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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. ^^^ tried watching this too and turned it off a few minutes into the film (when the girl goes into the VR cabin). had no interest in what was happening


    this film is the result of a group of people having a lot of booze and going to the philippines to try and make a film. the result is basically a smorgasbord of zombies, kung fu, gilligan's island and virgin sacrifices- all while partying aboard a boat. 


    classic race film about a juke joint owner who tries to implicate a pastor with 3 dames so his business can thrive. things go array when his mother seeks divine intervention and dude gets a glimpse of hell. lesson learned!


    • Haha 1
  2. Galaxy-express-999-1979-poster.jpg

    this is one of the wildest anime films i've seen. it's like a mythological tale set in the ulysses 31 universe with a little oedipus complex for good measure. 
    the world that conceived of this kind of dream, does not exist anymore and that in itself, already makes this a curious artifact. 

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  3. 91lx9CIMHqL._SY445_.jpg

    this film was so stupid it inversely turned surreal. the rachels are these girls (on the cover) called rachel (or the rachels) who sort of identify as a solitary group. when one of them is outcast, and the other decides to be seen as an individual- it sends the third into a downward spiral of madness. 

    the budget must have been extremely low (there is 1 teach in the entire school and about 8 students?) - and despite the plot (maybe?) seeming interesting, it's filmed incompetently and acted terribly which renders the finished product a hallucinatory assault on the mind. 

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