to school as it is...though I have heard of a lot of historians later moving on to law.... I read that as "mowing the lawn"....
  14. Wonderfully nihilistic, i hate when people have these pseudo-intellectual tattoos of some shallow "meaningful" expression that everyone's heard a million times
  15. +1. Guide me...unhololy The ending actually really disturbed me. The guy has lived a much different, secluded life compared to mine, you know there must be so many unfamiliar foreign thoughts floating around in that head of his.
  16. Half hour documentary about the singer for Gorgoroth
  17. Americans justifying an unhealthy diet, disgusting...
  18. OK it's very simple. Thanks, i actually read that article before posting and all i got from it was that all the critics were like "i dont get it... but it was really good." I knew it was a meant to be for at first but why did Noami Watts act so horribly during the majority of the movie, it was deliberately bad.
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