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Danny O Flannagin

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Posts posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. Kenny vs. Spenny


    All episodes found here on Kenny Hotz' YouTube channel. Well, most episodes. Some episodes had to be taken off probably because of YouTube's policies, such as "Who Can Keep a Dump in Their Pants the Longest?" and "Who Can Have Sex with More Women?"


    Didn't the guy who always lost pretty much quit the show because he was psychologically damaged from all that abuse. Or was that all made up?

  2. Somebody called our attention to this earlier: on Bleep's product description for this album, it merely says something like "The day we thought would never arrive...". Maybe there's a double-meaning here, but taken at face-value, that's a douchey thing for Bleep to write. Isn't Bleep a subsidiary of Warp? So, as representatives of Warp, doesn't this comment kinda make Bleep sound like whiny bitches? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not unsympathetic to the point they're making (again, prima facie interpretation), but it's not very professional for the label or its commercial distributor to bitch about the wait in the goddamn product description, right? What about something along the lines of "We have all been looking forward to this for a very long time, ..." or "We are proud to announce the long-awaited return of...", etc.?

    I never really saw it as bitching, it seemed more like a sigh of relief that boards of canada are still active and making music.


    the chilling thing i was thinking about watmm when i was stoned a while ago was that there is a chance some members that just stopped posting might have had a car crash, or an accident, and we would never know. chilling stuff.

    Or somebody on the board is killing them off one by one...


    I have some friends on the internet who i converse with over email. I always thought one of us died, the other would have no idea it happened, nobody to inform them.

  4. yepp, i had my big toes ingrown as well. the dr. took my left nail off completely and i kinda wish he would have done the same to my right for symmetry. the surgery was HORRIBLE, dr. had to stab my toes with a needle and was aiming for the nerves.. i was swearing my head off the whole time

    thats horrible, its like i can almost feel it in my big toes just thinking about it


    Yet another headphone jack has crapped out on me. It hasn't been two years yet for the warranty to expire but I don't think im covered by warranty since i bought it new off of a third party on amazon. Anyone has any experience with the Sennheiser costumer support?


    Anything under 150 i wont bother with costumer support (hell anything under 500), i wont even try to get a replacement, i'll just buy another one or get a better version of whatever broke. I bought like 3 ipod shuffles in like a 4 months period just because i can't be bother.


    By the way im not bragging about money (im kind of poor), i just cant deal with people, i dont want to talk to anyone, i dont want to bother someone with my problem ( i know its their job but i dont want to bother them).


    I like what amazon is doing now, everything is automated, if you want to return something you just check a box and the delivery man will pick it up for you, but even with an automatic system i dont think i would try to return something under 200 dollars, i dont care about money i dont have anymore.


    Don't want to interact with people so just buy a new one. Lol, you are so first world

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