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Everything posted by kloffy

  1. The vocoder throughout this is kind of cheesy, but I love it:
  2. Depends how good the proctologist is, I suppose...
  3. Reminds me of this track I used to listen to a while back (I mainly liked the calm intro, lol): I agree though, the new album sounds pretty cool!
  4. Yeah, they're oldies but goldies (pun intended)... :D Just like these:
  5. I don't know if you're joking, but space is incomprehensibly vast and sending poor people out there to orbit the sun is not clogging space up in any way. The only way shooting poor people into space is an issue at this current order of magnitude is when you clog Earth's orbit, and they're not doing that. Furthermore, the entire purpose of this is for testing reusable rockets, which eliminates poor people on Earth Finally this thread is back on track! The previous page almost made me lose faith...
  6. blumpstore lol he is so relatable, no wonder lower/middle class folks love him, hes one of them! Yep, it's crazy when you hear an interview with a factory worker in rural Mississippi who says he loves Trump because "he gets us". Isn't that who this trashy kitsch is designed to appeal to? What self respecting upper class person would actually buy Trump merchandise?
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jovN0MbKJUA&t=8m50s
  8. Maybe because it would pretty much be the end of the European Union? It plays into the hands of anyone that wants to send Europe back to the middle ages...
  9. He should cancel all subsidies for science and education, the future is in low-skilled, manual labor. There is no way that could be made obsolete. All you need to do is to stop those pesky Mexicans from taking your jrrbs and you'll be in for a new golden age America!
  10. Ha, reminds me of this exclusive footage of the current Obamacare replacement plan:
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