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Everything posted by YO303

  1. And this is the part of the documentary where the narrator says "and this is the dance they did when they worshiped capitalism and the pre-AI electronics" context: Opening of a microsoft store is AUSTRALIA MATE!!!!
  2. Come to Daddy is about a stalker no? maybe he can do Come To Daddy 2 this time is Jessica Cortes
  3. I get it the guy made you laugh once with his stuff but this does not justify murder sorry i cannot forgive what has he done? out of the loop here fuck this asshole scumbag murderer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vzhza1V9oBU
  4. typical teen fanboy, keep making excuses for this monster, there is no excuse for what he has done, not even in the name of comedy.
  5. Just saw the news, Sam Hyde what an asshole cant beleive i laughed at his stuff, i take it all back, i unlaugh.
  6. The first question " are you confortable with the women in your life wearing leggings" what the fuck is this shit 1950's tv, asking the bread winner if his property is dressed properly to go out in public. I mean its not as bad as saudi arabia but i think its because over here its frowned upon, if these men had the green light "their" women would be wearing burkas too.
  7. i have never seen anything like this before (other than in the mirror)
  8. -- meant to post this on the dank meme thread but i guess it belongs i this thread too -- so i guess this is really hapening out there, i think what they are saying is that pepe is a real person love the blond saying "people are so vicious"
  9. I owned all of those albums except MHTRTC and Quaristice, slipknot at one point was my favorite band, was gonna get a tatoo of the logo but then the tatoo artists say to me "no way you are 14"
  10. i want to know whats the catch, those men dont look trustworthy at all.
  11. I don't know man, when I just had lights cars just ignored me, almost got run over a few times, but now cars see me from a distance cause you look radioactive with those safety things on, drivers pay more attention to you. If having lights is the law where you live just ignore me my safety shirt is just useless advise them
  12. I just use a safety t shirt, its better than any light, cars really pay attention to you I found
  13. ^ it's from the lucky charming contest being discussed in the posts above it
  14. people are actually doing this (some people are using their kids, sayingh stuff like oh i want to give this to my kid as a christmas gift), my favorite so far...
  15. Sam Allardyce has a new book
  16. Condesending and eldery abuse, the world has gone too far.
  17. garbage man so its your typical new jersey blue collar faggot this nigger that mexicans and the other but instead of everybody beng this way only the two bosses (father and son) are like this, everyone else is really friendly and nice. My dream job (other than my actual dream) is to work in animal care or around nature like a park ranger or something like that so ill looks for those kind of jobs no matter what, enough with the bullshit (hopefully)
  18. Hahah yes that who I was thinking , just a bit older and Italian and brags about fucking the elderly secretary (no joke) lol
  19. I also dont want to be mirserable for the benefit of everybody else, its started to show on my face,my mom asked me if i was depressed, that was a game changer, i have a little brother and i know this shit sticks (meaning if you are down you can bring evryone selse with you)half my family are a bunch of miserables fucks and everybody else just have to live with that cause love i guess but i dont want to become THAT guy,i want my brother to look at my face and see someone who happy with life and that shit get better and all that. We have zero role models and right now im starting to see the effects of that and i just dont want anyone i love to end up misersable,
  20. A little update, just entered panic mode right now, i know there is no way this will end well so i started looking for a new job but then i realised FUCK THIS SHIT, this is what my life is gonna be hopping from unskilled job to unskilled job hating every minute of it waking up every morning saying today is gonna be different then two years later its all the same, what the fuck man, this is trutly an insane way of living , my time is running out, there is so much a man can take and im a pussy so my treshhold is very low, wonder what happens when one reaches boiling point, i like to think i have all the senses with me and nothing bad will happen but i dont know, i dont want to go crazy, i refuse to be beaten but fuck man im walking on a wire.
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