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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. gf is looking everywhere for a bottle of chartreuse but she cant find any =(

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      wonderful lady went to 7 different liquor stores and still couldn't find it. What a doll though

  2. I know lol I was making a funny since he didn't add the dash. Also this.
  3. really hope not this track is not even up to his '90. hits and if this is what we're waiting for fo so many yrs i'd be really disappointed. dont get me wrong, this track is pretty good, but is it really the best bet out of hundreds of others unreleased ones? among the best 12? i hope not flol at judging an aphex twin track based off a shit quality youtube recording what the oh cmon! what is there more to hear really? i hear a bass line, a melody, few pad sounds and pad melodies, a kick, snare, hh, oh ...you think there's much more going on? Yes, have you heard the recording with the tripped out formant vocal effects? There's more going on ok, i'm gonna wait the cd to arrive, listen to it 74 times on my hires system and pm you how bad it is ;) good enough for you? :p oh man, like i play for the other team. i also hope for the best and i wish for this one to be the best album in the known universe Hires?
  4. really hope not this track is not even up to his '90. hits and if this is what we're waiting for fo so many yrs i'd be really disappointed. dont get me wrong, this track is pretty good, but is it really the best bet out of hundreds of others unreleased ones? among the best 12? i hope not flol at judging an aphex twin track based off a shit quality youtube recording what the oh cmon! what is there more to hear really? i hear a bass line, a melody, few pad sounds and pad melodies, a kick, snare, hh, oh ...you think there's much more going on? Yes, have you heard the recording with the tripped out formant vocal effects? There's more going on
  5. really hope not this track is not even up to his '90. hits and if this is what we're waiting for fo so many yrs i'd be really disappointed. dont get me wrong, this track is pretty good, but is it really the best bet out of hundreds of others unreleased ones? among the best 12? i hope not flol at judging an aphex twin track based off a shit quality youtube recording what the edit: I like you xox but that's crazy to do
  6. is it just me or is a lot of that press release alluding to our speculation thread and the imminent thread? the fartist comment is surely alluding to our pages of "I'd buy a new aphex album even if it was 45 minutes of farting noises"???
  7. "during the week before release" doesn't mean a week before release. Release is monday tuesday, they might just ship it on friday the week before lol Point taken. My bad. I hope they don't do that though, that'd be mean =(
  8. "during the week before release" doesn't mean a week before release. Release is monday tuesday, they might just ship it on friday the week before lol
  9. my confirmation doesnt say that? did you go with fedex postag? maybe standard post is shipped before fedex? I went with fed ex. You're probably right, they ship out standard postage a week early to compensate for the shitty slow times? But fed-ex was cheaper for me by a wide margin for some weird reason... probably because the weight weight is low which is what couriers ship by, whereas the post office uses actual weight.
  10. my confirmation doesnt say that?
  11. I hope there isn't a leak...
  12. my brain right now

  13. jesus christ read the thread. intaglio is a method of printmaking where one makes tons of tiny little dents in a piece of metal that absorb the ink which then gets pressed onto a piece of paper to make a print. intaglio prints were used for those french renaissance anatomical prints to give you a sense. somerset velvet radiant white is fancy art paper for prints like this. a casebound print folio means a nice front and back to hold the print. and no you're not getting something unique, well not quite. you're getting 1 of 200 prints from the same piece of metal. so in a way each one is unique because a pair of hands has placed the piece of metal on some paper in 200 slightly different ways. *arts himself out of thread* *comes back in to yell* IF ANYONE ELSE COMPLAINS ABOUT THIS I WILL WHIP EM SILLY but what does it all mean? loolll "rap"
  14. lol somehow fed ex is cheaper than standard post for this.. wtf
  15. Manchester .. meh for me.. For some reason the Metz track fully resonates with me though.
  16. omfglol dleet. I think things must have ramped up with him and his Quebecois lass. Last I heard, he received a very public gift of underwear in the presence of her family at a Christmas. I think the same theory applies to kaini--tough to WATMM with all the great meals and ball gags, etc. One can track vaginal trends pretty easily via posting frequency at WATMM. That said, 'leetr m'boy,...I don't know where that puts folks like you and I a-trololololol. proud sans fem since frevar. /i'm available ladies just don't try to change me, better to get frustrated and be satisfied at the little victories, "omg he's so cute now he shaved a bit once" .. "wow the leaves in the garden have been put in the bin for collection, whatamang, i'm helping him to grow." Hi delete you can have one of my womans if you want them =) My pockets are only so deep
  17. Holy Jesus Tapdancing Christ.... I hope so. Even in the "HQ" live rips, my body has a weird response to that track. I can feel my spine tingle, and it's like I want to emote or cry or some weird shit but it's completely irrational. The chords have a literal physiological effect on me and that is interesting to say the least! Will investigate further but yeah, hope that's on the album lol. It's weird to see sound dictate my emotions lol
  18. Listened to an HQ rip of the "metz" track today. I have one of the strongest physiological responses to that track, probably stronger than any other track even though it's just a live set rip. Anyone else get these types of responses? My body immediately breaks out in goosebumps and my spine gets a weird feeling.... Especially around 2:45 of the live rip. Of course there's no right answer, glad you're enjoying any of the music. I just think "The Tuss" is a natural evolution of the AFX Analord releases, with the Aphex Twin Analord releases (AKA #10) being the closest to his most recent sound...
  19. Well yeah but you're Belgian so.... Sorry OOZE I said it that's rascist lol <3 =) Yek.. ... Yek.. . =( so disappoint at least he didn't say saw ii, there's still hope. true dat =)
  20. Yek you're supposed to help me represent Canada
  21. Yek.. ... Yek.. . =( so disappoint
  22. Well yeah but you're Belgian so.... Sorry OOZE I said it
  23. didn't work for me btw: anyone familiar with this guy? https://soundcloud.com/richrud-d-jomes Hmm how did he know the track names? probably existed as another account but renamed everything recently L mother fucking OL Sounds like Ceephax having a piss tbh... The sound palette and quality seems to be 100% ceephax. Keep in mind all of these guys are friends, so pisstakes are bound to happen....
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