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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. On 7/10/2021 at 1:49 PM, dr lopez said:

    how can people not get "hollywood" lol. it's not about plot. not all movies are about plot. It is an incredibly sophisticated film on nearly every level, much more so than basically anything shown in theaters in the last 5 or 10 years. Such a shame that people don't seem to want to even try and understand it.

    hope you don't mind if i comment on this:

    i somewhat agree but also disagree.  i think tarantino has "incredibly sophisticated" films mainly because he chooses to concentrate on the "what else was happening" angle in any story: eg in ouatia, he focuses on the lives of a washed up actor and his stunt double during the tate & labianca murders. in the hateful 8, he focuses on the happenings in small store after the civil war. something about his treatment always feels like there is a bigger picture rather than what he showed (especially with pulp & dogs).

    where i disagree is his dialogue. every character basically sounds like tarantino. as an example- in this film there is a scene where roger dalton is between takes, and one of the other actors (a little girl) begins to give him some encourage. she's as long winded as any other character in his film, as is rick later when he and cliff booth are arguing about the actors in a tv show. 

    the dialogue is always interesting and very strongly opined which makes it a little easier to ignore, but it's such a strong voice that i feel like it hampers some most of his films to cross over to "anything shown in theaters in the last 5 or 10 years."



    this was great, and also, quite "eye opening"


    typical made-for-tv based on true events" film that (i'm suspecting) was an attempt to get henson a best actress nomination, but she's trying overdoing it. also the switch for CP feels as realistic as the one for danny vinyard in AHX

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  2. On 7/8/2021 at 7:12 AM, randomsummer said:

    Oh yeah I'm sure they know this and are betting on it being dismissed.  All they care about is getting people to donate money.

    Easy scam.  Make a big announcement that you're suing these big "socialist", "evil" entities, open up the donation lines, profit, play the victim when the suits are dismissed.


    unfortunately, the communist funded admin doesn't recognize that god gave us "the freedom to speak our minds & express the truth" so big T now needs man-made money to get back the god-given rights

  3. 7 minutes ago, T3551ER said:

    ^ looks interesting. I googled it and then read the first 1/8th of this article that's behind a stupid paywall but the first few paragraphs raise an interesting question which is: what if the same technology was applied retrospectively to things like videos of court testimony (or, I suppose, even prospectively). Seems totally unlikely in the near term... but in the long term? Who knows, we've got fucking Amazon AI firing contract workers at will ....

    that's why concerned "innocent" people have already started working on AI lawyers to circumvent this intrusion to privacy

  4. 38 minutes ago, randomsummer said:

    The only people who will benefit from all those lawsuits are the lawyers.

    here are two previous lawsuits demand letters that, as of current, haven't been won

    i think T's lawyers will also go with a demand letter because they can't claim their first amendment rights are being violated by private companies and this way, he can always argue he "fought big tech" for liberty, justice and the american way.

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