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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. @zero it's a bit of all of the above. i talked to a few mutual friends from school, and mostly agree that the situation is delicate due to her propensity to throw around accusations and doxing. she's also part of the IRL community which means she vlogs (almost) 24/7. this means anything i (or anyone else tells/asks/advices) is broadcast to anons. 

    it also made me think of the saying: you are a product of your environment.

    for me, i remember her when she was normal (whatever that means). so there is still a part of me, that doesn't see this current mental situation as being "who she is" rather "something she is experiencing". like knowing someone when they're sober then seeing them when they're drunk later and thinking of it as being a temporary state of inebriation.

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  2. pointless observation #1: could a mod move this post here? i accidentally posted it in the wrong thread. sorry about that

    pointless observation #3: the darkside ransomware operation is having some severe repercussions across the ransomware community

    pointless observation #3: there is a girl i went to high school who i've been following on youtube for a couple of years (more than 10). when she started posting, her videos were simple vlogs: her day, rants, movie reviews etc. then suddenly she began to claim there were people trying to kill her. this progressed from 1 individual to that person and his partner, to about a dozen people. she moved to vegas and began to file lawsuits against all these people. all the suits were dismissed for "lack of evidence". this, to her, was evidence that the "killers" had now conspired with the government. she also hooked up with a mother and daughter team that believed her, became a born again christian and started making videos and cartoons about the conspiracies against her.

    things went quiet for a while- then she started to upload again. turns out those 3 had a falling out, had kicked her out of the house (which resulted in her becoming homeless for a while) and now she was back on the mend. me and a couple of friends sent her help and advice: get out of vegas and go back to your family. she took it and went back to making the vlogs as before.

    about 3 or so months ago, i got a message to check her youtube from one our mutual friends. she had started to make accusations that her father had molested her when she was young. her father had come out to the family some years back that he was gay, and she took this as evidence that all gay people molest children. she doxed her father, his new partner, her mother (who she claims knew about the abuse), and her sister (who she said was never helped her when she confided in her). also, because her father was a democrat, she became a republican. as she put it: democrats were all child molesters.

    yesterday, i was browsing communities.win and i see this fight betwix two qanon theorists over the florida audit. guess who is one of the personalities. it's easy to know it's her because her opsec is non-existent. also, this new community had discovered her videos and began to use this as evidence of how "democratic" lack of morals destroys the american nuclear family. 

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