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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. 220px-Mortal_Kombat_(2021_film).png

    wow this was incredibly silly- from the ridiculous "convincing" of everyone that has to compete in the tournament to the "outworld" being a barren wasteland with the sole purpose of hosting "fighters" from around the universe (?). this is the kind of film that would've been epic had it come out in the 90s, but with most of the target audience in their mid to late 30s, i can't imagine what they were thinking

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  2. 25 minutes ago, zero said:

    could the technology behind NFT's, or whatever it's called that identifies a digital artifact as the original, not serve some other purpose, like identifying a digital document as the original? like a digital contract or something? I had a discussion with someone recently about NFT's, and we both agreed the concept of paying thousands for some stupid jpeg is ridiculous. but it came up that this sort of technology could be implemented in other avenues. 

    and apologies if this was already discussed in the past 12 pages...I saw this thread again and this came to mind.

    the blockchain is "the technology behind NFT's". an NFT has a unique "digital signature" comprised of the identify of the person/people that minted it (attached to their wallet) as well as the metadata on the NFT (music, JPEG) and "exists" on the blockchain. all this information is shared across thousands of computers (i.e. the blockchain).

    the reason some people pay thousands "for some stupid jpeg" is because they're gambling on the fact that blockchain technology will be similar to the internet in the next few years. so for some (like the 2 guys that paid $28 million for a painting) are doing it to showcase the art in a virtual museum with the idea that there are people that will pay to see it (perhaps in VR?), or in the sandbox

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