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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. Ministry_of_Evil_The_Twisted_Cult_of_Ton

    this was fascinating. it's like every cliche of being in a cult wrapped into one long story.

    there is one particularly interesting part where the leader (big tony himself) tells his acolytes to slap the bejesus out of this kid, and each member, afraid that he would mention this transgression to God, decided to put in extra effort in the slap. by the time the third person was getting his slap in, the kids entire head was numb, she had a ringing in her ear and was completely disorientated. it was supposed to go down about 12 or so times, but barely got to the 6th guy

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  2. 9 hours ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

     I suppose there are quite a few in that category, all inspiring one another.  What a time to be alive (until the cringeman cometh).

    the first time i became aware of these TFL guys was when i read george sodini's diary & manifesto. unlike the other (two) loners, this guy was in his late 40s, yet seemed to have a very juvenile mentality- spending most days trying to guess how often his neighbors and fellow gym members were getting laid, and especially getting so pissed off when he saw "hotties" visiting another neighbors' son and realizing that guy was "getting more action" than he had in his entire life.

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  3. 238459.png


    The Universal Veil is a duo comprised of Sam McLoughlin (Twisted Nerve/Pre-Cert Home Entertainment) and Folklore Tapes head honcho David Chatton Barker. Their improvised live performances with their own handmade "ritual instruments" are by turns meditative, trancelike, joyous and surreal. Helios/Hind is a fascinating sonic artifact which unearths lo-fi cassette recordings from several years of past performances and weaves them together into a new whole, using an array of esoteric processes. It is possessed by the same spirit of mystery and discovery that is present at their live shows, where unusual sounds are spontaneously generated, recycled and transmuted into a deeply strange, magical and psychedelic soundscape which at times feels like it has a life of its own. Helios/Hind is limited to 231 hand-numbered copies and was pressed at Vinyl Factory, UK. The record is housed in a Manilla die-cut sleeve with a sun scorched sigil branded on the reverse and packaged with an insert pamphlet with triangulation notes.



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  4. PSTHN5X.png

    ever wanted to have part ownership of the copyright to jay z's reasonable doubt record? dame dash doesn't want it anymore and since he only owns ⅓ of roc-a-fella, he's "auctioning his ⅓ interest in Roc-A-Fella Inc. which owns Reasonable Doubt, Jay-Z’s first album" and he accepts nothing less than $10m




  5. 5e5cd251e9fd76a0c0e60a86-large.jpg?cache

    had no idea this was even coming out yesterday, but decided to check it out because of all the hoopla surrounding the showrunner

    firstly: most of the voice casting doesn't work. the guy playing adam doesn't sound convinced he knows what's going on, and lena headey (playing evil-lyn) doesn't sound convincing. sarah michelle gellar is the most beautiful woman in the world so no complaints there.

    second complaint is exactly what everyone is complaining about. according to kevin smith, this is based off the early 2000 cartoon because the one that anyone thinks of is owned by filmation. so anyone going into this without knowing that might be in some serious disappointment. 

    • Sad 1
    • Facepalm 1
  6. 4 hours ago, ignatius said:

    They’re not on the left. Very conservative. Just not trumptards. But, yeah, there are plenty of lefty hippie essential oil types who are anti vaccine.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    desantis just went to "the other side"


    • Facepalm 1
  7. On 7/20/2021 at 8:33 AM, Joyrex said:

    One of my personal theories/musings is that UFOs (or UAP) are not 'ships' in the sense of having occupants, but what if the 'ships' themselves ARE the beings/organisms? It would explain why some are observed changing shape or some having non-metallic surfaces.

    Another idea i've had is that they are not traditional vehicles that travel in space per se, but are actually intradimensional vehicles, which would explain how they can defy our physics and seemingly appear/disappear at will.

    one of my friends and i hypothesized that UFO's could be probes or unmanned spacecrafts - similar to how we sent the juno probe to jupiter or perseverance rover to mars.

    when we think of aliens, we suspect they may be carbon based bipedal lifeforms, but what if they are not, and see things beyond our own visual spectrum. so UFOs could be invisible or visible (to us) depending on a number of factors. 


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