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Everything posted by Nebraska

  1. it was more the filmmakers themselves who were more about exploiting themes established in psycho and basically taking things over the top (with their own sense of morbid humor). and i think amer works best if you know nothing (or very little) about giallo itself otherwise it's basically a really bad attempt at giallo these are some of the classics http://youtu.be/XI2Ajn2SWFg
  2. i really disliked amer. it tried too hard to achieve an artsy take on films that were against artsy films
  3. yeah, i'm not sure what the hell happened to the writers but this season felt like they completely half assed everything- from the ukranian mob storyline that was just meant to waste a few episodes to quinn's completely forgotten storyline. even masuka seems to have been underwritten. another problem for me was the maria storyline. it just felt a little too much deux ex machina with how that conclusion happened. at this point, dexter can do no wrong since anyone that even slightly begins to question him is eliminated since it's just better for everyone to be a puppet and continue with their near maniacal loyalty to him and his sister.
  4. this dude max renn (james woods) views an illegal satellite broadcast show that's basically snuff film and starts hallucinating major before things go completely bonkers. cronenberg gets 10 points just for including deborah harry in all her 80s glory (yum yum)
  5. this is exactly how i felt. remarkably, they're making part 2 because the first was so successful
  6. i was coming here to post this. definitely the most thugged out christmas version of any song i've heard
  7. excellent film and basically a clinic in technical know-how and editing, but the story dragged just a little bit. 8/10
  8. i totally agree with this- i myself thought it was kinda interesting in that the "artists" doing vaporwave are (in their own way) doing exactly what most of the hauntology guys are doing except their source of inspiration is different as well as their method. in a way, what vaporwave is doing is somewhat pointless because they don't manipulate or recreate the music they sample in any way, and because it's in most cases library music from the mid 80s, it would just be easier if you enjoy the sound to get the actual music they "sampling". what i really like about this genre is the idea- this tv/video sound that's stuck in the past. what i don't like is the kwality of the sound which (i suppose) is meant to sound like that to drive that 2nd generation video/tv broadcast idea home
  9. a great exercise in recreating the sort of home video one would've come across after mining the salvation army (or any second hand shop for that matter) vhs section.
  10. i think the people making this muzik made this exact comment as soon as they saw the people making witch-house quitting their day jobs
  11. have you guys heard of this (new?) genre? basically, sound files from 80s television or cd roms featuring both library or soft jazz elevator muzik with minimal cut & paste, loop or mash up edits packaged as cassette tapes. http://youtu.be/os8J-EBPVk0 http://beerontherug.bandcamp.com/ http://newdreamsltd.tumblr.com/ http://vektroid.tumblr.com/ anyone wanna make an album of this stuff? i feel like i can be the new mozart of this genre
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujPBA2HKPus
  13. members of an extreme palestinian terrorist group (black september) kidnap members of the jewish olympic team during the 1972 olympics in munich. it's a documentary and it's actually very good. 8/10
  14. a stupid and badly cast film that tries hard to have a good moral but is misses the mark by throwing around too many jokes and corny musical numbers 2/10 directed by one half of the duo that did blair witch- so of course he cannot res ist some shaky camera moments and, of course, he completely forgot to have a story (or a point) for this mess 0/10 a fun little movie from robert rodriguez that takes advantage of the exploitation genre to deliver as many verbal shocks and bloody violence as it can cram into 1.5 hours. 5/10
  15. part of the hefeweizen winter variety pack for their pyramid brand. a smooth and sweet stout with a mixture of coffee, black licorice and dark chocolate tastes.
  16. ^^ i'm curious about that film having watched leos carax's previous film pola x and enjoyed it
  17. excellent documentary about the moral panic brought about by a slew of films with the ability to corrupt the general public. if you lived in the u.k in the 80s, this will bring back fond memories
  18. Nebraska

    Now Reading

    kinda cool book. 3rd time reading it. basically, a bunch of humans are sent to this dyson sphere shaped like a helix to look for a new planet for humans to exist on- then they come across the star wars type universe without "the force"
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