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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. https://milliontokenwebsite.com/


    MillionTokenWebsite (MTW) is the Internet's canvas – a 1000 by 1000 pixel grid for sale on the Ethereum network with each 5x5 pixel plot as its own Non Fungible Token (NFT), stored on the Ethereum blockchain. Think of it as a new and improved version of the 2005 website, Million Dollar Homepage.

    Landowners are able to draw or upload an image to their plots, link out to any website, and resell their land on the open market. We welcome artists, advertisers and internet enthusiasts to Million Token Website.


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  2. 51NHFWIwmdL._SY445_.jpg 

    didn't realize how cheesy and silly this is. there is even a scene where michael is getting pulled over and kitt is "self driving" then kitt tells michael to act like there is something wrong with his neck and he's deaf, and when the cops are telling him they've been trying to pull him over for a minute he responds "sorry, but you're going to have to speak louder. i'm deaf". there is also a running gag of a cheech and chong duo of car thieves always trying to break into kitt and failing but constantly planning to do it again at a later period. 

    despite the idea of having a tesla in the 80s, this is just bumbling television at it's worst. even the michael knight story was unbelievable and hokey, but i hadn't watched it since i was a kid.

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  3. What do they mean by Anglo-Saxon Architectural Style?
    Because if I do a Wiki search I get this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Saxon_architecture
    I can't imagine that's what they're after.
    I'm sure they actually mean to refer to Modern Stripped Neo-Classical Architecture, right?

    supposedly that was just a rough draft from someone else who is most definitely NOT her

    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) said Saturday a document full of incendiary nativist rhetoric meant to promote a potential America First Caucus was a "draft proposal from an outside group that I hadn’t read."


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  4. 7 minutes ago, tbf said:

    yes, good editing keeps you on track, so it has the power to slip you into one track, if that's the intention. I mean, in a docu about conspiracies, you're constantly aiming to crack the code, so I, for example, was left with 2 questions, one that the editing simply veered away from and the other as a projection of the paranoia the subject instates. the former was, if at one point someone took over, and the director made sure to keep the eyes on Ron as the "second" Q, then who first started on 4chan? the AI analyses got me curious, and that seemed to have little to no importance along those 6hs of plot bluid up. which takes me to the second question I was left with. the series focus a lot on the relationship between actors, and rightfully so, but that means that with such constant manipulation of facts and appearances, the very internal 8chan drama could just as easily been staged. maybe even fred was playing a role up until whatever point

    i think (maybe i read an article and the doc hints at this) but in the beginning i believe the Q account was under control by both jim & ron. when it became a little more "serious", i think ron took it over because he was more tech savy than his father and changed the name from 'Q Clearance Patriot' to simply 'Q'. at the very least, both ron and jim had some "control" over the narrative q was feeding to qdrop investigators. 

    what's interesting here is the banality of the "conspiracy". because it has had such a wide reach, one comes to expect a better executed operation (as hinted to the italian book by the luther blissett collective).

  5. 2 hours ago, tbf said:

    did any of you watch Q: Into the Storm? it's as far as I've gone regarding this subject, and although very entertaining I'd like to know how accurate it is. the editing is pretty damn good, and I hate how misleading that can be

    yes. loved it. i think the editing which is "pretty damn good" might give the illusion of being misleading mainly because it omits and only skirts the disorder that was 8chan/8kun by trying to confine it into a linear narrative. 

    btw: frankspeech has failed to launch


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  6. real question: could they find a way to create a currency out of the act of planting trees or something like that? do altcoins neccessarily need to come into existence by way of massive cpu energy expenditure?
    there is one, but currently in its infancy and more about trees you smoke for medical purposes.

    "What [investors] do is they buy the coin and as it gets utilied by the pharmaceutical industry, or, maybe one day, it might be even be by law that you have to buy it through this. For the people that bought that coin, the demand goes up that that coin goes up.

    "As of 2022, my company is the largest producer of medical marijuana in the world. If I was to force all of my customers, from your pharmaceutical people down to your Joe Bloggs, to use my cryptocurrency, for example. This coin will go through the roof. And eventually, the coin would be a marijuana-backed coin.

    "At the minute the service that it does is very medical. Obviously, the reason that I bought into the company is because yes, I want to push more to the medical marijuana."

    also, maximillian white is an investor so you know its going to be lit



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