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Posts posted by YO303

  1. Yes but those type of people they alwayd find excuses and scapegoats and this firing hes gonna blame it on someone else, what you need to do is sit this animal down snd teach him how to live in the 21st century, treat him like a caveman who was frozen in an iceberg but dont feed his anger



    i'm not done learning things via eHow:



    only 84 views, get into it before it goes viral, for hipster cred



    who is this for? aliens? i bet that stylization is engraved in our dna, any person who lived between 1 bce and now knows how to draw that/knows what it represents pretty much straight out of the box

  3. Love that intro: "he is banned from his country, he lost his medical license,nobody in his field respects him and he is forever shunned from the scientific community now you gotta listen to him for 1 and a half hour and hopefully you'll ignore all that shit i just said about him being one of the worst scientists out there"


    let's all agree to no longer post/discuss his non-music related links and 'beliefs' anymore

    or at least make a different thread for that stuff, the same way he should be separating his conspiracy stuff from his music (imo)


    I mean what's the point of embedding an anti-vax vid on the metadata of the track?

    What do we need ? A safe space


    When do we need it? NOW!




    Also tri, nothing you post here is related to the soundcloud dump so fuck off with your demands who do you think you are lol

  5. You can channel the weed high in a positive way by exciting yourself (before smoking) about something you want to do and hold that thought in your mind while you smoke then when the stuff hits you the excitement for the thing you want to do is magnified, so for example if you want to make music but for some reason are not feeling it you can use this method and it works.


    I found this method out by motivating myself to bindge watch a tv show, of course this is a shit way to use this power but i had to find out somehow.



    You can channel the weed high in a positive way by exciting yourself




  6. some of this stuff is gold, El-Hadji Diouf stories




    fucjing lol




    Carragher, who knew a few players at Liverpool, reflected that he had never met one “who seemed to care less about winning or losing”. He relates the story of the FA Cup defeat at Portsmouth in 2004, which effectively sealed Houllier’s fate. Michael Owen, who had missed a penalty, was in a state of desolation at Melwood the following day. Diouf drove in with rave music blaring out of his car and “danced across the car park” into the building. “You’d think we’d won the Cup, the way he carried on. His attitude disgusted me,” Carragher wrote.


    bonus lol



  7. The worst part about it is that i know that truth, yes the town is 70% hispanic and that reflects on the store and the faces you see everyday but crime is below state average, the town is very clean and you never feel unsafe, the people here are mostly zombies who just work and work all day, so what is the problem? i cannot say for sure and ill give them the benefit of the doubt and not call them racist or xenophobic maybe they feel like the town they used to live in is gone now and that is making them angry.

  8. merry x-mas, local government passed some municipal ID law and this is the overall online response (town is 70% hispanic)




    "Well Mary Dunn, I think this is damn awful!!!! Another politician, not representing the legal residents, but feeling the need to kiss the butts of these ILLEGAL ALIEN TRASH! Dover has become one of the most disgusting towns in the area! It is dirty, smelly and overrun! My daughter is a junior in dover High school and we cannot wait for the day when she is finally out of there. you go to Shoprite and you feel like you're a visitor in your own country! Mayor Dodd you are a TRAITOR and should have never been re elected but we all know how that came about! I give Dover about another 2 years to become a Newark or Paterson!"



    listen i dont care that much i try to live my own little private life without interfering in other people business but now agter reading some of the comments left by my fellow town residents its gonna be kind of weird walking around town knowing some people think you are TRASH just cause of your origin or because my parents decided to immigrate to this country when i had no say on the matter. I dont take it as a personal offence but how the fuck are we suppose to interact now lol


    anyways some of my favorites




    This is ridiculous... illegal aliens are being catered to. Trump is right!




    I believe that the State should issue all non documented democrats a one time, one year driver's license so they can drive back out of the country.



    Effective Immediately! Attention: All businesses and municipal officials. Take Notice.

    I will no longer shop in or do business with any municipality that does not respect United States immigration laws.

    I encourage all law-abiding United States citizens to do the same.

    Legal Immigrants - Welcome

    Illegal Aliens - GO HOME

    Most citizens of this great country are legal immigrants or descendants of legal immigrants.

    Legal immigration is the life blood of this country.

    Illegal immigration will be its demise.



    Whatever the underlying mechanisms and associated benefits of the phenomenon and notwithstanding the complex relationship between emotion and consciousness, the fact that the fish used in this study are capable of SIH, or emotional fever, means that the absence of this ability cannot be used to argue for a lack of consciousness in this taxonomic group, as proposed by Cabanac et al. [22]. As discussed above, there is a growing body of information from other sources (reviewed by [57]) that at least some of the brain mechanisms involved with feeling and emotion in mammals are conserved vertebrate features, that the responses of fishes to noxious stimuli are complex and include a motivational/attentional component and that fishes have well-developed learning capacities and show complex behaviour. Our results add to the emerging picture of fishes as behaviourally complex animals that may well be sentient and conscious to an extent at least. They therefore have important implications both for how the welfare of fishes is conceptualized and protected and for our understanding of the evolution of emotions and consciousness in vertebrates.



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